Best Build for Black Dragon

Where is TerrorBlade when you need him ? :slight_smile: He has been playing LRF for quite a while now and certainly have decent build for them…

I personally don’t like either of those two. They’re great for long range sniping, but I suck at that, so I’d go for IR pulsar and… shield booster, since I’ve got nothing else to put in that slot. Reverse thruster, if you’ve got it.


EM scattering is useful if you snipe at long range, or if you use positrons / maybe coils as a heavy gunship. Not lasers or heavy blasters, though. Unfortunately, I’m terrible at positioning for long periods of time, so whenever I load this module, I usually find that I break my cloak before I’ve used half of it.


Tachyon Charge definitely helps for the disintegrator. Unfortunately, I can’t aim the dang thing with or without help, so I typically drop it.

EM Scattering field is really must have on any LRF in T5, Sniper or heavy gunship, try it out, you’ll see the difference.

Where is TerrorBlade when you need him ? :slight_smile: He has been playing LRF for quite a while now and certainly have decent build for them…

I used to play LRFs. But i played as sniper and OP is probably looking for main weapon based builds

4.2k dps, 42% crit chance at 130% bonus, 5.9k range, 13s heat time XD

EM Scattering field is really must have on any LRF in T5, Sniper or heavy gunship, try it out, you’ll see the difference.

I guess. I stopped using it all the way back in T3, should probably give it another go with E13 implant.

4.2k dps, 42% crit chance at 130% bonus, 5.9k range, 13s heat time XD


how do u know that?


Thus far very useful info guys. Thank you.

I used to play LRFs. But i played as sniper and OP is probably looking for main weapon based builds


Wow you’re disappointing. I expected something like this:


I used to play LRFs. But then I took an arrow in the knee rear engine.

how do u know that?


Because that’s what I use to destroy ships ;p


_terrorblade, on 14 Apr 2015 - 12:30 PM, said:[![snapback.png](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/snapback.png)](< base_url >/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=317790)

I used to play LRFs. But then I took an arrow in the knee rear engine.


More like "I used to play LRFs. But then I got an EM Torpedo in the Rear Engine.



_terrorblade, on 14 Apr 2015 - 12:30 PM, said:[![snapback.png](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/snapback.png)](< base_url >/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=317790)


More like "I used to play LRFs. But then I got an EM Torpedo in the Rear Engine.


Love it! XD

Lol if you get EM torps there while in LRF you are doing something wrong! ;p

Speaking of Em torps. Yesterday I had a T5 beacon battle and I saw a guy from my team with a jericho guard flying into the way of the torpedo to protect the beacon drones. Then he healed himself. It was beautiful. He probably had a cap speed lower than the torp had. A real guard. I wish I had it on tape. I mean on video. On tape is a bit outdated now. Shame.

Lol if you get EM torps there while in LRF you are doing something wrong! ;p


Using the Jericho implant where it increases missile range by 75 percent, you can troll LRFs, aim, fire and BAM at like… 20000 distance or something.

You can troll sitting lrfs :slight_smile: One of my favourite tricks is to launch the Toto while em scatter gliding within range, then sorting them just before the Toto hits. They turn to face the beams just in time for the face Torp and usually blow up soon :slight_smile:

Speaking of Em torps. Yesterday I had a T5 beacon battle and I saw a guy from my team with a jericho guard flying into the way of the torpedo to protect the beacon drones. Then he healed himself. It was beautiful. He probably had a cap speed lower than the torp had. A real guard. I wish I had it on tape. I mean on video. On tape is a bit outdated now. Shame.

I used to do this all the time in sec con, with interceptors. Obviously it was impossible to protect all your bacon, but you could protect one or two if you spotted the torps early enough.



People are still talking about the BACON incident in the chat…