Auto aim, auto targeter hack


sorry for writing it here, but i cant find a place for it on this forum, i hav big problem, cause i saw many ppls hit my ship even if i fly around them with amazing speed, its normal, but not with 100 % hit rate, i think some ppl find in internet hack to our sweet game adn use bot, aim bot, or auto targeter and its give them unbelievable hit rate, Developer of this game, plz do something, setup something like game guard or anything, many ppl do it, and i see it on almost every battle.

 Idont wanna see this nice game die cause its full of bot/hack etc. Do something BEFORE IT WILL BE TO LATE!!!

I have been wondering the same sometimes, but due to the inability to look at their screen when they killed you, they might just be really good or very lucky…

There is an anti-cheat measure, and it was there from the very beginning. And it is not as simple to use a hack on it. Your loosing to someone is most probably the result of pilot’s proficiency and not cheating. You can always see the rating of a person who is killing you, and it can show you how efficient this person is in fights.

Still, if you see that there are some particular pilots who win all the time, please use our in-game report system and support team will look into it.

I hope this answer cleared your concerns on this matter! Have a good game!

Ive actually been witness to this myself and submitted the pertinent information to the appropriate people.

How long ago did it happen?

The last time I saw this was somewhere this week…(monday-today)…I believe It was a person from [NOVA]. I can’t go into more details since I just thought maybe I did something wrong and kinda forgot about it, but I honestly still don’t understand how he was able to track me…But like I said in my first response, maybe he was just skilled or very lucky…So many variables >.<

I have had problems tracking fast ships while in my Frigs so I turned up my trackball speed and the speed of the mouse in the game

this made it a lot easier to track Interc in my Frigs while they circle around me and I only lose them on 15% of my 360* arch around the ship. That being said my aim is not always accurate and I miss most of the time when they are no longer in the front of my ship. I havnt felt like I have been killed by a aimbot yet but there have been times when I wondered how someone could be hitting me so accurately even when I weave and roll

I think I’ve only seen one instance of somebody obviously hacking.  They were using sniper rails, I think, with range-extending mods, and didn’t ever miss a shot.  Ended a normal mission [beacon capture, I think?] with something like 48 kills and 18 assists.

I think I’ve only seen one instance of somebody obviously hacking.  They were using sniper rails, I think, with range-extending mods, and didn’t ever miss a shot.  Ended a normal mission [beacon capture, I think?] with something like 48 kills and 18 assists.


COD person? 


Mmm, Actually alot of people in T3 matches seem to be hacking but its mostly skill. I have been called a hacker on multiple fronts. Its not me, im just too good. 

I don’t remember the name.  I’m pretty sure I reported him back then, but it was a while ago.


As for people reporting you, JP, it’s not because you’re “just too good”, it’s usually a combination of “you’re annoying” and that particularly rank smell you bring with you.  ;)wt

How long ago did it happen?

Ive PM’d you the information.


Stabilized railgun with uranium shells and jericho weapon speed implant would give the illusion of aimbot :> .  

I don’t remember the name.  I’m pretty sure I reported him back then, but it was a while ago.


As for people reporting you, JP, it’s not because you’re “just too good”, it’s usually a combination of “you’re annoying” and that particularly rank smell you bring with you.  ;)wt


lol, I bring in the butt hurt. 

My only issue is this guy that uses an interceptor with the sniper rail, he makes some shots that simply just should not happen, but perhaps there’s something I’m missing so I haven’t called him out yet. Anyway, good to see there is an anti-cheat system in place.

lol, I bring in the butt hurt. 

Count me in


My only issue is this guy that uses an interceptor with the sniper rail, he makes some shots that simply just should not happen, but perhaps there’s something I’m missing so I haven’t called him out yet. Anyway, good to see there is an anti-cheat system in place.

Intys can have quite an amazing aim with it tbh… Has to be something really crazy to actually need the use of an aimbot.

Also, when you’re lazy / tired you don’t really wanna frantically move your mouse over the pad and spin your screen like a drunk butterfly so it looks like the other guy has mad skillz, but when you’re fresh you’re on the same edge (that if we take 2 pilots of close skill actually, 1 tired and the other fresh xD). I’m playing very different when i’m tired compared to when i’m fresh and it’s easy to see which state i am in… :expressionless:


Stabilized railgun with uranium shells and jericho weapon speed implant would give the illusion of aimbot :> .  

Precisely what people who wanna try stab rails should use.


Stabilized railgun with uranium shells and jericho weapon speed implant would give the illusion of aimbot :> .  


This game is too intense to have an auto aim bot to work for you. Since the cursor moves your ship along with your target it would be deemed useless to have one. 

This game is too intense to have an auto aim bot to work for you. Since the cursor moves your ship along with your target it would be deemed useless to have one. 

EDIT: Misunderstood that.