Bank and Auction House

I know there have been threads in the past suggesting player-to-player trading. This is a different take on that, so hopefully it won’t be shot down immediately.




Create a special new player warehouse section called the Bank. Players can store crafting materials (other than monocrystals) in this special warehouse and after a certain amount of time, the Bank will pay them interest on their deposit. The amount of interest paid depends on the current market value of the item in the Auction House. The catch? Players have a limited number of slots, and must choose how long the item will be “locked” in the bank (meaning they cannot use it during that time). The longer the item remains untouched, the more interest the player can earn. However, if the market for that item suddenly crashes, the player may get less than what he/she put in.


Also create an Auction House, where players can buy and sell crafting materials (other than monocrystals) for credits. Players can set an auto-buy feature to the price they are willing to pay for a specific crafting material, or they can simply do a ‘buy now’ option. Depending on the supply and demand, the value of the materials in the Bank are affected.


Say for instance, that a particularly enterprising player has saved up 100 graphite plates in his Bank that are locked for 1 Month. The value of graphite goes up during this time, as the supply is relatively low. After 1 month, this player gets 150 graphite plates back, and instantly floods the auction house with them. The first 50 sell very fast, but the remaining 100 sit there for awhile. As this is happening, the value of graphite drops due to market saturation, and a different player whose Bank has just released his graphite gets 90 plates back instead of the 100 he put in, because the market value dropped.


So, what do you think?

So, what do you think?




Why do I want to know what people think? Or why the idea?

Or why the idea?

I have the answer to this.


but rather why do we need this in the game?

I have the answer to this.


but rather why do we need this in the game?


As an alternative risk/reward option to months of grinding for crafting materials. To provide players incentive to…



Ah screw it. It’d be a flaming ball of wreckage. *Walks away*

Ah screw it. It’d be a flaming ball of wreckage. *Walks away*


*Walks back in*


Have a cookie.


*Walks back out*

Have a cookie.

Sounds interesting, but I could imagine people would just farm like crazy, store everything in it, and just get rich really fast, and just constantly sell interest items.


Like a Rank 4 farming a ton, storing it, and then getting all the ships really quicker.

Ron Swanson Viddy


That is so mean. Look at the clerk’s face. I want to kill both of them.


P.S. not vergetarian. VERGGGGG!

Soldier of Fortune, you’re unfortunate. You efforts are admirable, but probably in vain.

They won’t implement something like this, since they require money. Farm, grind and spend galactic standards on contraband containers, etc.


It’s more likely that we will get a store system/bank/storage house, where you could buy items for galactic standards instead.

Take 1 graphite plate/other resources for 20GS. Take 5 for 100 GS. Take 10 for 200 GS. Take 50 for 1000 GS, etc. It will be done so, for all the items. I am sure of it.

I can predict such course, if they will implement it. There will be no free items, you spoke of, only your GS currency or some occasional small discounts.

That’s their main motivation and it should be, but only, if you still have an alternative, or if it’s within reason.

But we barely have one. If they will realize that and start to listen to our feedback, they will be rewarded, if not, they will fail on the whole level.

Obsession with money makes you do stupid decisions. If you’re no longer obsessed/possessed by money, I am sure this game will be fine and their souls as well.

Take 1 graphite plate/other resources for 20GS. Take 5 for 100 GS. Take 10 for 1000 GS

So when 100x2 is 1000 in this game, i’ll lose all my hope.

So when 100x2 is 1000 in this game, i’ll lose all my hope.


Fixed. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I know there have been threads in the past suggesting player-to-player trading. This is a different take on that, so hopefully it won’t be shot down immediately.




Create a special new player warehouse section called the Bank. Players can store crafting materials (other than monocrystals) in this special warehouse and after a certain amount of time, the Bank will pay them interest on their deposit. The amount of interest paid depends on the current market value of the item in the Auction House. The catch? Players have a limited number of slots, and must choose how long the item will be “locked” in the bank (meaning they cannot use it during that time). The longer the item remains untouched, the more interest the player can earn. However, if the market for that item suddenly crashes, the player may get less than what he/she put in.


Also create an Auction House, where players can buy and sell crafting materials (other than monocrystals) for credits. Players can set an auto-buy feature to the price they are willing to pay for a specific crafting material, or they can simply do a ‘buy now’ option. Depending on the supply and demand, the value of the materials in the Bank are affected.


Say for instance, that a particularly enterprising player has saved up 100 graphite plates in his Bank that are locked for 1 Month. The value of graphite goes up during this time, as the supply is relatively low. After 1 month, this player gets 150 graphite plates back, and instantly floods the auction house with them. The first 50 sell very fast, but the remaining 100 sit there for awhile. As this is happening, the value of graphite drops due to market saturation, and a different player whose Bank has just released his graphite gets 90 plates back instead of the 100 he put in, because the market value dropped.


So, what do you think?

While the idea of investing in CDs and the stock market excite me to no end, I think this probably isn’t the game to implement them in.

This have nothing to do with the game economy in general. 
With lower and lower population those “market crashes” can be manipulated to extend that “some people” can 10:1 their stuff a hour before their stock’s lock time expires.

those are my 2 cents, but yet again I do not like farming in Invasion as well. Was expecting more piracy and open world fights, not portal ambushes and farmers that know spawn spots and mindlessly go from spawn point to drone on the portal and repeat.

This suggestion can be locked now.

The only thing you have to “farm” in invasion is Monocrystals, well you could farm blueprints if you want to, much easier than getting them from PvE, but man is it boring and not necessary, for example, got T5 mk5 Valk blueprint last night, the difference is 1% dmg for your teammates and ?was it 2? % for yourself.