[BLKRS] Order of Black Rose

The Order of the Black Rose, or Order of Black Rose is recruiting.


I’m essentially looking for a good team of pilots who are willing to work together, and cooperate with each other. You don’t need to be amazing, or an awesome player. Friendly and mature, and polite to others is all you need to be.


We have a steam page where all of the Black Rose members may join up, chat, and keep in contact. This page is also available to the other clans from other Games.


-Black Rose Division: World of Tanks

-Black Rose Division: War Thunder


Please comment here, or message me if your interested. <3


Note: A TS server may become available, however at the moment we will be using either skype or Steam.


Steam’s built in VOIP is very good. Works nearly exactly like Teamspeak anyway, and allows several people to talk at once. So it should be more than a viable option.


The WolfPack wish you good luck with your corporation. If there’s anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.


For Teamspeak - Steam’s VOIP honestly is honestly a bit so-so. The quality can be poor at times and many people have issues with connectivity and coming through clearly. I’ve tried it many times for games such as CK2 and Civ V and always ended up reverting to Teamspeak. It ended up more of a hassle than it was worth, really.


We can however potentially help you there - if this is of interest, simply drop me a PM and we can get into further detail. Our Teamspeak server has an enormous amount of spare capacity.

Welcome to the game. NASA sends their well wishes.

good luck and good hunting the Marauders Salute You    



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Welcome from me as well! If you drop me a pm in here or sign up as a Liason on our webpage ( at www.steelmarauders.enjin.com ) we can sort out some training/exhibition games :smiley: Good luck!

Thank you guys. We are still looking for more members!