Asking for an advice

Hello guys, i am writing this post to ask for an advice. I would like to know how do you deal with the killer squads? It happened to me a lot of times and is getting frustrating. I know i am not the best pilot in the world but i try to learn how to play this game but playing T3 is like a forbidden land for the average Joe like me. Haveing fun is not an option because i don’t know how many of you enjoy getting  blown up multiple times. A possible answer is learn to play, but it is impossible to learn when most of the time i am waiting to respawn.

So my thoughts are: should i disconnect from the game? A good option but not fair for my teamates. Or the devs should introduce an elo floor at 1500 for eg and all the players above should play in the big league so the average Joe could have some fun. I respect those skilled players but i do not think this game is just for them.



P.S. I do not want to troll, just asking for your thoughts.

First of all: 

IV. Player behaviour in combat 
_ 6. During the game it is forbidden to:  _

d) refuse to deal damage to the enemy. Shall be punished by blocking the account for 24 hours.

e) give away locations of allied ships to the enemy. Shall be punished by blocking the account for 24

Disconnecting is never a good option, if your teammates report you for that you may have problems.


Secondly, the elo floor at 1500 is senseless because “good” players could reduce their Skill Rating just to fool the matchmaking and play against the “average Joes” again. There are also bad players with high rating because they skip objetives to get some kills and not die. Also considering the low population the game, it would literally kill it due to the long queues.


What to do to win? I asked myself that when I was a solo player and had to deal with ESB squads, most of the time I lost, but sometimes we won because the team worked together and did objetives, the best way to win against organized squads is to pick ships that are going to help the team a lot, like Recons to capture beacons, or Engineers to heal your allies. It’s very easy to complain about kill squads while you’re sitting in your respawn point with your LRF doing nothing for the team, or when you don’t take an Engineer when you see that there is none in the team.

You can also search for a corporation and do squads yourself with them. Actually you don’t even need to be in a corp, just make friends and it will come by itself. 


This game is a team based game, saying that this game is not for them (refering to the skilled players) is wrong in every way. Skilled players deserve to win if they do well, matchmaking should be fair so people have oportunities to win, but good players are going to win more games than average players


Hope this helps, remember it’s just my opinion, and it’s as valid as any other.

my personal advice, try to find a wingman you can fly with well or search for a corp who has players in your time zone, specificly if you want to improve, talking to others in TS gives you often a lot of hints. You can try to fly combos better.

Try to get multiple classes, and look how your team is doing. do they need heals? do they use a lot of a specific class? if you know your ships better, you can do a lot by selecting the ship at respawn, which can achieve a specific goal fast. I didn’t like Frigates, but I still fly them and have improved a lot the last half year.

Watch good players play.


As for T3, I do not really think, it is not for the average joe. T3 ships have always weaknesses;


Disconnecting? Not a really good decision. Each lost game, each lost duel should teach you something.


Rating? Not important. There are bad players with high rating, and good players you learn to know by name, even if their rating does not tell you anything special about them. There are also players, who can be very good in one role, and bad in another. Some are better teamplayers, others mindless killers which you won’t kill alone unless you are one yourself. And everybody has good and bad days.


Not having skilled players around you or against you will not improve you. Also, remember that your morale is in front of your screen. Usually a reknown enemy has easier times, just because everybody spawns with “This is lost” in their minds. Believe in yourself and your strengths you find out, and you will see more victories. Never give up. Last second victories are often the highlight of a week.

Hello guys, i am writing this post to ask for an advice. I would like to know how do you deal with the killer squads?

Don’t get killed. Sounds cheeky but that’s about it. The main thing about the kill squads is that they’re anchored around their engineer, which means you are more mobile than them. So ignore them and go for objectives instead. You’ll probably still lose because half your team doesn’t do objectives and the rest only does them for efficiency, so they will never defend one and always move on to the next instead.

Focus on objectives. Meatshields can pinpoint killsquad in one position, then single ones capture their beacons. Quite effective.

Ping a lot, try using the in-game voice chat (or type commands furiously if you don’t use voice chat like me). Basically, take charge and try to get your team to do something. 


I fly solo in T3, and usually I fall back on my engie when things go badly. The Styx is @#%& reliable, and the healing auras means that teammates benefit from sticking close to me. Hence, when I slowly crawl towards… say an enemy beacon, I usually have teammates by my side. 


But it doesn’t work all the time. There’s only so much you can do against an organized team. 

I do that all the time but if u come last,point-wise at the end of the game,u really shouldnt be leading or complaining, basically, if u take charte u haf to come first or ur just a shame

I do that all the time but if u come last,point-wise at the end of the game,u really shouldnt be leading or complaining, basically, if u take charte u haf to come first or ur just a shame

$@&$! Points, victory comes first!

$@&$! Points, victory comes first!

no points no victory unless the whole team disconnects or self destructs or something impossible like that

no points no victory unless the whole team disconnects or self destructs or something impossible like that

i have won matches before without getting a single kill. Eff points mean nothing

What[finemw](< base_url >/index.php?/user/242370-finemw/) said is true, efficiency means nothing. You have to focus on killing threats when needed, but prioritise objectives, the efficiency comes naturally if you do your work properly. For example, if you want synergy farm, ill tell an example of my own, domination match, i killed about 17 people once, got around 2000 eff, we lost the battle, but one of my teammates (a recon) captured a fuckton of times the beacons, he got about 5k eff. I bet you a million dollars i got almost twice the synergy he got, and even tho he focused on objectives he didnt care about wining, all he cared was eff, he wasnt helpfull, he wasnt a team player, he was just capturing beacons to make points.


And also there was some battles where i killed very very few , but i kept 2 snipers pined down the entire match, which greatly helped my allies since they were not being sniped and killed. Result: We won. I was typing furiously on the chat telling them what to do, i didnt come last if eff, but i was near the bottom end. If i had taken my gunship, i could have killed a lot and come first, but 2 nice aim snipers were screwing my team over, so i switched to another sniper, and pinned both down, they had to stay hidden the entire match. Which means, MY objective that was to WIN was acomplished, so, xxxx eff.


It is true my corp tag helps preventing someone saying: You give orders and come near last, you nawb. It is true probably 95% of the team didnt even notice the benefits of my work, but xxxx it.


I used to get trampled by WPK kill squads, ESB kill squads among others like Nasa, DNO, SYn and others. What did i do? I chose a ship and specialized with it (gunship) then i became quite good at it (even if im always playing with 300ms or more) and i always flew with my brother, he usually went for engeneer, a highly mobile engie, so we started to work out, killing lots, and got good enough to be accepted at the WPK. I still queue many times solo, or only with my brother, and sometimes we face wpk killsquads on the other side, esb too, but at least now, if we get killed usually it is because they are better than me and my brother, not because of my own stupidity like it used to be before i started specializing.


Train, if you must, go back to T2, train more there some class of ship you work better, then when you are confident start focusing on equipping a full T3 class you are specialized, and move up to T3. But dont go there on a LRF unless you can be SURE to score at least 10-15 kills per battle, otherwise you will just be a burden for the team.


I see a fuckton of LRF (torps and snipers) in games, and 99% of them ocupy the LAST positions in efficiency, and they dont do ANYTHING regarding objectives. So i would recomend to avoind LRF untill you are very experienced and know what you are doing.

What[finemw](< base_url >/index.php?/user/242370-finemw/) said is true, efficiency means nothing. You have to focus on killing threats when needed, but prioritise objectives, the efficiency comes naturally if you do your work properly. For example, if you want synergy farm, ill tell an example of my own, domination match, i killed about 17 people once, got around 2000 eff, we lost the battle, but one of my teammates (a recon) captured a fuckton of times the beacons, he got about 5k eff. I bet you a million dollars i got almost twice the synergy he got, and even tho he focused on objectives he didnt care about wining, all he cared was eff, he wasnt helpfull, he wasnt a team player, he was just capturing beacons to make points.

And also there was some battles where i killed very very few , but i kept 2 snipers pined down the entire match, which greatly helped my allies since they were not being sniped and killed. Result: We won. I was typing furiously on the chat telling them what to do, i didnt come last if eff, but i was near the bottom end. If i had taken my gunship, i could have killed a lot and come first, but 2 nice aim snipers were screwing my team over, so i switched to another sniper, and pinned both down, they had to stay hidden the entire match. Which means, MY objective that was to WIN was acomplished, so, xxxx eff.

It is true my corp tag helps preventing someone saying: You give orders and come near last, you nawb. It is true probably 95% of the team didnt even notice the benefits of my work, but xxxx it.

I used to get trampled by WPK kill squads, ESB kill squads among others like Nasa, DNO, SYn and others. What did i do? I chose a ship and specialized with it (gunship) then i became quite good at it (even if im always playing with 300ms or more) and i always flew with my brother, he usually went for engeneer, a highly mobile engie, so we started to work out, killing lots, and got good enough to be accepted at the WPK. I still queue many times solo, or only with my brother, and sometimes we face wpk killsquads on the other side, esb too, but at least now, if we get killed usually it is because they are better than me and my brother, not because of my own stupidity like it used to be before i started specializing.

Train, if you must, go back to T2, train more there some class of ship you work better, then when you are confident start focusing on equipping a full T3 class you are specialized, and move up to T3. But dont go there on a LRF unless you can be SURE to score at least 10-15 kills per battle, otherwise you will just be a burden for the team.

I see a fuckton of LRF (torps and snipers) in games, and 99% of them ocupy the LAST positions in efficiency, and they dont do ANYTHING regarding objectives. So i would recomend to avoind LRF untill you are very experienced and know what you are doing.

im not that guy who uses recon and flies around the map trying to cap beacons by myself thats so stupid and retrded

Trying to win games is xxxx  :crazy:

Trying to win games is xxxx  :crazy:

Indeed, teams trying to win can be a pain. “Don’t you dare destroy their last station now, I need 2 more frigate kills for my R15 contract!” :yes_yes:

Indeed, teams trying to win can be a pain. “Don’t you dare destroy their last station now, I need 2 more frigate kills for my R15 contract!” :yes_yes:


That happens to me when I play with Error and his damned 700 speed Sai or Eagle-B: “don’t plant yet I still ned 2 more for the Maniac”, 7 seconds later: “damn you Error”.

Personally Kill Squads are there or created when good players get together. There is nothing wrong in it of itself. They usually play together, communicate, stratigize, and overall have a greater awareness. All kill squads are different. My squad usually focuses not on efficiency but on winning the game as fast as possible. (So far we won a Sec Con match in 1:59)


You know why they lost and we won? Ship Composition. If they had one Recon or one gunship they would of stopped our strategy.


Wanna know how to defeat a Kill Squad? Become one, and face them the same way they are facing you. Example. We know that DNO and ESB usually dont like going for beacons. At that point going for the objectives and capturing beacons is the best option to win. Having 2 fast recons to either take one beacon or 2 at the same time while the other 2 members are a gunship and an engineer to hold there position is vital.


Many times its all about working together. That’s all there is to it.  

What JP said basically sums it all up. Play on the enemy weakness, thats the key to victory in any place (at least to win with the minimum losses)