Engineering Frigates are so dominating in all gameplay modes.
Their healing amount is higher then the dps you can deal on a moving target.
I will give an example to make my point clear. 2 interceptors each backed up by an engineer frigate would never be able to kill eachother. Or a team that doesnt have an engineer frigate would stand no chance against one that has.
Targeting engineer frigates first in all games is the only solution and being forced to focus on a specific ship every time to be succesfull is very limited gameplay. There should be other counters, or their healing should not be so dominating.
Pulsar is very powerful at capturing beacons .
You have set 6 min recharge time to balance its power but that doesnt help at all. The timer resets every time the user spawns. I would use pulsar in heat of the battle to capture a beacon and respawn to use it in the next beacon capture.
Active camo is insanely OP in detonation. It is even worse coupled with engineer active modules.
Half the detonation games ends under 2 min with 2 or 3 team kills at most if the team knows what they are doing.
There isnt much counter other then recons abilities against a bomb holding CovertOp.
If the team doesnt have a recon they stand no change against a CoverOp. Even 1 Recon cant reveal 1 good CovertOp every single time when he gets the bomb. If one team has covertop the other dont, it is also a one sided game.
that is not an excuse. If you cant balance a beta in 6 months than this game has no hope of ever going retail. You dont just get to keep a game in beta forever and defend sweeping changes with “this is beta”.
Iv got some bad new for ya as well, as soon as your charging people for the game its retail. Call it whatever you want but if your charging money, its retail. Beta is post release and release is taking money in exchange for goods or services.
Spy drones reduce healing on target by 50% for 90 seconds, with a 30s cooldown - you can tag 3 targets at a time with it. Put this on enemy commander in recon, he will die. Put this on engineer frigate, you can kill it 1v1 with interceptor easy. Etc. This is the new game, learn to play it
To give you an idea, my T4 engineer regens about 670 HP/s (shield + armor regen aura) and then has booster for extra. and drones heal more.
You put this to -50%, even with the shield booster you’re healing about 550 for 8 seonds, and 330 after that. Interceptor DPS is 800+.
So either way, it’s not overpowered, especially if you focus fire.
Spy drones reduce healing on target by 50% for 90 seconds, with a 30s cooldown - you can tag 3 targets at a time with it. Put this on enemy commander in recon, he will die. Put this on engineer frigate, you can kill it 1v1 with interceptor easy. Etc. This is the new game, learn to play it
To give you an idea, my T4 engineer regens about 670 HP/s (shield + armor regen aura) and then has booster for extra. and drones heal more.
You put this to -50%, even with the shield booster you’re healing about 550 for 8 seonds, and 330 after that. Interceptor DPS is 800+.
So either way, it’s not overpowered, especially if you focus fire.
short duration, line of sight
this is a bug and will be fixed
Recon is the least favorite ship in the game as the main ship. It almost has no dps to speak of it is just a utility ship, you would be lucky to find one with spy drones equipped in a public game. And inty dps is no where near 800. Moreover the active module is always active on the move but dps isnt unless you use an aimbot and never miss.
Have you played beacon hunt ever? What line of sight are you speaking of near a beacon. They are in wideopen areas with no where to cover. If anyone gets away from your pulsars near a beacon you dont know how to use it. Its duration more then enough to kill interceptors and even fighters unless there is an even more broken engineer healer covering your xxxx.
that is not an excuse. If you cant balance a beta in 6 months than this game has no hope of ever going retail. You dont just get to keep a game in beta forever and defend sweeping changes with “this is beta”.
Iv got some bad new for ya as well, as soon as your charging people for the game its retail. Call it whatever you want but if your charging money, its retail. Beta is post release and release is taking money in exchange for goods or services.
The game changes every week. Developers are busy working on patches and concepts that will come in the next months. They are not going to waste time and money balancing the game for you in an unfinished state.
I also have bad news for you. Charging money does not mean its retail. If you pay money during a beta, it is because you want to support developers and their current job. That is how microtransactions work during beta. I have paid nothing for this game. You pay because you want to. Look at Kickstarter, you pay for supporting developers, not even for a retail product. Thats how things work today, thanks to publishers like EA or Activision Blizzard ruining the market.
This argument does not work when it was more balanced before a patch.
This patch is reeking of a rushed job with little to no testing.
Pplease remember they are already accepting money for beta so people expect to get something for their money.
True betas are done for a limited time, and are closed except for stress testing towards the end of the testing period.
Every patch, the game changes. 0.8.0 changed the game completely. It was not balanced before, and it is not balanced now. The “rushed work with little to no testing” as you say, has little to no testing because this is a beta and you are the one who is going to test it. Now go test it. And accepting money during betas are for supporing developers, look at Firefall Beta or Kickstarter. You should know that.
Aircraftman, my inty has 387 dps per turret and it has 2 turrets. I use pulse lasers. I don’t tend to miss big slow frigates when I’m sitting on their tail. And yes, the camera drones are one of the most overpowered modules in the game right now, in terms of effect… if you are using recon and don’t have them equipped, you’re seriously doing something wrong.
As for dodging pulsar, use the beacon itself or just go out of range, its only like 1500m, come back in 10s. Or fit the shield stealer on an interceptor, it outheals pulsar damage.
Half the players protest detonation and leave the battle.
Half the players see they dont stand a chance if their team has no engineer and leave battle in all other modes.
Game only is fun at T1 sometimes T2 which are the most balanced tiers because there are less modules and game is simple.
This is a shooter game after all. Aim shoot and have fun.
It doesnt have to be complex to be fun or balanced.
Sometimes less is more.
Detonation is broken because Adaptive Camo doesn’t cause you to drop the bomb even though it obviously should, which means Interceptors with AC equiped can basically destroy beacons with impunity.
Combat Recon is broken because every team simply turtles up and surrounds their captain with healing frigates that make it virtually impossible to kill them unless more than half of your team is able to break through and focus-fire them, so it just turns into a boring 15 minute camp-a-thon where you win by attrition.
Unfortunately, Detonation and Combat Recon make up about 80% of the matches I get placed in. I actually had 7 matches of Combat Recon in a row earlier today.
that is not an excuse. If you cant balance a beta in 6 months than this game has no hope of ever going retail. You dont just get to keep a game in beta forever and defend sweeping changes with “this is beta”.
Iv got some bad new for ya as well, as soon as your charging people for the game its retail. Call it whatever you want but if your charging money, its retail. Beta is post release and release is taking money in exchange for goods or services.
Considering these new modules came in the last patch, it is a fine excuse. Why? Because 6 months of beta had absolutely nothing to do with the changes of this patch.
Not like the Devs screwed up trying to add more content ruining all balance and gameplay modes .
Must be me who fails seeing their goals and gamestyle.
<sarcams> Yes my bad i should have jumped in a frigate like most have done and get a covertop occasinally if i fell like blowing up some beacons. Then it would totally be my game.
If you decide to hate the game for being umbalanced during beta, its ok for me. But what I am saying is that this game is more in the line of Eve, than in the line of an fps.
You say “This would totally be my game” based on the ship you want to use, and not the actual game itself. Weird.
The game changes every week. Developers are busy working on patches and concepts that will come in the next months. They are not going to waste time and money balancing the game for you in an unfinished state.
I also have bad news for you. Charging money does not mean its retail. If you pay money during a beta, it is because you want to support developers and their current job. That is how microtransactions work during beta. I have paid nothing for this game. You pay because you want to. Look at Kickstarter, you pay for supporting developers, not even for a retail product. Thats how things work today, thanks to publishers like EA or Activision Blizzard ruining the market.
Every patch, the game changes. 0.8.0 changed the game completely. It was not balanced before, and it is not balanced now. The “rushed work with little to no testing” as you say, has little to no testing because this is a beta and you are the one who is going to test it. Now go test it. And accepting money during betas are for supporing developers, look at Firefall Beta or Kickstarter. You should know that.
I don’t know what is it like now, but when I started playing SC and subsequently decided to pay for its DLC was it first released on steam. The game was in an arguably better state back then, and fyi, it doesn’t say the game was in beta anywhere. EA and Activation/Blizzard may be evil in other ways, but they didn’t hide behind their games in “perpetual beta” state with a fully functioning cash shop.
My personal standard is that if the game is charging money (aka has a functional cash shop), I’m going to hold it to a higher standard than a real, free software; and so should you and everyone if you want better games in the future.
Anyway, the thing I find sad is I found the game was worth paying for back then, but it is no longer the case now.