Bring back Cheerleader title!

Cheerleader title is way better and more positive than Underachiever!


Bring it back!



I must support this. +1



I Wholeheartedly Agree 

You can ask, but don’t expect to receive.

It’s the Star Conflict way.


+1 = 4

Cheerleader does sound better, but the problem was how the title was given - for essentially breaking the game’s rules and refusing to deal damage to the opposing team.

Cheerleader does sound better, but the problem was how the title was given - for essentially breaking the game’s rules and refusing to deal damage to the opposing team.

Yea… coz devs are SPECIAL and didn’t realise that pilots will refuse to deal dmg in one game(during few days event) while they add Title requirement like that “Don’t kill a single enemy in battle during the Knowledge Day event”




btw they changed title few weeks after event.

Cheerleader does sound better, but the problem was how the title was given - for essentially breaking the game’s rules and refusing to deal damage to the opposing team.

It wasn’t breaking the rules, it was being unable to finish a kill.  When the title was awarded, the partial point system with permanent damage assist didn’t exist.


Just call it “Harmless.”


The one that really needs renamed is Xenobiologist.