Best Pilot Snow74Leopard!

grats. Amazing result


I know Antibus, what I meant is that it would have been nice if we were told “The first one to be number one in Fleet STR will get a good reward”.

Now, now… You know that’s not how the devs work…

Now, now… You know that’s not how the devs work…


I’m assuming no one knew about it.

license helps alot when there is no new ships to buy right.


also n1 synergy gainer*


he beaten me on max damage dealt last week :slight_smile:


I’m assuming no one knew about it.

You can guarantee the Russian forums did.

You can guarantee the Russian forums did.


They were not aware of this.

You can guarantee the Russian forums did.


No I can’t, and you can’t either, unless you give us a proof of that

Congrats, you beat me to it ! Man, I wish it would have been me ! ![%29.png](< base_url >/public/style_emoticons/default/%29.png “:)wt”)

It is an Mk. 5 prototype (Legendary weapon), only three-four of them exist in-game, they are rewarded only to the most outsatnding pilots. Today is the day when one more arrived in-game.  :fed010:

I’m picturing an OP cross between rapid fire plasma, singularity, and heavy blaster that could be fitted on any ship.


Anyway, does this mean he won the game?  He’s probably the only person that could ask for T6 with a straight face.

Congrats, you beat me to it ! Man, I wish it would have been me ! ![%29.png](< base_url >/public/style_emoticons/default/%29.png “:)wt”)


As soon as I read this, I figured you were thinking, “DAMNIT!” Haha.


Great work, and to everyone who’s upset about not knowing about it, I say, “Oh well.  It’s pointless to rage about it.  Most people in the top would have worked that much harder if there was a big deal about it.”

I mean, whats the point of a 5year license for a dude who already have all ships maxed out, and probably at least all modules on MK2? Some slight increase in vouchers? He is ESB, prob has LOTS of purples already, so…?

I mean, whats the point of a 5year license for a dude who already have all ships maxed out, and probably at least all modules on MK2? Some slight increase in vouchers? He is ESB, prob has LOTS of purples already, so…?

If he has all purples, and all ships at max synergy, there’s not much left to give.  He’s in it for fun now.  It’s good PR though.


But we’re all curious about the Mk.5 weapon.

Yeah, the license doesn’t give much. Even the +2 loot after win from license are useless for him, as the warehouse space is capped to  1100, cannot have all purple modules for all ships anyways.


at least give him more warehouse space.



Unless you will add ships or other content, where the license again becomes more useful.

Well, now he will get even more free synergy, so when a new ship is added, he can level them instantly.

Still, it is like giving a penny to bill gates, he simply doesnt need it anymore.


Im not even sure if this game will be alive 5 years from now.


Also, that free synergy thing would only be usefull if by any chance they implement a tier 6 in this next 5 years (asuming the game will be on all that time).

Also, that free synergy thing would only be usefull if by any chance they implement a tier 6 in this next 5 years (asuming the game will be on all that time).


Other options are available also:

  • New factions with new ship trees from T1 to T5.

  • New ship branches to existing factions trees.

  • New individual ships to existing branches.


Also other options include:

  • Existing ships get more synergy levels.

  • New thing(s) to spend synergy for are introduced.

  • etc…


None of these are mentioned anywhere though. Just wanted to nitpick, that T6 isn’t the only option.

A new faction would be nice. God knows that Pirate race could use expanding.


Just let them use Guard/Engineering, Gunship/Command, ECM/CovOps.



Of course, that’d imply :effort:, because an entire new line of implants would have to be created…

Going off-topic a lot, but implants for new faction aren’t that mandatory.

It could be something totally different from the current “template”. As your example “pirates” aren’t really thematically a “faction” in same sense as the existing three are, no legal status as a “country” (or what ever one would call these factions).

The ship tree could easily be different also (maybe not a tree at all?), it doesn’t have to be a copy of the others (e.g. it could have less ships, and rank 9 required in some existing main faction to even be able to buy a ship from it (e.g. “pirates” won’t consider you worthy before showing your worth for someone else, they don’t train rookies, they get ready-made soldiers from others).


But this is starting to go deep off-topic and is more fan-fiction stuff.


And yes, the balancing effort in any case would be big.



Back to topic; congratulations to the Snow74Leopard!

A new faction would be nice. God knows that Pirate race could use expanding.


Just let them use Guard/Engineering, Gunship/Command, ECM/CovOps.



Of course, that’d imply :effort:, because an entire new line of implants would have to be created…


So, basically a mix between all 3 races. Feds, Empire, Jerry. XD


They could do some special ship tree, where ships are bought with insane amounts of free synergy. Like, they already comes maxed and have some diferent bonuses, perhaps some mixed bonuses from 3 races, or a ship that you pay like, 5 milion free syn (for a T3) and it lets you distribute the passive slots the way you like. Something like that.


Imagine a LRF with 3 CPU and 3 capacitor slots, for PVEing. Things would melt.


Or ships that could equip other weapons, like, fighters able to use frig weapons, or the other way around.