Auto aim, auto targeter hack

Regarding stabilized rails, or any gun for that matter though the results are more evident with the aforementioned weapon, with enough practice on them it is entirely possible to have high hit-ratios and/or the ability to track a target without locking on.


Nonetheless, please fill out a report when you suspect someone is using an exploit or hack and it will be investigated.

with Rails, I have totally adapted to not using the aiming tracker and anticipate the target

the target tracker is too slow sometimes and stabilized rails seem to go where I think they do

with Rails, I have totally adapted to not using the aiming tracker and anticipate the target

the target tracker is too slow sometimes and stabilized rails seem to go where I think they do


This is 100% dependent on the projectile speed vs. your range combined with your spread. The further the tracker is from the target, the less likely you are to actually hit it even if you feel you were aiming perfectly. (latency and framerate will come into effect there as well)


The best way to improve your aim is by using the same ship a *lot* and getting an actual feel for where your projectiles end up at what range. I’m like you - I largely ignore the aiming tracker and aim where I believe the target is going to be. This is especially important as experienced players will prevent moving in a predictable pattern and introduce some erratic direction-changes when being locked by opponents.

This is 100% dependent on the projectile speed vs. your range combined with your spread. The further the tracker is from the target, the less likely you are to actually hit it even if you feel you were aiming perfectly. (latency and framerate will come into effect there as well)


The best way to improve your aim is by using the same ship a *lot* and getting an actual feel for where your projectiles end up at what range. I’m like you - I largely ignore the aiming tracker and aim where I believe the target is going to be. This is especially important as experienced players will prevent moving in a predictable pattern and introduce some erratic direction-changes when being locked by opponents.

Actually, the target tracker is very important. I say this from personal experience.


It seems the game is coded to cause projectiles to converge at some predetermined point depending on their velocity, but aiming at the target tracker forces it to adjust so the shots convene on that exact spot. Hence, you’re more likely to land all shots on target. Just saying.

The tracker shows where you should be aiming at that specific moment to hit your target, based on the exact statistics of the weapon you have equipped there and then. It however, doesn’t compensate for anything that it cannot predict. That’s where experience and intuition comes into play.


Most of the time, aiming at the target tracker is the right thing to do. But what we were saying is that it’s wise not to rely on it as your sole source of information. Getting a good ‘feel’ for how each weapon behaves and where projectiles end up is invaluable. Just my 2 cents, obviously everyone has their own play style :slight_smile:

Newsflash: target pointer indeed show where your projectiles will collide with enemy assuming it won’t change direction and velocity. 

That should have been common sense.

let me explain a little bit. This game is russian…top 3 players are russians…


Google: Star Conflict aim bot  in your search…


You’ll find a tons of links in russians language (I can’t understand anything from it so).


Do the math…You’ll understand




ps: dont ask me it dosent exist…I’m an old guy from eve online and drama about that kind of things has been done many times between devs and corporations about hack or exploit so…

I’m watching aN91 use a target locker right now!

I’m watching aN91 use a target locker right now!

Record it. Post it.

Too late, in the time of a match I’d have to find the software online, install it, and start recording before the match was over.  Maybe if he’s in a later game an admin could keep an eye on it.  I haven’t seen him since.  There wasn’t even jitter to mask it.  I started focusing on cursors after I saw that.  A few players are either really good or an aim locker with jitter.  Nothing enough to call it out honestly.

Make a record or use the report system.

It was in the first match of ESB United vs Snow White that I saw it when the Russian stream was following aN91 for a while and it happened repeatedly.  If they kept a movie file to upload it will be in there.  There’s no report system I see outside of in game where you have to “find” the person.  The current matches they’re jumping around players so much you can’t even tell what’s going on, and the framerate dropped to being worthless.

when you are dead ,see other player,and if the aim always 100% in target,it’s aim bot,impossible 100%!DO Capture With fraps and send to support,but that a long road for prove that,if ESB use ,you can forgot to report that…xd


i have see many aim bot in this game,and long time before this post i know some player of esb,of nasa and other russian player use that…just search AIMbot in goggle and your finaly search is in Russe forum private,xd!


always they kill you too easy,i know this game was this player use that,i have see many time…

All FPS games have to deal with cheaters somehow.  It really should not be too surprising that there are some in this game as well.  All there is left to do is get real physical evidence.

All FPS games have to deal with cheaters somehow.  It really should not be too surprising that there are some in this game as well.  All there is left to do is get real physical evidence.

Oh, there are. I’m not saying anything else on the subject because “someone” is too itchy on the ban button. I find it amusing. I tell the admins there ARE aimbots for this game and I get banned for telling it. That’s just hilarious.

Oh, there are. I’m not saying anything else on the subject because “someone” is too itchy on the ban button. I find it amusing. I tell the admins there ARE aimbots for this game and I get banned for telling it. That’s just hilarious.


If you (or anyone else) have any evidence of cheating / aimbots / anything of the kind - please message as much details as you can to us. Error is the most appropriate person in this case. There are loads of reasons to do this in private rather than public;

  • You don’t want to help even more people cheat (if in fact, there would be a cheat)
  • You don’t want to make a public accusation which might be false in the end
  • You don’t want to tip anyone off that you would be on to them if they are doing something wrong
  • etc. etc.

Sending information, even if it’s only a suspicion (as long as you have some sort of evidence), is appreciated, not punished.



As with any game or situation of this kind - it’s not possible for the GM team to communicate with players about punishments on other players. Rest assured, we *always* follow up reports and anyone who breaks the rules gets dealt with appropriately.


Thank you very much for both your support and understanding.

Like I said. Not saying another word on this subject unless the admins actually show CONCERN about it, instead of banning everyone that has a mouth. If they want, I can give them half a dozen links to such places, but they don’t care. At all.

Like I said. Not saying another word on this subject unless the admins actually show CONCERN about it, instead of banning everyone that has a mouth. If they want, I can give them half a dozen links to such places, but they don’t care. At all.

We care about such issues.

AFK botting is under punishment as well as the use of aimbots.

Until now we only found afk botters and no aimbot, but every person that gets reported via the in game report system will be checked.

The only thing that we do not want is to blame other players/corps in the game chat/forum for cheating. This only starts flame wars and causes more trouble.

Feel free to send a PM to me or one of our GMs and keep on reporting all suspicous players through the in game report system.

We care about such issues.

AFK botting is under punishment as well as the use of aimbots.

Until now we only found afk botters and no aimbot, but every person that gets reported via the in game report system will be checked.

The only thing that we do not want is to blame other players/corps in the game chat/forum for cheating. This only starts flame wars and causes more trouble.

Feel free to send a PM to me or one of our GMs and keep on reporting all suspicous players through the in game report system.

Ah. So you DO care. But not enough to go out of your way and investigate unless someone points and says “It was him.”


Besides, I’m not pointing fingers, here. I KNOW you can’t get 100% hit on everything you shoot, yet these people can. It’s like they’re machines. Amazing!

Ah. So you DO care. But not enough to go out of your way and investigate unless someone points and says “It was him.”


Besides, I’m not pointing fingers, here. I KNOW you can’t get 100% hit on everything you shoot, yet these people can. It’s like they’re machines. Amazing!

We care and we always check our security system for weak spots, but we cannot check all players every week.

That is way have the report system that allows players to point us at suspicous players.