Battering ram

I have been playing star Conflict now for a considerate time and I enjoy this game a lot. But i found one thing that this great game is missing. There is no single ship that deals significant ammounts of damage by, well it’s in the title, ramming. Since i am no genius regarding balance the numbers in this suggestion may be too damn high or too low but this is only an idea after all.


Special module: hyperdrive “lance”

Effect: rises ships speed, strafe speed, acceleration, strafe acceleration by 200 % and activate a “front shield” with 10k shield strenght for 6 seconds. If the ship collides with an enemy ship during this time it recieves 10k instant EM damage and another 5k thermal damage over the next 20 seconds (thermal damage scales with your ships speed when hitting the target) also collision damage for both ships is doubled

Active module: energy rerouter

Effect: disables engines (any acceleration or change of direction) of a locked target in a 2.000m range for 3 seconds. In those 3 seconds enemy resistances to all weapon and missile slots is increased by 30 points for shield and hull but decreases resistances to any other damage sources by 20 (like active modules).

Active module: spatial relocator

Effect: deployes a spatial relocator on your current position, upon activating this module again your ships will be teleported to the relocator (but not further than 6.000m) if the relocator is destroyed before being activated the cooldown will apply. (i suggest the size of a micro locator increased visibility and a long cooldown to not make it an universal escape tool) (it should be used with the special module to not instantly die after ramming an enemy who is with a group)


Well as told this is only a suggestion, so of course this is incomplete. If you consider doing something like that i’d of course try to work this out better but for the moment i’ll leave it as it is.

I hope you guys like (sincerely Flash0914 from FAITH)

Do you own a Reaper?  ![:kamikadze:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/kamikadze.png “:kamikadze:”)

I do. And really? When i ram a destroyer with full speed and active tractor beam nothing that’s worth to mention happens. With this suggestion i was more thinkin about the scene in rouge one when the hammerhead hits the star destroyer and not a little scratch in my hull.

I love it all. And also yeah I agree that the Reaper ram is also kinda meh.

You don’t play kamikaze-style with this ship. You have an additional feature damit!

9 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

You don’t play kamikaze-style with this ship. You have an additional feature damit!

Sorry, i am not catching what you mean by that.

3 hours ago, GeMichi said:

Sorry, i am not catching what you mean by that.

Yeah I’m lost too.

8 hours ago, GeMichi said:

Active module: energy rerouter

Effect: disables engines (any acceleration or change of direction) of a locked target in a 2.000m range for 3 seconds. In those 3 seconds enemy resistances to all weapon and missile slots is increased by 30 points for shield and hull but decreases resistances to any other damage sources by 20 (like active modules).

I like your suggestions, beside this one. Up there. NO NO And just NO. Stop it with disabling mods and missiles and so on. We wanna play the game, not look at it unfold before us. There is more than enough disabling already in this game i think. Other than that. Bring those features on, SC!

5 hours ago, GeMichi said:

I do. And really? When i ram a destroyer with full speed and active tractor beam nothing that’s worth to mention happens. With this suggestion i was more thinkin about the scene in rouge one when the hammerhead hits the star destroyer and not a little scratch in my hull.

Well to be honest in Rogue One the hammerhead barely scratches the star destroyer. It just pushes it into another one. No, I was more thinking about the tractor beam. When it pulls a ship towards your reaper and a collision happens, the enemy ship takes quite a lot of collision damage. Several thousands over the course of a few seconds (kinda like if two ships meet at the centre of a destroyer gravity hole)

However I do agree that ramming should be a valid tactic for all fast ships. There could, for example, be a new hull module that increases damage done by ramming.

I can see a good storyline for this one!

"After the drastic appearance of the Dart now surfacing on the battlefield, the Federation was in both shock and awe of it’s durability and firepower for a command class fighter.

Jealous that they had nothing like the Dart of their own, certain nonconforming leaders gave orders for their spies to infiltrate Dart manufacturing plants in the heart of the Jericho. The raid for the blueprints was successful, but most didn’t get out unscathed. Several were held prisoner, and several Jerichonian commanders knew what occurred.

This didn’t disway the feds. The blueprints were reversed engineered into something of amazing potential.

Enter, the Deathray, a modified version of both the Dart and the Stingray. Instead of making another dumb (according to Fed propaganda) command ship, the engineers decided to do something they never had done before, create a whole new class of Fighter. The Shatterer (couldn’t think of a better name ATM).

The deathray was armed with a special ability that was a modified version of the Darts and Sirius’ Frontal/Static Shield, the batteringram. The shield itself is made of both beryllium and energy in a complex molecular structure that makes the shield just as flexible as the Static Shield, but prevents anything from moving thru it (including ships).

_The batteringram also uses a modified version of the gunship overcharge ability, instead of increasing firepower, maneuverability, and energy regeneration, it was re-engineered to focus 100% on top speed and frontal acceleration.  When the ability is active, strafe and rotation speed is nerfed by 70%, meanwhile increasing frontal acceleration and top speed by 200%. Combined this with the batteringram shield, and it can effectively almost kill even the most brutal of guard frigates in one single swope. _

However, there was a catch, the special ability uses an absurd amount of energy (because of the experimental beryllium compound), meaning that the cooldown period is the longest of any special ability ever created."

I hope you like. I’ll leave active modules and special main armament up to you.

Here is what I’m thinking:

  1. Special Hull + Shield booster module, specific to the shatter class. The impact of using the batteringram also seriously damages the ship, meaning you’ll need to repair it with something fast or your dead. This module is a lighter version of the shield and hull booster found on guard class frigates, but instead incorporates both hull and shield in one module.

  2. N/A



This is a hard class BTW…It’s to specific to battering that I can’t think of any other modules to use.

16 hours ago, CptDoss said:

I like your suggestions, beside this one. Up there. NO NO And just NO. Stop it with disabling mods and missiles and so on. We wanna play the game, not look at it unfold before us. There is more than enough disabling already in this game i think. Other than that. Bring those features on, SC!

I agree on that one and hate being disabled myself but for my idea i’d need a module which makes it easyer to actually hit an enemy with a ram attack.

10 hours ago, HBZK100 said:

I can see a good storyline for this one!

"After the drastic appearance of the Dart now surfacing on the battlefield, the Federation was in both shock and awe of it’s durability and firepower for a command class fighter.

Jealous that they had nothing like the Dart of their own, certain nonconforming leaders gave orders for their spies to infiltrate Dart manufacturing plants in the heart of the Jericho. The raid for the blueprints was successful, but most didn’t get out unscathed. Several were held prisoner, and several Jerichonian commanders knew what occurred.

This didn’t disway the feds. The blueprints were reversed engineered into something of amazing potential.

Enter, the Deathray, a modified version of both the Dart and the Stingray. Instead of making another dumb (according to Fed propaganda) command ship, the engineers decided to do something they never had done before, create a whole new class of Fighter. The Shatterer (couldn’t think of a better name ATM).

The deathray was armed with a special ability that was a modified version of the Darts and Sirius’ Frontal/Static Shield, the batteringram. The shield itself is made of both beryllium and energy in a complex molecular structure that makes the shield just as flexible as the Static Shield, but prevents anything from moving thru it (including ships).

_The batteringram also uses a modified version of the gunship overcharge ability, instead of increasing firepower, maneuverability, and energy regeneration, it was re-engineered to focus 100% on top speed and frontal acceleration.  When the ability is active, strafe and rotation speed is nerfed by 70%, meanwhile increasing frontal acceleration and top speed by 200%. Combined this with the batteringram shield, and it can effectively almost kill even the most brutal of guard frigates in one single swope. _

However, there was a catch, the special ability uses an absurd amount of energy (because of the experimental beryllium compound), meaning that the cooldown period is the longest of any special ability ever created."

I hope you like. I’ll leave active modules and special main armament up to you.

Here is what I’m thinking:

  1. Special Hull + Shield booster module, specific to the shatter class. The impact of using the batteringram also seriously damages the ship, meaning you’ll need to repair it with something fast or your dead. This module is a lighter version of the shield and hull booster found on guard class frigates, but instead incorporates both hull and shield in one module.

  2. N/A



This is a hard class BTW…It’s to specific to battering that I can’t think of any other modules to use.

  1. I like your Stingray x Dart story.

2.I think maybe the spatial relocater returns your hull and shield strength to that of the point where it was placed. And yeah pretty hard to think of something else. Maybe the main weapon could be something relatet to reapers “harpoon launcher”

3Also another idea for an active module would be some kind of “Reverse tractor beam” which dragges not the enemys ship in your direction but dragges your ship in the enemy direction (speed towards the target may surpass 700m/s)

Guys you know: e = mc²
To the BS you want: Yes small and very fast ships would cause a lot of damage. TO THEM.
Do you really think, that you can crash with 700m/s as inty into a dessy and think you would survive that? Sorry, but just think of the earth/lunar: There are impacts of several thousand km/s fast meteorites. While the meteorites vaporize, the both mentioned still have only a scratch from that. Now you THINK that SPEED would have any harm in this? Sorry, but frigates+ have such a stronger structure, that they will have an easier time to survive such collisions.
And increasing ramdamage: Nope. Would be nonsense. You can reduce it via a hull modifier(reinforced structure would make sense), but not increasing except, you make a ‘piercing/pike’ like thing to reduce the impact area to a minimum to increase the damage done to the area.

To my thing written: >>You don’t play kamikaze-style with this ship. You have an additional feature damit!<<

If you make the ram so efficient/easy to use, you would create a rewarding style of yolo/kamikaze attempts. It’s a ship feature to have it, but it shouldn’t be something ‘MUST YOLO’ type of feature implemented.

2 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

If you make the ram so efficient/easy to use, you would create a rewarding style of yolo/kamikaze attempts. It’s a ship feature to have it, but it shouldn’t be something ‘MUST YOLO’ type of feature implemented.

Well why do you think does the new ship has an additional shield within his special module. Of course because in any normal case any idiot charginig in alone would be blasted to hell at once -> It has increased defences and a possibility to relocate + a long cooldown on it’s special module.

And regarding your E = MC^2 does the tractor beam make sense “actio vs reactio” or is it realistic that if you crash with a glass window and 700m/s speed you only take 1743 pure damage? Isn’t there actually no sound in vacuum sonic ways cannot expand in empty space… there are so many logic errors in StarConflict don’t start arguing like that because if we started doing so we’d have to remove a half of the game. Just blame it in the advanced tech level.

On 15.1.2017 at 2:13 PM, GeMichi said:

I have been playing star Conflict now for a considerate time and I enjoy this game a lot. But i found one thing that this great game is missing. There is no single ship that deals significant ammounts of damage by, well it’s in the title, ramming. Since i am no genius regarding balance the numbers in this suggestion may be too damn high or too low but this is only an idea after all.


Special module: hyperdrive “lance”

Effect: rises ships speed, strafe speed, acceleration, strafe acceleration by 200 % and activate a “front shield” with 10k shield strenght for 6 seconds. If the ship collides with an enemy ship during this time it recieves 10k instant EM damage and another 5k thermal damage over the next 20 seconds (thermal damage scales with your ships speed when hitting the target) also collision damage for both ships is doubled

Active module: energy rerouter

Effect: disables engines (any acceleration or change of direction) of a locked target in a 2.000m range for 3 seconds. In those 3 seconds enemy resistances to all weapon and missile slots is increased by 30 points for shield and hull but decreases resistances to any other damage sources by 20 (like active modules).

Active module: spatial relocator

Effect: deployes a spatial relocator on your current position, upon activating this module again your ships will be teleported to the relocator (but not further than 6.000m) if the relocator is destroyed before being activated the cooldown will apply. (i suggest the size of a micro locator increased visibility and a long cooldown to not make it an universal escape tool) (it should be used with the special module to not instantly die after ramming an enemy who is with a group)

In the [Contest ‘Ultimate Destroyer’ (Concepts)](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30342-contest-ultimate-destroyer-concepts/&page=2) I suggested a ramming feature in anti-destroyers. Besides its implementation in the old ship Reaper: [Reaper & Phoenix Remastered](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30520-star-conflict-stream-reaper-phoenix-remastered/)  other ships as well were remastered and got insprirations from the said destroyer contest. I suggested an Ellydium style Thar’Ga upgrade of 1 ship through the ranks : “Upgrades: possible future development (to ranks 10/13 with additional ship parts?)”

#1 : It was the Naval ram  of the ancient Greek triremes, that inspired me to come up with a destroyer-class ram.

#2 : Theplasma arc module of the interceptor-class (see Adam West’s ‘Dessy love’ video!)




Something like this ship model of a Hammerhead?

Pretty much something like this ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) Why couldn’t I find a neat picture of a hammerhead?