Bad respawn times

I don’t know about most of you but it is some what ridiculous to get shot out of a match and then have to sit there while your teammates are chewed up in a meat grinder while you wait to be put back in the match.  I would not mind watching the suffering for about 30 seconds every now and then and then put back into the match with out the additional wait.  But to watch for 60 seconds and then have to wait another 30 seconds to get back to the killing spree is asking to much in my humble opinion.


I like this game and it could be better but don’t make us watch the goings on and then make us wait again to get back in there to fight for the match.  :angry:

And thats why i hate the beacon hunt mode. 

…don’t get killed?


I usually save my mini warp for a get out of jail free card when my emergency shield is about to come up. 


Or just mine it, self destruct and laugh as the kills and assists rack up.  


Otherwise be thankful your team is winning and pat yourself on the back for a job well done capping that bacon.  


Mmmmmm.  Baaaacooooon.  

One thing about respawn times: is that when you die a lot, they get longer and longer. I don’t know if its me, but I also noticed that killing yourself also makes it a lot longer. (Self-Destruct module, Self-Destruct to pick a new ship, Crashing) The simple thing would be to simply avoid death entirely, have an escape plan. You can’t do much when you’re dead so you’re better off alive, especially in beacon hunt when you’re holding the beacon.

One thing about respawn times: is that when you die a lot, they get longer and longer. I don’t know if its me, but I also noticed that killing yourself also makes it a lot longer. (Self-Destruct module, Self-Destruct to pick a new ship, Crashing) The simple thing would be to simply avoid death entirely, have an escape plan. You can’t do much when you’re dead so you’re better off alive, especially in beacon hunt when you’re holding the beacon.


Avoiding death is a sign of a good pilot and it increases your Destroyed Ship Rating.

One thing about respawn times: is that when you die a lot, they get longer and longer. I don’t know if its me, but I also noticed that killing yourself also makes it a lot longer. (Self-Destruct module, Self-Destruct to pick a new ship, Crashing) The simple thing would be to simply avoid death entirely, have an escape plan. You can’t do much when you’re dead so you’re better off alive, especially in beacon hunt when you’re holding the beacon.


Listen to the Miaw for she is all-knowing.


Note also that in Beacon hunt you cannot re-spawn while your team holds an active beacon. This is an important element to the game-play of this mode and something you should take into account when deciding on your actions in-game. E.g. don’t run into the enemy like a headless chicken while your meant to be defending said beacon.

Perhaps Tier specific ship respawn times might be a good idea? For example, Tier 1 ships would respawn a few seconds faster than tier 2 ships. Avoiding death is a sign of a good pilot, but how do you become a good pilot? Through practice. And how can you practice if you are missing out on half of the game because you keep dying. I don’t have this problem too often, but I can sympathize with those who do. 

There is a slight improvement in the respawn times in patch 0.8.5.

Avoiding death is a sign of a good pilot and it increases your Destroyed Ship Rating.

Or people are gonna call them rating farmers before judging their actions / status…


Also, people should know / learn / be told not to go in alone. If not browsing the forums or told all this by someone there’s no way on earth people will see it before making it in T3. Every single beacon hunt i play i see @ half the team ignoring respawn status / who holds the beacon / timer / christmas mined beacon and dive in alone against more they can handle. This should be put in a tutorial to scream in their face since the very start in T1…

I actually enjoy a LOW rating. I teach others to be a good pilot to be with me and get assists. You will always win against any target when its 2 vs 1

I actually enjoy a LOW rating. I teach others to be a good pilot to be with me and get assists. You will always win against any target when its 2 vs 1

Nope, not ‘always’ or me vs 3 and winning wouldn’t happen… xD

I think low rating does add to the possibility of teams being more ‘balanced’ in the view of the matchmaking system, so some of the better players which would be in the other team will be thrown into your own, giving back weaker players in return and making the enemy team much easier to pummel if you are at core a higher rated player…


Now to cut the off topic discussions, how do the new respawn timers feel?

I love the update when I no longer have to wait 45 seconds to get back to planting a bomb!

True, respawn times are bearable now.