Auto-Afterburners are a nuisance

All they do is cause pain and suffering by draining your energy and making novements choppy. I understand that they can be disabled, but the fact that they turn back on after every logout is utter trash. Stop it and make them -OFF- by default! There is no point to forcing this tragedy on everyone!

*playing normal game*

*launches and turns off auto afterburners because they’re trash*

*game crashes after 5 minutes so I restart it and jump back in*

*i activate diffusion shield because I know I’m almost dead*

*freaks out because for some reason my energy is staying at fricking zero so I can’t use shield or repair modules*

*gets killed*

*realizes that auto-afterburner trash had been turned back on*

Actually that’s a seperate bug that I need to report; settings don’t stay set. It’s a tragedy. All this could be fixed very simply by making settings server-side. Just saying.

//rant off

The turning-back-on bug is an issue, but for this you can just press Z to turn the feature off. Works in-battle and everything.

Yes. I stated that I realize this. Thank you good reader.

Yes. I stated that I realize this. Thank you good reader.

And you have my +1, so.

hm, it does not turn back on for me :confused:

turned it off once in battle

never bothered again ? (well actually i use it in openspace)

why does it work for me?

anyway +1 that it should also work like that for you.

Works for me too, the Fox is just a nub.

Since I already had binded “Z” for other uses, it never worked for me. I just un ticked the option and I never cared again.


As I said, I appreciate any interface and control friendly feature, but in my case I have too many games with the standard control, and playing with the auto afterburner for me will be a problem.

Also you cant strafe with cruise engine at all with this thing turned on. Annoying in open world.

Also you cant strafe with cruise engine at all with this thing turned on. Annoying in open world.




You can’t strafe with cruise engine, full stop



You can’t strafe with cruise engine, full stop

If you are not using afterburners you can, the problem is auto afterburners remove that option.


It is not combat optimal of course, but as he said, it is a pita in open space.

I had the auto-afterburners turn themselves back on for a match where I was flying as cruise tackler… and had been holding the afterburner key down all that time. Imagine my surprise when I needed to rapidly change heading in a firefight only to find I wasn’t allowed to do so!

If you are not using afterburners you can, the problem is auto afterburners remove that option.


It is not combat optimal of course, but as he said, it is a pita in open space.


Ah I see what he meant now.  Yeah I just use what I call “cruise control” for long distance flying between sectors in my cruise tackler, a bit like if I was on the motorway and activated my cruise control.   If I need to engage an enemy, I just deactivate it.

Have noticed this myself.  It’s set to off but some ships it is on :confused: