Buff LRFs.


1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

You guys forget that their are more nabs than good players in this game. Buff lrf and nubs quit playing the game. Make recon, even standard recon, with only 3 actives will make nabs suk even more. …

You can also make it 4-5-6 – taking away one actives slot isn’t likely to happen because a given out goody can’t be taken away later ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)



28 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:

*coz it’s needed*

lol -thats good



28 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:

People will leave after little buff to LRFs?

C’mon if someone stayed after dessie/alien implementation and removal of squads they won’t leave now and newbies won’t meet proper lrfs before T4 - if they went through T3 dessie fest, lrf wont chase them away ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)  …

The STEAMCHARTS state that our beloved SC is on all-time low since 2014/2013 after Ellydium strategy … and Destroyer class gave the game an increase in player base… nabs , naturally … 

4 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

TOOOOOO many frigs!

My Ion Emitter is happy  ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”).


Long Range Frigates (or LRFs) do exactly what their description suggests. They have long range special weapons designed to deal damage from far away, and are unique in that these abilities vary depending on whether the LRF is Empire or Jericho. However they are slow and have poor defense, so any enemy that closes with them will make short work of them. All LRFs are slow, fragile and difficult to move in to position. The disintegrator has the potential to do much more damage, but requires line of sight with the target and is easily traced back to its source, so is easy to hide from. Guided torpedoes do considerably lower damage over time, though they can do it with an area of effect, and can steer around corners, but the torpedo is almost completely neutralised by Guard frigates. Unlike other Frigates, LRFs are equipped with 6 turrets and often have multiple CPU slots to boost dmg further, so their damage with conventional weapons is quite high and it is possible to be very effective at mid range just with regular weapons, going into brawl should be avoided though… The Empire produce LRFs armed with disintegrators, while Jericho produce LRFs armed with guided torpedoes. The EmpireWardens and Jericho Raid offer Mk 3 LRF modules.

What do you want to buff?

21 minutes ago, AKmatiAK said:

What do you want to buff?



22 minutes ago, AKmatiAK said:

Long Range Frigates (or LRFs) do exactly what their description suggests.

No, they don’t.

  • JLRF torp’s dps is a joke above 2km range.
  • ELRF has 12km range but end of effective usage is around 8-8,5km.
  • Positrons with acceptable dmg are up to 5km.
  • In T5 5km is medium range.

Long Range is out of question for JLRF and ELRF is extremely vulnerable to dessies (most dessies I see lately have 6km+ weapon and some modules with more than that) and aliens thanks to jump.


so yeah LRFs are useless at long range, all LRF can do is cloak and try to med-range while praying there is no recon with locators around which there is one in every other game.

16 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:


Lol… hull, dmg, speed…?

2 minutes ago, AKmatiAK said:

Lol… hull, dmg, speed…?


On 21.07.2017 at 9:30 AM, Tillowaty said:

Make it

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania stronger faster


No amount of buffing will ever be enough now that Tai’Kin is a thing. It has literally broken the game which is why I decided to learn how to use it or get left behind.

Question to the developers - why you don’t just make additional device for gs which give you everything +50% and let we play our favourite ships?

3 minutes ago, AKmatiAK said:

Question to the developers - why you don’t just make additional device for gs which give you everything +50% and let we play our favourite ships?

Don’t you think maybe a better place for this would be:


18 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Don’t you think maybe a better place for this would be:


It’s a bit suggestion, I post it in suggestions and I make poll.

Make lrf op again! 

Oh wait, I don’t care. 

Playin’ pugb nonstop atm. 

Cya loosers <3

33 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Make lrf open again! 

Oh wait, I don’t care. 

Playin’ pugb nonstop atm. 

Cya loosers <3


2 minutes ago, xKostyan said:


