beacons and win conditions

beacons: aside of being the factor that decide who wins when the timer runs out they dont offer much to encourage people to protect or attack them, as a result of this is not weird to see matches where ships just focus on killing each other ignoring beacons until the timer hits the 2-3 min mark at wich point they just try to kill 1 beacon to ensure the win, draws have become quite comong due to this too.

my suggestion would be to remove beacon as a win condition and replace it with number of ships left, beaons will no longer decide who wins intead of that they will project an “aura” that will increase ally ship performance in the battlefield say:

A beacon increase 25% damage while active

B beacon increase 25% defence while active

C beacon reduce by 25% the cooldown of modules while active

this will make people more interested in protecting/attacking them while still retaining the pvp aspect.

No please, no.

Sorry, the idea would be nice in another mode maybe, but I can already see thousands of sniper frigs camping at every beacon.

IMO, the only way to improve teamplay between strangers would be the use of “VGS” commands, like in Tribes or other games of that genre. I was going to write some things about it, but instead I’ll create a new topic about it.

No please, no.

Sorry, the idea would be nice in another mode maybe, but I can already see thousands of sniper frigs camping at every beacon.

IMO, the only way to improve teamplay between strangers would be the use of “VGS” commands, like in Tribes or other games of that genre. I was going to write some things about it, but instead I’ll create a new topic about it.

frig are the only ship that actualy try to protect beacons as they give them a small protection against fast ships that will otherwise tear them apart so i doubt frigs will camp more than they actualy do.

if you are asuming this will make everyone pick frigs and camp well i olso doubt that will happend, fast ships can easily sneak from behind and deal loads of damage with little fear of retaliation due to frig epic bad mobility.

frig are the only ship that actualy try to protect beacons as they give them a small protection against fast ships that will otherwise tear them apart so i doubt frigs will camp more than they actualy do.

if you are asuming this will make everyone pick frigs and camp well i olso doubt that will happend, fast ships can easily sneak from behind and deal loads of damage with little fear of retaliation due to frig epic bad mobility.

Problem is not frigs camping behind asteroids and such, problem is frigs camping inside the beacon turret orbit. You’ll have to deal with turret first, and while that you get sniped and viceversa, while you attack frig, you get hit by turrets.

Also, this modification to the game mode would transform it into team deathmatch, and I doubt people would care much about beacons, even a T4 ship if stormed by 2-3 T2 ships can be taken over with ease (by this logic, even a buffed ship can)

Actually, draw means, in terms of reputation, a loss. This way, people are already motivated enough to not get draw, but you’ll always encounter people who think trying to destroy all enemies is the right way

One Word:


Camping/Sniping just is a popular way of farming exp to get to a higher tier,

apart from shooting annoying bots.

The game is not the problem, its the players’ methods.

I think if the capture of beacons gives more xp, the interest will be bigger.