Aurantius [Ship]

The Aurantius was originally a stealth assassination craft developed by the Federal engineering team to guard key positions and take down high-risk targets. It was later released to the public after a hacker broke in to their databases and leaked top-secret blueprints.



Name: Aurantius

Type: Covert Ops Interceptor

Rank: 12


Appearance: Like a two-sectioned ship with the cockpit at the front and the rest of the ship and engines behind it. Very bubbly body with narrow ‘legs’. Four spike-like protrusions: two forwards from the front section, and two backwards from the rear section. Much like a spider. Concept derived from the salticidae family of spiders.


Special Module: Jump-Assault

Recharge: 20 seconds

Tooltip: Passively makes the ship invisible if the ship has not fired weapons or moved in 3 seconds. Active modules do not break cloak. Active mode teleports the ship up to 3,000m to the crosshairs and stuns any ships within 300m of the landing point for 3 seconds. If the ship jumps directly on to an enemy ship, they are stunned for triple the time and neither ship is damaged. The triple stun only functions if the ship jumps from a standstill.


Passive Hull Module: Web Trail

Tooltip: Leaves an invisible trail behind the ship for up to 7,500m. If the ship is nearly destroyed, it is made invulnerable and dragged extremely quickly back to the end of the trail. Enemy ships that cross the trail are slowed down by 10%. Activates with 60 second intervals.


Active Module: Aurantius Scope

Recharge: 20 seconds

Tooltip: Detatches an extremely small remote controlled drone that can be flown about and used to view enemy positions. Second activation mounts the drone on an object and streams it’s view to the user for 20 more seconds. (in a window much like the target lock window) The drone can be destroyed instantly by any damage.




Ship unlocked when the player reaches rank 15 in the Federation.

On 1/12/2019 at 4:28 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

Special Module: Jump-Assault

Recharge: 20 seconds

Tooltip: Passively makes the target invisible while not firing weapons or moving. Active modules do not break cloak. Active mode teleports the ship up to 3,000m to the crosshairs and stuns any ships within 300m of the landing point for 3 seconds. If the ship jumps directly on to an enemy ship, they are stunned for triple the time and neither ship is damaged. The triple stun only functions if the ship jumps from a standstill.

the stun duration might be a bit high, also you should specify the delay on the invisibility effect


On 1/12/2019 at 4:28 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

Passive Hull Module: Web Trail

Tooltip: Leaves an invisible trail behind the ship for up to 7,500m. If the ship is nearly destroyed, it is made invulnerable and dragged extremely quickly back to the end of the trail. Enemy ships that cross the trail are slowed down by 10%.

what’s the cooldown of the drag effect? at what speed does the ship get pulled? is it still vulnerable during this?

On 1/12/2019 at 4:28 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

Active Module: Aurantius Scope

Recharge: 30 seconds

Tooltip: Detatches an extremely small remote controlled drone that can be flown about and used to view enemy positions. Second activation mounts the drone on an object and streams it’s view to the user for 20 more seconds. (in a window much like the target lock window) The drone can be destroyed instantly by any damage.

this one looks fine


I’ll be completely honest, this equipment seems a lot more like what a recon interceptor would use

4 hours ago, evo888 said:

the stun duration might be a bit high, also you should specify the delay on the invisibility effect

Cloak starts as soon as you stop. Like MGSCamo.


4 hours ago, evo888 said:

what’s the cooldown of the drag effect? at what speed does the ship get pulled? is it still vulnerable during this?

Imagine it like the entangled shards Tai’Kin special module but instead of healing you it just gets you tf out of the way. While being dragged you’re invulnerable, but you get dragged hella fast. Cooldown maybe 60 seconds or something like that.


4 hours ago, evo888 said:

I’ll be completely honest, this equipment seems a lot more like what a recon interceptor would use

It does kinda, but recon is just… Meh.

Plus it’s meant to me an assault ship not a run and hide and capture beacons ship.

And have you seen jumping spiders hunt?

15 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Cloak starts as soon as you stop. Like MGSCamo.

even when firing?


other than that it looks good now


1 hour ago, evo888 said:

even when firing?


other than that it looks good now


“when not moving or firing weapons”

I understood that, but, does that mean it’s momentarily visible when the weapon fires or when the trigger is being held, I just don’t know if an interceptor should have that sort of ability

1 hour ago, evo888 said:

I understood that, but, does that mean it’s momentarily visible when the weapon fires or when the trigger is being held, I just don’t know if an interceptor should have that sort of ability

Oh I see. Changing that…