borken tournement q

during the 2nd tournement of 26-7-2015 we only got 1 out of 3 battels

we warent the only team thare ware a lot of other teams that warent able to get in to a battle

our group isent happie about this since the preformence of the servers have been bad laitly


we request u aither fix the servers or compensate for the players loses

(screenshots are availeble if requred but im pritty sure the logs should be enopf to prove a lot of teams dident get in)

during the 2nd tournement of 26-7-2015 we only got 1 out of 3 battels

we warent the only team thare ware a lot of other teams that warent able to get in to a battle

our group isent happie about this since the preformence of the servers have been bad laitly


we request u aither fix the servers or compensate for the players loses

(screenshots are availeble if requred but im pritty sure the logs should be enopf to prove a lot of teams dident get in)

Please attach the logs.

Same problem, was extremely annoying.



Game Log Log


Chat Log

My group of 7 had the same problem. We got the name “Veterans” in the tournament. Played and won the first stage, but the 2nd and 3rd stage got bugged. At the end of the tournament, we received the notification that we got 50 galactic standards however our total was not updated. I’ve got a screenshot of it if required. Not sure how to get the log though. In the general chat, I recall at least 5 other groups had the same problem.



Whole or most of DNO/ESB Wing was waiting for a T3 Tournament Cup match.

1st and 2nd round was only the countdown and we couldn’t enter the battle.

3rd round we got a match and we won, but in the process we only got 50GS instead of all possible 250GS.



I recommend that all players, which were involved in this, are compensated, or at least those, who can prove that with logs and screenshots here, in this thread.


1 out of 3 won battles:       50GS total (won) - our case

2 out of 3 won battles:   100GS total (not able to play or participate)

3 out of 3 won battles:   250GS total (not able to play or participate)



I request a compensation of missing 200GS , because the services were not available and fully provided in time, as promised. It is clear that this issue isn’t my/our fault.

Whether those matches would be won or lost, it is irrelevant and full compensation is in effect. My nickname is Koromac.

In either case, I hope that my request gets granted, which means that you do care about customers, since I have provided all the necessary evidence here.





Screenshot: 3rd match - won



Note: By providing logs and participation proof, I request that all affected parties are compensated for the missing matches ( 200GS ) as well.

LuX Squad had the same problem. (only 2nd round was playable and a win)

Pic of something

Related, also video from darkrealmrequiem (BEAST)


This is a server issue, not just a client issue.



This is a server issue, not just a client issue.


It’s not a client issue at all. I’m pretty sure the reason that there has been so many server issues lately is the fact that there hasn’t been a patch in a long time (3+ weeks or something), which means the servers haven’t been reset in that long. So they are probably getting bogged down because of that.

Thanks for the info, guys. We investigate the problem. Please report here if you see it happen again during this week.

Thanks for the info, guys. We investigate the problem. Please report here if you see it happen again during this week.

Yes. No problem. Investigate!

I still want to be compensated, though!

I am not asking for much. I just want my (200 GS) reward, or at least half of that (100 GS), because your service failed to provide me with an opportunity to get it. I lost time, as did many others.

I already provided all the evidence to the Support Team, but it seems, that they are refusing to even hear GS part, I mentioned. If less than 0,30 EUR cents in GS is too much to give, then let me know, Gaijin!

Bottom point is, that I wasn’t responsible for this issue.

For future support and cooperation, you will, hopefully, reconsider.



Thank you.

We consider all your requests during investigation.



As this is a big issue, not just for tournaments. Also in invasion, PvP and Dreadnought battles, which affects all pilots in the game, i suggest that we should get golden battles as compensation and also have this issue be fixed as soon as possible, it is really annoying if you just waste hours of time staring at your ship and waiting for things to happen.


I don’t want to go against anything, but these server issues became very, very annoying and denies several kinds of rewards as sectors and gold standards in the tournaments. Additional to that we can just spend time in hangar because our ships are stuck in the events.


Travelling in invasion to a far, far point and being close to it, yay. But then you are stuck in the warp gate and you will be resetted to the hangar, time is lost. Again. I know that many of the team are on vacation and that it is actually hard to fix these issues, but at least give us information about the status and when we might expect a fix and hopefully a compensation.


I know that the investigations are being done, just wanted to add this.


With respect,


I agree with OmegaFighter’s post here.

It is the only way, or the compensation.

in the tourney, our wing got one game, the last two games we just watched a timer. the tourney before we only lost 2 players in the middle of the game and they could not reconnect, but were still on ts.

in dread, we managed to get into a sector fight with 2 other parties. we didn’t get the game, neither did they, 3rdparty won sector without lifting a finger.

i don’t say that to investigate or compensate, since that would be hard, so i don’t attach logs, i just want to say, this causes a lot of emotional distress, if you wait half an hour without games, so we would be uber-happy if you guys can fix this.

will report back during week, hopefully.

Normal compensation might be difficult indeed, but golden battles are not that hard to bring in.

I’m not too bothered about compensation, but I do want it fixed. Today preferably.

They’ll probably just give a day premium licence to everyone, like usual with server problems. Compensation on a case by case basis would be impossible due to the high number of people affected.


This game is totally borken

I’m not too bothered about compensation, but I do want it fixed. Today preferably.

They’ll probably just give a day premium licence to everyone, like usual with server problems. Compensation on a case by case basis would be impossible due to the high number of people affected.


This game is totally borken

Only solution are Golden Battles then.


borken tournement q

 in Matchmaker,or.r_cp.&biw=1281&bih=709&dpr=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIl9rn5JP8xgIVy4csCh185Av4



I like the word  :006j: 

I do wonder if the servers need to be reset for maintenance… I mean people are even reporting this on the russian forums too.

I do wonder if the servers need to be reset for maintenance… I mean people are even reporting this on the russian forums too.


Someone said the devs are on holiday.