Biography Interviews / Linux talk

10 hours ago, g4borg said:



back in the days, i had that same argument. i had laptops which clearly were better usable with xfce than any kde. so yeah.

but nowadays, the difference in performance become really negligible, kde actually shrinked its memory footprint. also finally Qt kinda grew up and got a good income foothold in the windows sector.


i am not a fan of kde per se in all regards. some stuff, i really do not like. But I love Qt. i love coding in it, i love the styling mechanism, i love it’s wide accessibility. i whish i could use Qt in unity aswell.


I had a few early mentors, who worked in these areas, so i was biased to kde back then.


I love some projects like clementine, which are not-kde, but use Qt.


kde on itself is kinda like a suite, if your machine is dedicated to specific tasks, i totally understand not using it. but especially for the personal laptop, i think its awesome, especially in those cases, where you are stranded somewhere without internet, and suddenly some trivial media task needs you to read manpages, while the mac or windows guy just clicks around in his gui or starts wizards. kde saves you there usually, as you can bet, there is some setting or tool already installed.


i think by now you either use fedora or kde neon (buntu), all others basicly dropped it, or died from gnomeism.


The funny thing is, while a lot of distros ship Gnome I know no one who uses it.


For me Clementine is way yo cluttered with stuff I never need, I used to use Cantata a Qt frontend for mpd and now use Rythmbox


For KDE, I may should try it in the future again, but not now

10 hours ago, g4borg said:

Holy @#!*, now i am interested.

I more hope that this will fix the annoing mouse problems they have inherited from the Gnome stack


Ok thanks for enlightening me on opengl… hmm that makes sense… and the update on Ubuntu. They might not have spyware anymore but they hurt my trust with that and bloated performance.



7 hours ago, John161 said:

We really have to get the devs to port the game to emacs.

Looks like they are ahead of you




On 25.5.2017 at 0:13 AM, Slacktivator said:


i would switch to neon in this case. i used kubuntu even in the years where everybody frowned it, mainly coz i did not want to go back rpm just to have decent kde (fedora), but since the kde team started to build their own distro, i dont see the point in it anymore


On 25.5.2017 at 1:49 AM, John161 said:

For me Clementine is way yo cluttered with stuff I never need, I used to use Cantata a Qt frontend for mpd and now use Rythmbox


holy moly.

i mean i get it if someone says that about amarok… but clementine barely has any functionality! even winamp and xmms did more!

compared to apps like itunes, where 90% of the functionality is totally useless, i find clementine has really useful features. i even used that MakeItSo warpcore emulation whitenoise, which is a wonderful emergency ADD therapy. ![:laugh:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png “:laugh:”)

to me rhytmbox tbh doesnt look that different, except, it basicly has a gtk ui, with its typical wasting-ui-space-feel, which may be subjective, but was my main problem with gtk since forever.

clementine supports online streaming with stuff like spotify, my main reason to use it.


On 25.5.2017 at 1:27 AM, John161 said:

Nope, the problems aren’t the driver anymore (mostly) but the games and their sometimes really horrible OpenGL renderer


i can’t fully agree; i mean, rendering isn’t so magic, just a loop pushing or manipulating triangle data and calling shaders. opengl has historical problems in this, mainly which device supports which subsets, mostly still the aftermath of the dark times of opengl, when microsoft basicly pushed hard on dx with hw. you end up having glitches in the rendering, fixes include tricking mesa into using another subset, so you can avoid some buggy shader or call, and you have whole groups of models disappearing.

so i rather see errors in model data, not popping up on one architecture and getting ignored, but getting them on others. the errors usually still turn out to be universal, not architecture specific tho… what i mean.

i blame that, and buggy shaders. luckily we had some evolution on that front.


cmon, open nvidia kernel drivers will never do 3d and comparing the closed one to the others is quite hard that way. their own subsystem for GL requires some diva code to exist on the base level of X. most of the issues with nv happens there, while the kernel driver issues usually just are temporary. Except you would call that also drivers. Depends a bit on the abstraction level we talk about.

when i moan about amds drivers its more the general state their kernel drivers were in - and actually, most of the bugs were cross platform through that…


and lets not forget the cheap quick winelib ports which actually do not have opengl, just wrap dx9 into it.


finally like on mac, the whole architecture of our rendering in unix will always be more prone to mistakes and quickly punishes you. windows is a bit like php there, you can sometimes write a bit wrong syntax and it still works just fine… for a while…

even if it lately went from “yes yes just write into that memory buffer, it’s just my audio driver.” to “you are in a box, if u screw up, i can kill u, all u can do is make my screen black by crashing drivers”.



i am still happy in w10 for it to reload its graphics drivers on crash

like a modprobe daemon


dunno what the fuzz is with systemd, i got used to it quick. luckily in the last 4 years, worked out of the box.

i remember worse times. maybe i am just happy its out of the way?

i can understand the debate around it, but at some level, it’s the spine of the OS, it will either be super complicated, or super compartmented

the best thing coming out of this debate is evolution.

it’s one of those choices, where there is no clear winner, except down to the usecase.


on root servers, with various roles, it has been a blessing. the last thing you want there is uncontrolled processes lurking around, which needs constant supervision.

for me it was worth adopting to it. had my issues with systemctl but once you know it, it’s like emacs. Oh, but I use eclipse, it replaces my emacs.

Ima try this game on nouveau today ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)  ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


Do one thing and do it well, thats my problem with systemd and alike. Like I pointed I sometimes need to make systems that are almost space ready. And don’t need one thing to control many things. If it fails, they all fail with it. Same reason why you don’t want a GUI on a server in most cases.


But if you don’t have that sort of use case, it doesn’t matter whether you have udevd or systemd or system32

29 minutes ago, Slacktivator said:

Ima try this game on nouveau today ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)  ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


My prediction is that you will get a cinematic 10fps and even your iGPU would handle the game better

1 hour ago, Slacktivator said:

Do one thing and do it well, thats my problem with systemd and alike. Like I pointed I sometimes need to make systems that are almost space ready. And don’t need one thing to control many things. If it fails, they all fail with it. Same reason why you don’t want a GUI on a server in most cases.

i get that totally. and i think thats the right mature disposition to it. for that systemd might be risky indeed. even if some of the functionality systemd provides might be needed aswell. it’s kinda like deciding on a web library in a project, but lets say they already decided to go with python. if that website will never do more than a few db calls and push some information, you can use some light db layer, like alchemy/flask. if you however plan to use lots of html rendering, authentification, different web apps, etc. etc. why not go use django. Now I have seen religiousness both ways, but usually the minimalist gets more blind in it, if you know what i mean. there are easily people who hate the bigger solution just because “reasons”, but fail to use it when the time is right, because they want their light weight tools to be used everywhere, ending up in gigantic projects using hundreds of small libraries just to get barely to the point, where using a unified swiss army knife library might have been simpler and more to the point.

i tend to go both ways, i can be the overengineering suite fanatic on one occasion, and the minimalist one-tool-one-task zealot on the other, but i hate it if people get stuck in it, as i hate it when i get stuck in it…


you might not need your init to be able to handle that amount of dynamic interaction, killing parentless processes, or playing inter-app-communication with dbus. but as a default option for desktop distributions, or even on internet servers, i can understand systemd - and without it, we would be in a horrible shape vs. windows servers right now.

setting up small processes on the server, individual user based cron jobs or daemons was horrible in original init.v


for guis on servers there is vnc + virtual x11 ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)


1 hour ago, Slacktivator said:

Ima try this game on nouveau today


do they even call it that still? ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


such offtop

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania linux logo png

I read (present and past) all with interest.


getting semi-solid 60 FPS at 1080p Nouveau. Some textures/effects missing, but very playable. Will keep. Smooth.


I’m back… A new era… where the game still sucks… and basically nothing has changed…



yeah but how much do you get with closed binary

200? ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

5 hours ago, g4borg said:

yeah but how much do you get with closed binary

200? ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

perhaps we will never know…


My next try would be to copy the X configuration from another distriBUNTU and see if it works… But I haven’t bothered.