Better visuals+animations

There is so much opportunity for the visuals of the game to be improved upon. One such topic to be worked on is definitely ship deaths. At the moment, ships just explode then and there if they die. This shouldn’t be the case unless they were destroyed very suddenly and violently. Otherwise, they should become inoperable and drift for a distance, then explode, or have some other animations. Destroyers especially should have this, as a huge ship like that doesn’t just go poof suddenly. It will probably slowly fall apart while drifting, have some minor explosions, and then detonate with an insanely huge explosion. Ship explosions should also do much higher damage, varying by ship size.

I agree. Unless a ship has some form of overkill such as taking damage more than twice of its base hull, the ship should immediately die. Otherwise, it should have a two second period where if it is below 1% that it have a 2 second death counter where the ship is disabled entirely until repaired.

56 minutes ago, Shotan said:

I agree. Unless a ship has some form of overkill such as taking damage more than twice of its base hull, the ship should immediately die. Otherwise, it should have a two second period where if it is below 1% that it have a 2 second death counter where the ship is disabled entirely until repaired.

Hull volume should also affect the available allotment of countermeasures. As hull gets below critical levels (<15%) systems are disabled one by one until the ship is completely immobile and could explode at any moment.

Keep in mind that details like to overload the server potato ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Some days ago, I suggested just that, in regard to destroyers: they are so huge that they are unlikely to be killed by one two shots.

Instead, I suggested, that destroyers should drift in space in disabled state or semi-disabled only still running forward, maneuverable etc., until repair crews would take it online again (like a respawn).

Benefits: This easy disable would serve its survival in open space and its quasi-kill state in mult iplayer battles like PvP, because they would not contribute to team efforts and the kill>explode>respawn cycle would be avoided, for destroyers at least.

In this way it would be very, very hard to kill destroyers but it would be easy to disable them.