Attack Drone AI

we all know that attack drones are useful but kinda stupid, and they sometimes go off and attack targets when you have “called them off”


I suggest the implementation of an attack drone “return” key command, which would force the drones to cancel persuing a target (say, a predator, causing them to aggro to you and kill you). This would of course be optional but i feel that it would be a good thing to implement and could serve many uses. The alternative is a key command to self destruct your attack drones, making the command costly to use but potentially life-saving.


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we all know that attack drones are useful but kinda stupid, and they sometimes go off and attack targets when you have “called them off”


I suggest the implementation of an attack drone “return” key command, which would force the drones to cancel persuing a target (say, a predator, causing them to aggro to you and kill you). This would of course be optional but i feel that it would be a good thing to implement and could serve many uses. The alternative is a key command to self destruct your attack drones, making the command costly to use but potentially life-saving.


Please leave thoughts below and vote in the poll.


YES. In crimson haze stage 2, they get stuck in the tunnels and dont come out so they cant help you.


That would be SO useful. It would have to be balanced, so self destruct so you can deploy another. 

+1 for a drone rework

The current keybind is “Cancel Lock” which works quite well for this. Sometimes they do not respond, however. In this case, the key can function as both so we do not have too many keybinds.

The current keybind is “Cancel Lock” which works quite well for this. Sometimes they do not respond, however. In this case, the key can function as both so we do not have too many keybinds.

well y’know that’s what this thread is for, working something sensible out


i think the self destruct option may do better use then, make the cancel lock a “cease and desist” button and make one for self destruct incase they, inevitably, get stuck.

Well, i don’t know.  In the poll I said yes to the idea, but after reading the first few posts, I realised that the best solution is just to have the remove lock on key working properly.  That is to say: when you loose your lock on a person, your drones return to you immediately, which currently isn’t always the case.

Yes Yes Lets do this…  my attack dogs are great but they are about as disobedient as all get out… it’s annoying as heck when they go running off chasing some blank blank recon’s knowing dang gum well it will never catch em…  and I sure did not lock on to it… but it got too close… so off they go