Beacon Idea for April Fools

I had this idea about beacons. I was in a PvP game and some guys just don’t want to capture the beacons, so I though, what if the beacons were actually Bacons :smiley: People like bacon and flying space bacon is the best kind of bacon. So I suggest that this April fools should have bacon for beacons and who knows people might start capturing bacon :smiley: Funny, creative, and delicious :smiley:

Bacon is always a good idea.


I had this idea about beacons. I was in a PvP game and some guys just don’t want to capture the beacons, so I though, what if the beacons were actually Bacons :smiley: People like bacon and flying space bacon is the best kind of bacon. So I suggest that this April fools should have bacon for beacons and who knows people might start capturing bacon :smiley: Funny, creative, and delicious :smiley:


You should have sent that as a PM to one of the devs XD


Now even if they do do it, the suprise has been spoiled!

Or the beacon flies to the person who hasn’t captured for the longest time :stuck_out_tongue:

Or there are several beacons and if they are the holo-beacons they will explode in to bacon apon approach. Xp

Or the beacon flies to the person who hasn’t captured for the longest time :stuck_out_tongue:


I know: The beacons move to wherever the long ranges are camping :smiley: So then the enemy goes to the LRF and kills them

Damn ALL u Bacon lovers one day Garlic will show u the LIGHT