Biography Interviews / Linux talk

Ok jokes are bad if you have to explain them. But I had a solid giggle over making these so it’s a win for me.


So the biographies from these characters are just filled with pretty bland information.


And i thought it would be funny if every character had to commit to their biography and tell sth about themselves with sarcastic language. Ok I ruined and explained it for you now. Enjoy! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

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Ohh that was brilliant xD



Update moved to first post



no siriusly .

why is the text cut off? is slackware limiting gimps’ canvas?


debbie! ian! give this man a neon aptitude repo!


may it wayland him into qtness with an okay desktop environment!

29 minutes ago, g4borg said:

why is the text cut off? is slackware limiting gimps’ canvas?


debbie! ian! give this man a neon aptitude repo!


may it wayland him into qtness with an okay desktop environment!

Then he wouldn’t be able to play Star Conflict anymore (and afailk he is even using windows quite often, his name is only a farce)

Ok time for some slacktivator lore. Bcs I got busted here

4 hours ago, John161 said:

Then he wouldn’t be able to play Star Conflict anymore (and afailk he is even using windows quite often, his name is only a farce)

When Star Conflict sadly became a bad game, I played different other games which only run on windows. Including the F1 games… (new one coming out soon)

Plus I wasn’t able to get nvidia drivers working on my new gaming laptop, and didn’t feel like investing into it only for Star Conflict


Also how did you know I use windows often (It’s 10 btw and it sucks harder than space and I’ve had so many bluescreens and other problems: Like forcing an update while I’m playing a game, launching my ping skyhigh)


4 hours ago, g4borg said:

why is the text cut off? is slackware limiting gimps’ canvas?

Yes newer versions of gimp are too unstable to be included into the distribution, so there are certain limits.


Lol, If i do any shooping and send it on the forum, like animating my current profile pic (2017-5-22), It’s done in gimp on slack.


If star conflict becomes a raw balanced PvP cyber sports-phenomenon again, I might invest into playing it on slackware again. I had a gaming rig with a slackware install solely built to be optimal for Star Conflict gaming. I even had a live russian-english translator reading off the log file.

4 hours ago, g4borg said:

debbie! ian! give this man a neon aptitude repo!


may it wayland him into qtness with an okay desktop environment!

I have tried krita also, and xpaint.


I need source code lol


For work I use Slackware in production as well as on my work laptop. If i use a desktop environment, its xfce or fluxbox


Also this is now a formal written apology for using this name as a farce. If they fix the game, I will switch back to gaming on Slackware when I can. Also windows sux


old footage with a 560 Ti i believe


36 minutes ago, Slacktivator said:

Ok time for some slacktivator lore. Bcs I got busted here

When Star Conflict sadly became a bad game, I played different other games which only run on windows. Including the F1 games… (new one coming out soon)

Aren’t they also available for Linux (at least 2015 is afaik)

39 minutes ago, Slacktivator said:

Plus I wasn’t able to get nvidia drivers working on my new gaming laptop, and didn’t feel like investing into it only for Star Conflict



41 minutes ago, Slacktivator said:

Also how did you know I use windows often (It’s 10 btw and it sucks harder than space and I’ve had so many bluescreens and other problems: Like forcing an update while I’m playing a game, launching my ping skyhigh)

I only knew that u use windows, and yeah I know that windows can be quite troublesome.

43 minutes ago, Slacktivator said:

Also this is now a formal written apology for using this name as a farce. If they fix the game, I will switch back to gaming on Slackware when I can. Also windows sux

So you will never switch back to Slackware for gaming?

46 minutes ago, John161 said:

Aren’t they also available for Linux (at least 2015 is afaik)


So you will never switch back to Slackware for gaming?

Maybe the 2015 was, but not the 2016 and onwards I guess


You’re saying star conflict wont be balanced. Well I assume the devs/owners have souls.

I will switch back to Slackware for gaming if I can get the “job” done that way.


I just gave it another hour. I get the driver to work, and some useful xorg.conf that wants to start X and seems to use the driver and correct display, but X starts with just a black screen and _ in the top left corner… perhaps I’m closer now

Its a laptop with integrated skylake graphics and 965m GTX…


I hate that windows and mac spies so much on users. I like tools and utilities, and they should belong to the owner, no one else. Its spying platforms with OS’es built into them.


And yes a little fakU to nvidia

45 minutes ago, Slacktivator said:

Maybe the 2015 was, but not the 2016 and onwards I guess

Can be, I only know what shows up in my steam library from family sharing.

46 minutes ago, Slacktivator said:

You’re saying star conflict wont be balanced. Well I assume the devs/owners have souls.


I’m not sure about that since their current money making machine are new OP ships that only get balanced if there is a new one.

41 minutes ago, Slacktivator said:

I will switch back to Slackware for gaming if I can get the “job” done that way.


I just gave it another hour. I get the driver to work, and some useful xorg.conf that wants to start X and seems to use the driver and correct display, but X starts with just a black screen and _ in the top left corner… perhaps I’m closer now

Its a laptop with integrated skylake graphics and 965m GTX…

And yes a little fakU to nvidia

I must say my only experience with Nvidia was/is my old laptop, the official Nvidia driver have a nice regression that renders the HDMI port useless (afaik even on windows), so I have to use the floss driver on it (with my new one I just though screw it and got an used lenovo t440s with only a iGpu, only yo notice that the damn docking station doesn’t support hdmi audio with Linux).


ahh interesting.


if you want linux gaming, and you do not use nvidia, you just hurt yourself tho. its the only hardware, where you may even gain some fps, but usually dont lose more than 5 between the same rig with windows… :confused:

but i wouldnt want a gaming laptop anyway.


i have intel since i stopped playing on linux. unfortunately, the intel isnt strong enough for playing SC, but it does run ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) and is strong enough to run the 2d desktop in 3d, which is sooo much better nowadays, than the old 2d stuff.


the hdmi usually is fine nowadays, except the pain it needed until all different multihead solutions got interoperable, so i think it was a more general problem over the years, really. actually i switched to kde neon from buntu, because the kubuntu packages had horrible problems when i disconnected my hdmi last time, and over the years, i just got used to the fact, that sometimes, the drivers come fast into the kernel, but the real pain seems to come from distro setups and especially on laptops, acpi scripts.


i started linux around the millenium, the way has been hard and full of errors.


as for windows - they can spy on me for all i care. all i have there is games, and unity projects. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


oh but dont think, i love kde that much that i have to use all the qt stuff, i am a pragmatist

i mean e.g. krita is awful. to be honest, i love kde for its base toolset, and the settle beauty (while i find fluxbox horribly overartsy kitsch sry, but xfce i also love, and is usually the alternative for me on low spec systems), but neither the koffice nor kdevelop or krita ever made me dance. maybe the fact that kwrite sometimes can edit pdfs. and krita supported my bamboo one. but none of them can be relied to in production except you want to use your time to google bugs. it was painful, but i learned to live with gimps multiwindow setup instead. also it also works on windows well.


kmail and kdenlive however are gorgeous, and while there are for sure a lot of good email clients, no other video cutting software had as many actually working features under linux, as kdenlive. even if also that is buggy as hell.


the slack: cmon it was a joke. i am a grown up guy from the slashdotter generation, gentoo, arch and slackware are distros that of course have my youthful admiration and deepest respect, but i dont have time today anymore for this, i want aptitude and .deb packages. but when i was young, i was masochistic enough to compile even openoffice, and fail on the second day. the disappointment after 2 days was unforgettable. for 2 days when people came into my room, the cool gentoo rig was compiling all over the screen, and they called me neo from the matrix. still in the end, i just installed the binaries ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) grumbling and in silence. i noticed all my old linux buddies nowadays either are fedora or some debian flavor. i find it funny, since some of them hated exactly the distro they ended up using now the longest lol.


kinda miss the good old SuSE vs. mandrake times, every month one of them as CD on some magazine claiming the end of windows…

i was sceptical about buntu, but to be honest, since buntu, i know ppl using linux who cant operate a shell. and in the end, without those ppl also being able to use it, the year of the linux desktop is not arriving ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


what u guys do?

honestly, i think, gnome should replace its text editor for star conflict. what would they want a text editor for anyway.

both projects also seem to have a similar attitude towards their own future and popularity.

Doesn’t Star Conflict run like garbage even on Nvidia (on my And card I get maybe 40% of the framerate as under windows)

If you compare Nvidia vs Amd on Linux you can see that amd made some really huge steps into the right direction (and funnily the floss MESA driver is now more or less the official gaming driver…)


I never really liked KDE but I also never really used it since Manjaro Linux made a great job of delivering I really garbage Live KDE system with some huge performance problems, I’m now using Budgie(I really hope they will make the switch away from the whole gnome stuff soon) on my desktop and Xfce on my Laptop.


HDMI is mostly fine except thinkpad docking stations and AMD cards with the floss driver, Trovalds doesn’t want the whole and audio stuff in the kernel, at least not in its current t state…


The year of the Linux desktop will only arrived if Microsoft would screw windows so much up that it wouldn’t run on any machine anymore. As long as this won’t happen, people will just use what they are used to and what they get directly provided with, namely Windows or Mac machines.



And for Intel: Star conflict runs with cinematic 24fps on my laptop(4th gen i5), so enough for PvE or Open Space

3 hours ago, John161 said:

huge performance problems

back in the days, i had that same argument. i had laptops which clearly were better usable with xfce than any kde. so yeah.

but nowadays, the difference in performance become really negligible, kde actually shrinked its memory footprint. also finally Qt kinda grew up and got a good income foothold in the windows sector.


i am not a fan of kde per se in all regards. some stuff, i really do not like. But I love Qt. i love coding in it, i love the styling mechanism, i love it’s wide accessibility. i whish i could use Qt in unity aswell.


I had a few early mentors, who worked in these areas, so i was biased to kde back then.


I love some projects like clementine, which are not-kde, but use Qt.


kde on itself is kinda like a suite, if your machine is dedicated to specific tasks, i totally understand not using it. but especially for the personal laptop, i think its awesome, especially in those cases, where you are stranded somewhere without internet, and suddenly some trivial media task needs you to read manpages, while the mac or windows guy just clicks around in his gui or starts wizards. kde saves you there usually, as you can bet, there is some setting or tool already installed.


i think by now you either use fedora or kde neon (buntu), all others basicly dropped it, or died from gnomeism.

3 hours ago, John161 said:


never heard of that, but now i can google sth!


Starting with version 11, Budgie will be rewritten in Qt.[2][3][4]

Holy @#!*, now i am interested.

I really appeciate Slackwares core simplicity. It is hard to use because it doesn’t have complicated automated layers. As I said i use it for work. I sometimes need to set up a machine that does one little thing and never fails.


As for KDE. I think its really nice. I like all the GUIs. Fluxbox bcs it doesn’t take much space with the window frames out of the box. And its easy on battery life. XFCE is more productive. I am a pragmatist too. That’s also the reason I still use windows for gaming/non critical stuff.


Yes the linux nvidia drivers come with a huge performance penalty on graphics. The network stack is way more powerful though.


Compiling openoffice lol. I’ve done with the kernel 100’s of times. Chromium takes forever… and even then i just get the precompiled version. Aint nobody got time for dat.



I don’t like ubuntu bcs it has amazon spyware built in now. But any ubuntu spinoff I’m cool with … mint, kubuntu and all the many others now


Opensuse would be a secondary choice for a workstation for me.


I use ubuntustudio for media stuff (video, music recording). It comes loaded with everything.


Anything that uses a lot of power/IO I don’t like… and anything complicated. Like systemd


Slackware is on udevd now.


Also Emacs is the best operating system. I wonder if we can play star conflict on Emacs ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 hour ago, Slacktivator said:

I don’t like ubuntu bcs it has amazon spyware built in now.

Then you live in the past, they have dropped it years ago

1 hour ago, Slacktivator said:

Yes the linux nvidia drivers come with a huge performance penalty on graphics. The network stack is way more powerful though.

Nope, the problems aren’t the driver anymore (mostly) but the games and their sometimes really horrible OpenGL renderer, there is nearly no performance difference if you run the same code on Windows and on Linux.

It is also the same with AMD with only a subtle difference, their Windows OpenGL driver sucks.

1 hour ago, Slacktivator said:

Anything that uses a lot of power/IO I don’t like… and anything complicated. Like systemd


Slackware is on udevd now.

Yeah the amount of distros without systemd are quite rare but there are still enough of them (Gentoo (and alot the Gentoo based stuff), Slackware, Void Linux, Devuan, Manjaro/Arch (optional), Alpine Linux and probably a few other)

1 hour ago, Slacktivator said:


Also Emacs is the best operating system. I wonder if we can play star conflict on Emacs ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


We really have to get the devs to port the game to emacs.