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Went to T2 with some friends, one of them got picked captain. Forgot if he actually noticed, but his plan was to recon-warp suicide in the enemy cap anyway. He misaligned and shot himself directly in the enemy team, first blood :smiley:

I just chilled in the back and pressed backspace after the show was over.

T2 can be damn fun if you know where to stand and watch the show. Laughed my a$$ off for the entire session at what these people do xD



When MM decides to troll you, this is what happens:


I bet my record: 30 sec. After 4:10 mins of waiting  :facepalm:



There were 3 bots on the enemy team. This one does not count.

There were 3 bots on the enemy team. This one does not count.


Nope. Bots dont Microwarp into their own death! :taunt:

GG Zap :slight_smile:


I see what you did there Kine :slight_smile:

To be fair, it WAS Eriic… To my knowledge, he is a bot. It’s the only explanation.

Did that chap really die 4x in 30 seconds? That’s actually quite an achievement.

Did that chap really die 4x in 30 seconds? That’s actually quite an achievement.

It was CR. Still, nice record time.

Did that chap really die 4x in 30 seconds? That’s actually quite an achievement.


OK, it wasnt extremely swift killing on my side…


As you might figure, Erric was cap (me too ofc.) 

His first and only action was to microwarp-charge-me-to-the-next-rock = insta death 

So I only had to finish off the 2 bots. 

Cheap win, but still, the time is quite impressive (or lucky)

I wished this one was 30 seconds … would’ve been doubly epic


single torp took out both cap and defender. double kill + double purples woot ~!





what did you use if I may ask ?

Gauss Wolf

Playing some games yesterday with a full squad, a lot of fun!


against 2 of the guys with NASA they still took me with them :stuck_out_tongue: gg screenshot_130917_203359.jpg screenshot_130917_185951.jpg


we still lost this one :frowning:

Yes. I still hold the record. xD

VERY old, and nothing special, besides being the shortest match ever:



Wait. You were in EVO? When the hell was this!?



A T5 ESB kill squad (And Luckyo) … that failed to kill :lol: (Although yes they still won :facepalm: )

1/3 kills per minute… wished I was there.

Wait. You were in EVO? When the hell was this!?


I cant remember… with 8.0. GSC died and I went to EVO but never got into it… maybe due to the horrible voice chat they were using (forgot the name), thats also the time when I started playing T4 (got bored of T3) solo. Many duels and spankings … good times. EVO died shortly after that and I left it to R4ge. Met SemTex there, and accompanied his transition from T2 to T3 (T3 was kinda unbearable due to Nuke-Spam-Strong etc). 

We had no future at R4ge due to our personal attitudes and so you got SemTex and ESB got me. :) 

I cant remember… with 8.0. GSC died and I went to EVO but never got into it… maybe due to the horrible voice chat they were using (forgot the name), thats also the time when I started playing T4 (got bored of T3) solo. Many duels and spankings … good times. EVO died shortly after that and I left it to R4ge. Met SemTex there, and accompanied his transition from T2 to T3 (T3 was kinda unbearable due to Nuke-Spam-Strong etc). 

We had no future at R4ge due to our personal attitudes and so you got SemTex and ESB got me. :) 

We always used TS. I still have the EVO server on my list, tbh. I honestly don’t remember seeing your name there, though. I still spent a month or more after in EVO after it fell, before leaving to greener fields. I do have to say I learned A LOT in EVO. I dare say made me the pilot I am, today.