Biomorph Drone (Active Module)

Name: Biomorph Drone

Available on: Alien ships of rank 3-15, Interceptors of rank 6-15, Gunships of rank 8-15, Frigates/Cruisers of rank 5-15, and all other ships of rank 9-15

Module Type: Multipurpose Module

Rank tiers: 3-6, 6-9, 9-12,12-15.

Module recharge time: 80s



Description: Launches an allied biomorph that will engage enemies and heal the player. +25% damage to Frigates/Cruisers, and +100% bonus damage to destroyers. When not attacking, the drone will simply follow the player and heal itself and the player if needed. Press the active module hotkey, to turn the biomorph drone into a missle, dealing Kinetic damage to enemies in a 350m range.

Allied Biomorph what.

Looks like a super long cooldown Scavenger Drone to me.

it’s cool looking, i don’t see where it belongs though

Proposed changes:


Name: Biomorph Drone

Available on: Alien ships of rank 3-15, Interceptors of rank 6-15, Gunships of rank 8-15, Frigates/Cruisers of