Bounty hunting

I just got this idea.


When an ennemy is too strong, and enter in a killing spree, killing for example 5 allies, I imagine a voice telling us : “This pilot is so strong, I offer a bounty for his head!” .


And then, appear near his ship the reward and this words “bounty” or something like that". The one who kill him would receive some extra credit.


It could be fun, attractive, and heal the team who are loosing to work together against one strong player.

For good player, it will means they have to play carefully if they are too good.


Hope u enjoy this idea.

Cheers !

i like this idea for arcade only, get a 3 kill streak and your worth +50% lions/xp when killed :slight_smile:

i like this idea for arcade only, get a 3 kill streak and your worth +50% lions/xp when killed :slight_smile:

This is the wrong forum:)

but their idea isnt that bad… medal for stopping chain killer maybe?

I think there is a medal already. 


But there is no money, no bounty with.

That’s why I think there should be a bounty.

Bounty hunting would be a good idea if open world is introduced in the game

This idea sounds fun, I’m up for it. Also I would love it if we got open world like someone just said, and there is the pacifist medal for stopping a streak. It looks like one of those hippie peace things, the circle with the lines in it.

Or the person that stops lets say a 5 kill streak gets 500 Points.

This could easily be exploited, especially since corp members often end up on different sides.

Stuff like this does make pvp just a little more fun but i think a downside to it would be so and so many teammates would just try to go for the bounty rather than the objective but i would like it to be implemented.