An option to 1v1 other players would be really nice. Maybe where you right-click their name and click “Send arena request” and a notice pops up for them in chat asking if they want to fight you. The map could be completely empty, or just have a single object in the middle. Fast to load and completely symmetrical. There could also be a “spectator area” in the launch menu where players can watch the battle and place bets etc. And some portion of bets goes to the winner.
It would also be nice to be able to play solo vs AI on this same map with your own ships, to play with builds or features etc.
Open a Custom battle -> choose a Player -> Right Click -> Invite to custom batte 
This is more about the map than the feature really. We need something that loads hella quick and isn’t cluttered. Something that is meant for small, fast battles, and for testing builds etc.
This is more about the map than the feature really. We need something that loads hella quick and isn’t cluttered. Something that is meant for small, fast battles, and for testing builds etc.
Proving Grounds Nova-17 meets those requirements. And it is available in custom battles.