Bigger ships



I’ve seen quite a few post of people requesting some bigger ships (cruiser, etc…)

I also saw that most of the people don’t want that kind of ship in order to not unbalance the game even more by adding some too powerful ship.


My idea is that we may be able to balance some kind of bigger ship by playing them in squad. 

What I mean, is that it could be possible to have some bigger ships requesting 2 or 3 pilots. 

1 pilot to maneuver and 1/2 pilots using turrets.


This can be a way to balance bigger ships. 

1 big ship instead of 2 or 3 smaller one. 


What do you think of such idea? 




I like the thought of this, but don’t see it happening. Until there is more information on the Dreadnaughts for Corps we won’t know if they will be something like this or not.

Except the corp dreadnoughts there are no other big ships planned.

Except the corp dreadnoughts there are no other big ships planned.


Do you have any plan to add more ships? I mean maybe rebalance the ship tree or add more DLC ships etc.

Or how about I dunno, fixing the balance mechanics currently in place, before adding new content?

I’m just trying to suggest a way to play bigger ships, I’m not expecting any of them any time soon. 


Lot of people are asking for them, so I wanted to find a way to be able to play some useful ships without unbalancing the game. 

This may also be a way to play dreadnought.

I just feel like everyone’s connections need to be really good to pull something like this off. otherwise you’d be dead int he water cause your driver is lagging into an asteroid, or your gunners are shooting at things that aren’t there because they are lagging.

I just feel like everyone’s connections need to be really good to pull something like this off. otherwise you’d be dead int he water cause your driver is lagging into an asteroid, or your gunners are shooting at things that aren’t there because they are lagging.


Yeah that is a problem. 


Too bad we dont have Corvette class, which is the near same size of the frigate but requires 2 people to play. 

Do you have any plan to add more ships? I mean maybe rebalance the ship tree or add more DLC ships etc.

There is always the chance for something like this.


Or how about I dunno, fixing the balance mechanics currently in place, before adding new content?

Working on it.


Working on it.


Error, what change would you like to see the most?

Yeah that is a problem. 


Too bad we dont have Corvette class, which is the near same size of the frigate but requires 2 people to play. 


as much fun as multi person ships would be, I dont know how well it would work in most game modes.   how would those two people decide to play the same ship, what happens if a gunner doesnt decide to fly with you, will you be unable to spawn untill you select a one person ship or a gunner decides to load up?  What if the 2 man ship(s) are the only ship(s) you have in your hanger/remaining in realistic mode and no one wants to be your second?  In realistic mode maps what happens to the guner when the 2 man ship dies, does it use up one of his deployments, or would it let a pair of folks with 2man ships in their hanger slots each put out 3/4 ships (so 6 to 8 two man ships or 12 to 16 people worth of ships).  I dont think there are really satisfactory answers with how matchmaking and game types work in SC.    The only way I could see it functioning satisfactory is as a special game mode (for example if combat recon mad it so the captain doesnt fly one of his ships, but a special precon ship, and other pilots could somehow dock with the special ship to become its second man), or in a jugernaught mode.



As a side note, physicaly there is a huge size difference between fighters and frigates (maybe that changes in higher teirs though) so from a visual standpoint there would be plenty of room for a ship size between fighters and frigs (though in stats the room is much tighter).  Corvette would be a good name for such a ship size.

Destroyers, Cruisers, and battleships won’t be unbalanced can you really picture a cruiser trying to hit an interceptor?


It won’t stand a chance

I stopped thinking about asking for bigger ships the moment I realized just how sluggish and vulnerable frigates can get.


And multi-pilot ships would kinda ruin the point of Star Conflict. If I wanted to stake my life on one pilot, I’d play Battlefield.



I’ve seen quite a few post of people requesting some bigger ships (cruiser, etc…)

I also saw that most of the people don’t want that kind of ship in order to not unbalance the game even more by adding some too powerful ship.


My idea is that we may be able to balance some kind of bigger ship by playing them in squad. 

What I mean, is that it could be possible to have some bigger ships requesting 2 or 3 pilots. 

1 pilot to maneuver and 1/2 pilots using turrets.


This can be a way to balance bigger ships. 

1 big ship instead of 2 or 3 smaller one. 


What do you think of such idea? 


Hi Nico3fr,


There are larger ships that have been announced. The “Dreadnoughts” are planned to be corporation owned ships. If you want to know how big one will be then cruise around blackwood shipyard. The large ship close to spawn is a “Dreadnought”.

Hi Nico3fr,


There are larger ships that have been announced. The “Dreadnoughts” are planned to be corporation owned ships. If you want to know how big one will be then cruise around blackwood shipyard. The large ship close to spawn is a “Dreadnought”.


Hi The_Tainted_pilot, 


Remember that you’re quoting a post almost 4 months old, and by that time people didn’t know much about the Dreadnoughts.

Keep that in mind the next time you post on a thread.

Well, since this thread has been dead for a while, can we get an update on this, Error? 

Well, since this thread has been dead for a while, can we get an update on this, Error? 

They will be added when they are ready:)

They will be added when they are ready:)

That is good to hear.                 :)wt

They will be added when they are ready:)




That is all.