autonomous station balance

so I’ve been looking at the autonomous stations and I’ve compared them to their “passive aura” variants, along with asking people when they would use them, so here is what I found


pros of stations versus auras:

  • more total healing per activation

  • greater duration

  • longer base range

cons of stations versus auras:

  • less healing per second

  • station can be destroyed

  • less range/can’t heal through walls or barriers

  • doesn’t have a flashy passive effect

  • only heals one target at a time


main uses according to players: used when healing auras are already equipped and extra spaces are left


this SHOULD NOT be the case! nothing in any games meta should ever be clearly inferior to another option and only used as a buffer when there is no other choice,


the way I see it a nice buff that could be used to increase the effectiveness of autonomous stations would be to increase their duration, (they seem to be more of a long run choice compared to the auras after all) the stations could last 120 seconds like the warp-gate, and placing a new one would cause the old one to detonate, tell me what you think

Well they are supposed to be autonomous yet are destroyed when the engineer is destroyed.


I would change it so that they stay even when the engi is destroyed, and also have a much shorter cooldown so that more than one can be placed at a time.

13 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Well they are supposed to be autonomous yet are destroyed when the engineer is destroyed.


I would change it so that they stay even when the engi is destroyed, and also have a much shorter cooldown so that more than one can be placed at a time.



Auras and Stations have a different purpose.

Auras are AOE, stations are life-saving the most threatened ally. They are supplementary to each other.

43 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Auras and Stations have a different purpose.

Auras are AOE, stations are life-saving the most threatened ally. They are supplementary to each other.

they aren’t kosty, the active auras heal faster per individual than the stations do, so your nasa logic is wronger than usual,

11 minutes ago, evo888 said:

they aren’t kosty, the active auras heal faster per individual than the stations do, so your nasa logic is wronger than usual,

Heal auras heal for 6 seconds 

Heal auras proportional to your current energy + maximum energy

Your top energy value requires you to sacrifice shield tanking slots that help you survive

Your top energy value requires you to allocate cap slots for regen/volume, while they could be used to boost Eclipe’s Fire rate with heat sinks


Stations heal more in total for a single target, Stations are not affected by any of the things above.

You will have much easier time recovering a destroyer with heal stations + boosted eclipse. Heal auras overheal inties and fighters and then there is no healing after 6 seconds

Well than there is also the Emergency Repair Station which gives everyone in range the benefit of the Resistance buff.

Till it’s expires or Heal someone due someone in range ( Ally or Engineer) is under 25% hull.


a duration boost would be nice at least