Black-Hole self-damage

Turn it on plz

There is another way.

While black hole is active, allied and enemy Destroyer modules are temporarily inoperable, while under its negative effects.

So an ECM module with a 2.5km effect radius? No thx.

+1 to this.

suggested self fire long ago

So an ECM module with a 2.5km effect radius? No thx.

The best option would be self-fire then. Really, it’s lame and noobish now.

Also, bot Destroyers would be destroyed by its own Black Hole.

I wanted to do this suggestion myself, thanks fox for having done it for me. 


Yesterday I’ve seen an Antares getting inside its own black hole because it didn’t want to get knifed by my covert ops. I’ve also seen countless times destroyers using the black hole to accelerate themselves…


Also, one other thing: I’ve noticed that they removed the coil mortar self-damage. It wasn’t written in any of the patch notes, if I’m not wrong. Tell me if you also have this issue. 

Also, one other thing: I’ve noticed that they removed the coil mortar self-damage. It wasn’t written in any of the patch notes, if I’m not wrong. Tell me if you also have this issue. 

thats like a year old 1.5 years :D and it has been stated in some of the patch notes, can’t remember. yup, those were the days I’ve flown a guard in murto raid

lol found it, first try I was like oh hey lets start with this patch…




Black hole. Should do self & friendly dmg.

Black hole. Should do self & friendly dmg.

I honestly don’t think pubs will stop spamming them still. I’ve seen some t4 games with 6 (yes, xxxx SIX) black holes… they don’t even care just press the button they even get stuck in their own blackholes a lot


And considering the average destroyer’s survivability, damage would have to considerably higher to even make a difference

I think I’ve read some thread a while ago, where someone has stated that black holes shouldn’t deal damage at all. If used strategically and at the right time, black holes can be op. But making them damage things makes things way worse.


If this wouldn’t be the case of fixing it, then remove the aoe damage and only let the “eye of the black hole” stay. This way beacons will become capturable once again.


Although I don’t think it should deal frinedly damage, only self damage. All the rockets and torpedoes fired by a player which explode close ti him damages and will damage the player, yet it won’t damage allies. Why isn’t this a thing with the destroyers self damage?


This whole black hole thing reinds me of the guard laser… has it been fixed yet? Haven’t seen many guards recently, even less with that laser.

I honestly don’t think pubs will stop spamming them still. I’ve seen some t4 games with 6 (yes, xxxx SIX) black holes… they don’t even care just press the button they even get stuck in their own blackholes a lot


And considering the average destroyer’s survivability, damage would have to considerably higher to even make a difference

It just needs friendly dmg, domination/bhunt suck coz coz of it.



Please, self damage seems to be fair for black hole.

I suppose it’s no different from sitting in your own minefield or facetorping, except that this torp/mine is a massive radius…

I wonder, what will destroyers’ pilots say on this.  I will be glad to see some debates on this one.





I wonder, what will destroyers’ pilots say on this.  I will be glad to see some debates on this one.



I don’t want to sound rude, but most of the people who main destroyers are those people that cannot succeed in the game with the other 3 classes.  I’ve even heard people that want to _buff _them…


So, probably they would be completely against this suggestion. 

I don’t want to sound rude, but most of the people who main destroyers are those people that cannot succeed in the game with the other 3 classes.  I’ve even heard people that want to _buff _them…


So, probably they would be completely against this suggestion. 

just go through the dreadnought contest discuss section… there are plenty

I wonder, what will destroyers’ pilots say on this.  I will be glad to see some debates on this one.


Self-damage OFF = cast it on myself to remove any annoying interceptors and other close orbiting ships (perfect defense)

Self-damage ON   = hit the enemy fridessiballTM (basically what it was intended for - i think, or am i wrong?)

I wonder, what will destroyers’ pilots say on this.  I will be glad to see some debates on this one.

i voted for self fire :smiley: