Bots: Target the "All eyes" marked enemy

Just a suggestion to have the movement of bots influenced by the “all eyes” ability, which would be particularly useful if you are the only human player. You could have the bots go to one beacon, or target one enemy, etc.


With multiple players, there could be some AI processing to determine which enemy to target if two players keep doing “all eyes” on two different targets. Maybe the closest AI responds to the first input, etc.

Yeah, this would be a good idea. 

Maybe a bot would capture a bomb in detonation!  Maybe you could train them to plant as well?

Bot training time! We could have pets guys! :smiley:

Go fetch, boy!

But sometimes I ping incorrectly when there’s a cluster of ships around a beacon. 

But sometimes I ping incorrectly when there’s a cluster of ships around a beacon. 

That will give you pets with multitasking abilities!


And as he says, it’s ANNOYING when you wanna ping something and the target near it gets pinged instead…

if the servers keep detailed logs on game play


the bots should try and reproduce the actions of real players in those same maps



I know… Im dreaming

I’d just settle for Bots that don’t sit on a Beacon and watch as you get shot to xxxx 2,000m away from them.

I would like to be put in a game that doesn’t involve bots…

Unless it’s like a 10v10 and it’s one bot.  It’s bad when it’s 3v3 and you have to tell your captain to stay close to the bot…sad indeed.

…the bots should try and reproduce…

+100000000000 for that :smiley:

Just a suggestion to have the movement of bots influenced by the “all eyes” ability, which would be particularly useful if you are the only human player. You could have the bots go to one beacon, or target one enemy, etc.


With multiple players, there could be some AI processing to determine which enemy to target if two players keep doing “all eyes” on two different targets. Maybe the closest AI responds to the first input, etc.

I like this idea

good idea +1