Best Build for Black Dragon

     Hey guys.


I am a LRF pilot and I have tried many great build for my Archdragon and Black Dragon, so I am curious what build you guys have. Not Just things equip but, also what implants work best for it.


Thank you.




On your dragons and other LRFs, use lasers. MASSIVE DPS will ensue.


RennieAsh will tell you.




Damage per second. Damage.

What is the best way to increase DPS?

What is the best way to increase DPS?


Use pulse dischargers, iridium heatsinks etc.

There isn’t a best build. Depending on your preferred weapon you will build it in one way or another. Some people kick xxxx with Positron, others have a lot of accuracy with lasers, Coil Mortar is also an insane weapon… 

Now, my other question is: what is the best implant setup for this ship?

There isn’t a best build. Depending on your preferred weapon you will build it in one way or another. Some people kick xxxx with Positron, others have a lot of accuracy with lasers, Coil Mortar is also an insane weapon… 

Positron cannon best cannon

Now, my other question is: what is the best implant setup for this ship?


Implants you must have Imo are anyone giving you critical chance/dmg and Gigas II (rank 9 Empire) 



Positron cannon best cannon


It’s been always my fav weapon with Gauss, I love the charge mechanics. 

Implants you must have Imo are anyone giving you critical chance/dmg and Gigas II (rank 9 Empire) 

Well, if you’re going for a longer range positron build, the projectile speed implant really helps. Does more than acceleration coils, even. But it doesn’t quite hit as hard as it does with the crit damage implant, admittedly.


It’s been always my fav weapon with Gauss, I love the charge mechanics. 

I do, too. Although I’ve never really used gauss extensively, seems to be specialized for killing interceptors more than anything.

Best depends on your setup, however I’ve tended to resists and damage/crit for my LRFs. I like lasers because you can reveal tacklers that fly straight and you can also make camo cov ops go away. As well as limit the time a good inti pilot can dodge fire for. Now that laser range is nerfed, you have to balance between range and high dps. If your LRF goes unchecked or you have a good team then it can vapourise an entire enemy team, however if you get out of position or a good pilot comes to kill you then it’s almost the same for any LRF. Although I am getting better at escaping and not being in bad spots (but still sometimes get caught out ;p)


I also hardly ever use the disintegrator unless there is a sitting ship, so I have heal mods, reverse thruster and EM scatter. ArchDragon is the better sniper ship if you like to snipe, Black Dragon is a btter mobile gun platform (which is why I like it XD)

Hey guys.

I am a LRF pilot and I have tried many great build for my Archdragon and Black Dragon, so I am curious what build you guys have. Not Just things equip but, also what implants work best for it.

Thank you.



CAPACITOR:Iridium Heatsinks (or fi you use positron Pulse Discargers)

HULL:2 Galvanized 1 Armor plates (this gives you high resists on all damige types and good hull volume)

CPU:if you want damige on main weapon 2 target tracking comprocessors 1 infrared scaner,if you want to use special module 1 sensor range 1 redusing locking time 1 infrared scanner,for implants have rank 1 and 3 botom rank 8 top rank 9 top l.

ACTIVE MODULES:Tackion charge/reverse truster/cloak/repair kit

Me = LRF

Engine: Always Vernier

Cap: Lasers… 2x Heatsink or 1x Heatsink and Emergency Barrier if you use the reverse thruster.

         Mortar… Any combination you want, acceleration coils, heatsink, discharger, but not 2x emergency barrier :stuck_out_tongue:

         Positron… What i’d use: Discharger + Acceleration Coils, especially because i use Supernova, some extra speed is must have, but if you want to be efficient with the positron, take a Mauler.

Hull: Since it has extra thermal… 1x kinetic, 1x EM, 1x thermal, or take that what nightmare said, but this is better for rotation.

CPU: If you go sniper take 2x enhanced and 1x that mod which decreases target lock time.

         If you go heavy gunship… 2x infrared, 1x target tracking coproscessor.

Weapon: Open Choice, i’d prefer Mk5 weapon for sniping purposes. 

Missile spot: Usually mines, excellent for dogfights and self defense, but they can hurt you as well.

Active Modules: Must have: EM Scattering field, Tachyon Charge, Open Spot (Reverse Thrust / IR Pulsar / Weapon Overcharge), Repair Kit.


That’s what i use, the choice is still open.

Best depends on your setup, however I’ve tended to resists and damage/crit for my LRFs. I like lasers because you can reveal tacklers that fly straight and you can also make camo cov ops go away. As well as limit the time a good inti pilot can dodge fire for. Now that laser range is nerfed, you have to balance between range and high dps. If your LRF goes unchecked or you have a good team then it can vapourise an entire enemy team, however if you get out of position or a good pilot comes to kill you then it’s almost the same for any LRF. Although I am getting better at escaping and not being in bad spots (but still sometimes get caught out ;p)


I also hardly ever use the disintegrator unless there is a sitting ship, so I have heal mods, reverse thruster and EM scatter. ArchDragon is the better sniper ship if you like to snipe, Black Dragon is a btter mobile gun platform (which is why I like it XD)

Yeah, I use my Black Dragon as a “Super Gunship” and my Archdragon as proper LRF.

Me = LRF

Engine: Always Vernier

Cap: Lasers… 2x Heatsink or 1x Heatsink and Emergency Barrier if you use the reverse thruster.

         Mortar… Any combination you want, acceleration coils, heatsink, discharger, but not 2x emergency barrier :stuck_out_tongue:

         Positron… What i’d use: Discharger + Acceleration Coils, especially because i use Supernova, some extra speed is must have, but if you want to be efficient with the positron, take a Mauler.

Hull: Since it has extra thermal… 1x kinetic, 1x EM, 1x thermal, or take that what nightmare said, but this is better for rotation.

CPU: If you go sniper take 2x enhanced and 1x that mod which decreases target lock time.

         If you go heavy gunship… 2x infrared, 1x target tracking coproscessor.

Weapon: Open Choice, i’d prefer Mk5 weapon for sniping purposes. 

Missile spot: Usually mines, excellent for dogfights and self defense, but they can hurt you as well.

Active Modules: Must have: EM Scattering field, Tachyon Charge, Open Spot (Reverse Thrust / IR Pulsar / Weapon Overcharge), Repair Kit.


That’s what i use, the choice is still open.

This is an interesting build.

For heavy-gunship Black Dragon (I think this is the build):


Coil Mortars w/ Vanadium Shells

EM Torpedos


Actives: IR Pulsar, Reverse Thruster, Nanocomposite Coating, Repair Kit


Engine: Shared Cooler

Cap Slots: 2x Iridium Heatsinks

Hull: 2x Galvenized Armor, Armor Plated

CPU: Electronic Guidance, Horizon, Overclocked CPU


This is a good build for taking out frig-balls, it has nice DPS, even with the horizon.

Active Modules: Must have: EM Scattering field, Tachyon Charge

I personally don’t like either of those two. They’re great for long range sniping, but I suck at that, so I’d go for IR pulsar and… shield booster, since I’ve got nothing else to put in that slot. Reverse thruster, if you’ve got it.


EM scattering is useful if you snipe at long range, or if you use positrons / maybe coils as a heavy gunship. Not lasers or heavy blasters, though. Unfortunately, I’m terrible at positioning for long periods of time, so whenever I load this module, I usually find that I break my cloak before I’ve used half of it.


Tachyon Charge definitely helps for the disintegrator. Unfortunately, I can’t aim the dang thing with or without help, so I typically drop it.

EM scatter is more useful than IR pulsar in my view even for the gunship build. Incoming octopous missiles? bom bom matey missed! Incoming ECM? oops they are turning and running now. Need to laser while keeping a low profile? Enginner drones being a hassle, tacklers, missiles in general, recons trying to shield suck, etc. It recharges fast, you can disappear if using in conjunction with reverse thruster. At one stage I used both EM and IR pulsar but swapped for a shield regen instead.


Tachyon charge I use for Jeri LRF as you can send a fast torp every 20s which is about how long they take to recharge anyway. If I was using archdragon I might consider it too.


When it all goes according to plan and you are the captain XD


I’d like to know agressor LRF laser stats…