Best Scores

You can’t survive with an engineer (or guard) long enough to make that score unless it’s rank 15.

Kostyan, I don’t care about respect. The only thing I care about is the exp and/or money I can get.


I remember using the Styx one in secret shop, I was alone, and I had to kill all 3 Turrets with my Attack Drones, my defense drones just killed every single enemy, I got about 1500 points back in the day, and I could have prolonged it by not attacking the Turrets.


Why engi and not a guard? Empire R13 implant+pulsar+Shield+hull heals?


Because I didn’t think about it, I just remembered something it happened to me in the past.

How about some PvE records? :stuck_out_tongue:


This is today’s - all others died too soon and only I left (the second guy died about 20 minutes before me). And the only reason I died is because the others were bored and couldn’t play because their ships were in battle. Otherwise I could have made much greater result.



PvE scores don’t mean anything since you can easily farm a lot of kills/assists/points in any stage with infinite respawn. Just use the right ship and prolong the completion of the objectives as much as you want. But since is boring and repetitive (and not to mention, the IA is really bad), there’s no real value behind a PvE score. Believe me, I played a LOT of PvE before jumping to PvP, I did that because I lacked the skills or the knowledge about how to play properly, but once you get those, PvE get old too fast.

In the other hand, in any PvP match you could/will end up facing skilled people, and that’s something different, you have a real challenge, it ain’t easy to rack a lot of points in PvP.

Kostyan, I don’t care about respect. The only thing I care about is the exp and/or money I can get.

If you care about money/synergy gains, then my point is still stands - completion time is directly correlated into your reward gains per time frame.

Why engi and not a guard? Empire R13 implant+pulsar+Shield+hull heals?

I hate those players since I don’t have a T5 guard.


You can’t survive with an engineer (or guard) long enough to make that score unless it’s rank 15.

Kostyan, I don’t care about respect. The only thing I care about is the exp and/or money I can get.

Actually here’s a trick for you.  Take a standard OP Styx, not just a normal one but an OP one of course.  Equip one T1 ship also.  You’ll be mixed with T1 players who don’t know what they’re doing so maybe they’ll die, and then you just farm kills.  Your synergy and credits will be low.  Your credits and synergy per hour will be horrible as well.  Your score will be amazing.  I’d recommend coil mortar for killing bots because it deals damage to multiple targets at once.  For blackwood, I use coils in round one and heavy blaster for two and three.

Mh, this one is a bit older. But I thought I’d shared it.

Was testing my new-old build on PrometheusX 

Pointless note: “I was the only one with 1100+ rating on my team :))) while enemy team was spread in 1250-1350”

Got this pre 0.9.17 and efficiency buff, probably would’ve have higher number in with changes in .9.17



All the old high scores are probably invalid with the efficiency changes.

Captain perks



Captain perks


  • a good and healing Team = Farmfest. 



Why I love 3 v 3 :smiley:



My new personal record…



I know it’s not a score but It’s not all the day you earn a “Bullet Sponge” in a Guard :smiley:


Tanked some dammages before dying :smiley:

THAT is some serious damage.

Not my best but still well happy as it was the 1st time I got all 3 bomb plants


Read em and weep people


Read em and weep people


Your windows account is called “user”? Cute. :slight_smile: (you’ll have to upload the image somewhere if you want to share it)

damn i thought i could just copy and paste it


Ok I cant upload as an image, it wont let me so ill leave the URL to the image on my steam account.


Don’t wanna look? Ok. 48 kills - 10 assists - 0 deaths - 7544 score.  (It’s a Kalah)

damn i thought i could just copy and paste it


Ok I cant upload as an image, it wont let me so ill leave the URL to the image on my steam account.


Don’t wanna look? Ok. 48 kills - 10 assists - 0 deaths - 7544 score. 


Although it’s T2 (unless that’s a Phobos) that’s an amazing score  :good: in fact, the highest I’ve seen on a player’s profile.

That’s pretty awesome lol, almost makes we want to drop back down to T2 to see if I can farm higher. Well done.

So 73 kills total for the top 5 players, that’s like 6 kills a minute. So either they had the biggest case of lemmings ever or you started spawnkilling them at some point. Anyway gratz for the score.