BOLD Reticle

hi, could you guys take a look @ the option to have a BOLD aiming reticle, the current one sometimes gets lost in the mayhem, thanks…

I support this. I sometimes lose the reticle, specially when piloting a little ship.




My eyesight is not fantastic and a bigger aiming reticle would be very welcome.

We are considering this. Remind me if i don’t answer till Wednesday.

and this please :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks Doom, if you could remind me to remind you, I’d appreciate it…

It may be implemented in one of the next HUD-reworks.

nice, thanks…

Sorry to bump this, but with the visual effects from the Christmas weapons and missiles, I am regularly losing my cross-hair during dogfights.


I’ve scaled my HUD up but it helps only a little.


Considering the cross-hair is probably the most important element of the HUD, just a few more graphical options would be greatly appreciated!!!



Sorry to bump this, but with the visual effects from the Christmas weapons and missiles, I am regularly losing my cross-hair during dogfights.


I’ve scaled my HUD up but it helps only a little.


Considering the cross-hair is probably the most important element of the HUD, just a few more graphical options would be greatly appreciated!!!




 Brightness level of this effect has been already decreased