Blueprints collection bug

Before the update i had every single blueprint from weapons to modules, now 80% of the blueprints you can only collect in Open Space are gone in my workshop. How can I/we/you fix this? It’s a huge amount of blueprints we are talking about, they might got reset perhaps with the update.

9 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Before the update i had every single blueprint from weapons to modules, now 80% of the blueprints you can only collect in Open Space are gone in my workshop. How can I/we/you fix this? It’s a huge amount of blueprints we are talking about, they might got reset perhaps with the update.

try to find a log folder from time frame where you logged in after the patch

provide your ingame name too.

I doubt logs have anything to do with my profiles bps but if someone asks ill provide it i guess, ingame name same as here tho.

player: “My computer rolled back and I lost about 9mil in OS loot.”

devs: “logs plz”


player: “I’ve had this -thing- for two years now and it suddenly vanished. Halp.”

devs: “logs bruh”

Soo none of you have this issue?

I think I do aswell. I thought I had a few alien guns that were unlocked, but now they are locked. However, I am not absolutely certain as it’s been a long time since I took a look at my armory.

Someone on ru has this issue

Somehow i doubt im gonna get a response anytime soon, soo what should i do, logs, screens, im kinda lost here… 

Ok I can fully confirm that something is wrong here. I now no longer have the blueprints for the resonating crystals/ammo. I know for certain I used to have and use those.

No answer still :confused:

This section I have noticed tends to get overlooked…

Reassurance from moderators or developers that things are working as intended or if something is an actual bug is not required.

However that being said, it would be greatly appreciated.

I would just like some pointers, it’s not like my profile possessions are listed in my installation folder or logs, clearly it’s somewhere else but still, i’m waiting for some input on this matter from people who can actually help me.

i have the same bug

I have r15 ‘sk’rah’ laucher unlocked but the r13 and r10 are lock and i need to learn again this blueprints




and i think i lose other blueprint but I don’t remember which.

I have that bug reported, you should do too so we all can get it fixed.

On 20.12.2016 at 11:25 PM, HBZK100 said:

I think I do aswell. I thought I had a few alien guns that were unlocked, but now they are locked. However, I am not absolutely certain as it’s been a long time since I took a look at my armory.

Mee, too. I am uncertain.

But it seems that some older blueprints vanished, only newly acquired ones (winter holidays and new year) are present any longer ???

P.S.: where is this log to be found?


From weapons i miss phase suppressor 12, beam cannon 12, heavy blaster 13, gravi beamer 14, destructor 14, beam cannon 15, kinetic supercharger 12, gauss cannon 13, assault railgun 12 and 15, mass driver 14, scatter gun 14, plasma gun 12 and 15, rf blaster 13, flux phaser 12, eclipse launcher 12, positron cannon 14, phaser 14. Soo you can start here, do you miss any of these?

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

From weapons i miss phase suppressor 12, beam cannon 12, heavy blaster 13, gravi beamer 14, destructor 14, beam cannon 15, kinetic supercharger 12, gauss cannon 13, assault railgun 12 and 15, mass driver 14, scatter gun 14, plasma gun 12 and 15, rf blaster 13, flux phaser 12, eclipse launcher 12, positron cannon 14, phaser 14. Soo you can start here, do you miss any of these?

It seems that everything you build by blueprints you can build again, other unused/strategically spared  blueprints are gone into … oblivion??

 I only still have 6bp :

Beam canon 9, Heavy Blaster 15, Quantum Railgun 12, Coilgun 11, Gauss Canon 15, Boson Canon 12

But these were aquired in Winterholidays.


I  do not know what I miss, but there were more, I remeber, a Halo 15 I believe…

Would be a pitty if they were gone without change to materials at least…

… I guess in the patch about the new “Research System”…











Tell me, did Support actually successfully resolved your issues or not?

Still undergoing.

I do not have a valid claim…