Atmospheric battle ?

Hey !


Did anyone have never thought to fight in the clouds of a planet or in a deep and dangerous nebula ?

it would change to standard asteroid battle, don’t you ?

While I agree it might make for interesting gameplay, In order to be effective it would also have be quite taxing on the players system, to the point where the minimum requirements of the game would have to be revised completely. It would be a welcome addition in the later stages of the beta or in the full release tho.

Maybe just smaller Nebulas placed in the maps? Or make it an event, which i suppose is highly unlikely, where by during the match a message pops up saying “freakin’ Space Storm incoming, please sit tight” and it messes with your Radar and Shield for a short amount of time.

I defineatly like the event idea.

@HammasHaukka : “it would also have be quite taxing on the players system, to the point where the minimum requirements of the game would have to be revised completely.”

=> I totally agree with you ! the game needs to be rebalanced, in fact i’m really bored to play scenarios with rank 1 T1 ships as allied…

@ uTonceig : “Or make it an event, which i suppose is highly unlikely, where by during the match a message pops up saying “freakin’ Space Storm incoming, please sit tight” and it messes with your Radar and Shield for a short amount of time.”

=> Why not, i really like your idea too !!

This could be a very good enhancement to our lovely game ! :smiley:

Nice ideas, a few over planet battles with asteroids falling into atmosphere would be amazing too.

Definitely the upper atmosphere of Gas Giants.  There could easily be a ‘Cloud City’ facility to give the ships something to fight over, and exotic cloudscapes with damaging lightning could be more than adequately used for visual evasion.  Similar to Freespace 2 the lightning flashes could constantly break lock if you’re in that part of the cloud, offering some balance without the physical cover that asteroids give you.

Ah, the gas cloud battle in freespace 2 is still a favourite. when Ravana appears and blows your ships apart.


Good Times.

Definitely the upper atmosphere of Gas Giants.  There could easily be a ‘Cloud City’ facility to give the ships something to fight over, and exotic cloudscapes with damaging lightning could be more than adequately used for visual evasion.  Similar to Freespace 2 the lightning flashes could constantly break lock if you’re in that part of the cloud, offering some balance without the physical cover that asteroids give you.




Actually it wouldn’t have to be very taxing for the system, imo. Decreasing the visibility range and covering screen with thick fog, messing with sensors and targeting systems (so enemies hit box pop out on some ridiculous small range so mostly manual targeting and non guided missiles would be used). Some derelict space station or huge chunks of structures to create orientation “landmarks”…


Feelancer did it in Willard Research Station mission area like what, 10 years ago? 

“Ah, the gas cloud battle in freespace 2 is still a favourite. when Ravana appears and blows your ships apart.”


hooo yeah ^^

@ OXIA ; I hope so :slight_smile: