There should be an “auto route” hotkey that toggles an active AI that controls your ship and tries to get it to a predetermined destination on the map. It should only fire on enemies that attack it, as to not stir up too much trouble. It should also have different AI modes that you can choose in settings, such as “Offensive” “Defensive” and “Flightey”.
Offensive: Will openly attack any enemy target along the route, and value their death more their it’s own life. Automatically uses offensive and reatoration modules.
Defensive: Will only attack if attacked, and will try to stay at a distance from the attacker. Automatically uses restoration and mobility modules.
Flightey: Will never return fire, and will do all that it can in its power to move as quickly and stealthily as possible to its destination, or away from conflict. Automatically uses restoration and mobility and cloaking modules.
Greedy: Almost exactly like Offensive, but will pick up valuable loot along the way. Will not use restoration modules.
All AI modes should be able to track down and gather fuel.
Something like a guard special module mode selector for drones?
46 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:
Something like a guard special module mode selector for drones?
Wth even??? How do you devise such far out idea of what I mean. I mean what I say. It’s for OS transportation. You select a destination on the map, hit the toggle key, and your ship flies there for you.
This has nothing to do with guards or drones.
Sounds like afk farming. I set cruise speed to max, auto AB on and aim at the destination, then the ship does the rest without further intervention.
28 minutes ago, Papitas said:
Sounds like afk farming. I set cruise speed to max, auto AB on and aim at the destination, then the ship does the rest without further intervention.
That’s the point. Just without the farming part because tbh I have no idea what you mean by that.
Then your suggestion is very confusing to me and i dont know what you were going for with it. 
If you want to move without having to focus on the game, you can do it by pressing only two buttons.
Set speed to maximum
And toggle afterburner
No way devs will implement a bot to fly in Open Space anyway.
2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:
That’s the point. Just without the farming part because tbh I have no idea what you mean by that.
"Offensive: Will openly attack any enemy target along the route, and value their death more their it’s own life. Automatically uses offensive and reatoration modules.
Defensive: Will only attack if attacked, and will try to stay at a distance from the attacker. Automatically uses restoration and mobility modules.
Greedy: Almost exactly like Offensive, but will pick up valuable loot along the way. Will not use restoration modules."
I thought those lines made more than evident the farming part. The bot will do all of that for you: kill or pick up loot…just set the route and gain profit after a while, while you do something else…perhaps sleeping.
Sound like the auto-pilot feature of the X series.
It will fly straight to your selected sector/station/whatever at a specific waypoint path.
But this wasn’t an AI to passive farm.
Yes to an auto-route, but NO to auto-defense/looting.
Well the enemies in OS are so OP these days that just sending your ship through like a transport is suicide. You -will- die on cross-sector flights.
Plus, you cant just go straight across many maps. You must navigate around obstacles.
Except a few ones, most I just go straight cruise through.
No enemy in the way.
But the problem of the AI is, that it cost a lot of dev power to code it.
This whole thing is a ‘nope’ from me, we already have the afk farming in OS as engis, now all that we need is to have the game do everything that a player can, while the player is both mentally and physically absent.
Take out the physical absence and we have the average player too, because playing the game without playing it sounds like a good idea for any game, let’s implement all this stuff so people will enjoy them while not looking at the computer or have any interaction whatsoever…
11 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:
Is that a joke ?
hahhaha now i get it…its on the wrong section of the forum 
Instead of having an “autopilot” that flies me from point a to point b i would pay amount x of credits (per sector between the docking station and the location i wanna reach (after it has been visited at least once)) to get droped there dircetly cus i totaly “hate” this useless flying between the sectors just to fullfill 1 mission in a 3 jumps aways sector and “suicide” me back anyways.
In terms of the OS enemies i find only certain Alien ships are an bit “OP” what depends mainly on the ship and the setup you have. But cus i do OS only for the 4 daily Monos i can´t really say much about this theme aside from that i hate the escorts (seriously these transporters take the most dangerous route sometimes through at least 3 enemy groups) and the “Kill x aliens in sectory y”. But this is just my personal opinion on this
4 hours ago, Vesperion said:
Instead of having an “autopilot” that flies me from point a to point b i would pay amount x of credits (per sector between the docking station and the location i wanna reach (after it has been visited at least once)) to get droped there dircetly cus i totaly “hate” this useless flying between the sectors just to fullfill 1 mission in a 3 jumps aways sector and “suicide” me back anyways.
Now that is a great idea. It reminds me of many games, like Lineage or Ace Online. You could have certain places (the ones not so far away from the station) where you can jump from the station by paying credits for it (price would depend on distance: the bigger the distance, the higher the price).
On 31.3.2017 at 5:18 AM, Papitas said:
Now that is a great idea. It reminds me of many games, like Lineage or Ace Online. You could have certain places (the ones not so far away from the station) where you can jump from the station by paying credits for it (price would depend on distance: the bigger the distance, the higher the price).
The onliest reason why i would rather pay 20k credits/jump = jumpcosts then flying through 3/4/5 sectors is the simple fact that it is boring as hell. Espacilly if you need to fly 10k of meters through the whole sector 4 times. Normaly the flight takes 3 times longer then the mission itself that mostly is done in a 1-3 mins (depending on the target). So i hope for my own sanity that they will include such a option at some point so that you can simply click the undock button the starmap opens and you click the node you wanna jump to and it tells you the price where every node between the station and the target location costs you 20k.
As example from Jericho Station to Orange giant it would cost 40k cus of 2 jumps.
In the end if you need certain missions (daily mono) you fly through the sectors anyways without of big exploring or anything else. And most times i see pilots simply suicide when the mission is done (myslef included). Sure it might make the credits reward useless but i earn the amount 3x in 1 single PvE round anyways so what gives lol.