Are you guys tired?

Are you guys tired?

Tired of Tharga chases that end in death as soon as their actives reload?
         of those downright annoying shipbuilds with no purpose if flying solo like the tackler long range gravi beam that just slows you down for no particular reason?
         of PvP games involving 20+ players where only 2-3 score big and the rest are imitating dead walruses at spawn with their guards?
         of survival on repeat whilst trying to play something you actually like and never getting a chance to do it?
         of those small loopholes and players exploiting them as if they are not decent/good enough so they have to do it to score?
         of PvE being a swarming mess with the latest buffs implemented in the only way so it’s neither difficult nor enjoyable?
         of players that came all the way to rank 15 without at least a basic knowledge of the game and its mechanics?
         of trying to score that first win of the day in the first couple of hundred battles today and fail?

Well, i got a bit disheartened by more than just this to say at least, so what i have to say is this:

Join me in my Open Space stress free sessions every day where you can get synergy, materials, credits and much more for the same time but with more fun and enjoyment of having a decent wingman to talk to and shoot stuff together.

It’s a multiplayer game so why fly solo when you can fly yolo, with yours trully ORCA1911 ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

[PS check this out if you’re interested or have doubts about this :D](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31829-open-space-adventures/)

1 minute ago, ORCA1911 said:

of those downright annoying shipbuilds with no purpose if flying solo like the tackler long range gravi beam that just slows you down for no particular reason?

That’s to kill thar gas.  When there’s a thar ga doing rampage, take a long range gravi beam tackler and focus the hell out of him. Winning by suppressing the enemy key element.  ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)


And you forget this :

of doing the same mission in OS over and over again

of the fact that in OS you have to spend 20 minutes to get a single berry/neo part when you can get one in 5 minutes in PvP

of these players killing transport ships you need to escort for missions, but station protection won’t let harm him until you self destruct.

Interesting idea, but not for me. I don’t know when do I hate my life more, when I have to farm specops or when I do my daily sh*t (missions) in OS. 

I get it what it is for but slowing me in a recon at spawnpoint all the time whilst being raped by the thargas belonging to my team which you should aim for calls for a laugh, just my experience tho.

I dont do os missions besides dailies coz monos, beris/neos can or can not drop faster (depens how fast u are at killing) than pvp with better yield especially if you dont own any premium items/licence, and those players are plain dix farming useless npc’s because they have no clue where to even begin farming but want to mess with people for no reason.

4 minutes ago, Gizmomac said:

Interesting idea, but not for me. I don’t know when do I hate my life more, when I have to farm specops or when I do my daily sh*t (missions) in OS. 

Ah well, the invite is still open, every day, ur whalecome to join ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

I got tired so I rarely play now, 20 min per day for OS and purple loot and another 1 hour per week for 15 pve Xenocrystal mission.


I’d love to do OS but tbh it’s hella awful atm. Useless drops and no more MC’s. Enemies are all op and basically the same. Really I’d have more fun losing more PvP battles and getting resources that way. I either win or lose a battle in like 2 minutes these days anyways because MM has no idea what it is doing.

1 hour ago, Milfeulle said:

I got tired so I rarely play now, 20 min per day for OS and purple loot and another 1 hour per week for 15 pve Xenocrystal mission.



ofcourse you’d get tiered, you got what 1000 battles in 2 weeks?

Yes absolutely!

I would like to have a SC ship class for OS in future, too! A mining ship of sorts. Lets us make open spce/mining ship concepts…

Just now, avarshina said:

Yes absolutely!

I would like to have a SC ship class for OS in future, too! A mining ship of sorts. Lets us make open spce/mining ship concepts…

I don’t think that’s a good idea. 


On the other hand, modules for mining can be good. Or shooting at asteroids to destroy them. 

Me? tired? I had 9.14 hours of sleep last night and a medium-short-long espresso without coffee or water, I am so full of energy that I can turn into a Kugelblitz boi.





10 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Tired of Tharga chases that end in death as soon as their actives reload?

yes! yes! except they die!

10 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

         of those small loopholes and players exploiting them as if they are not decent/good enough so they have to do it to score?

yes! I totally overuse the proxy mortar condas because it reduced thargas over time in the enemy team, like a flamethrower against cockroaches, sadly, they started to learn and just evolve right in front of my eyes!

10 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

         of those downright annoying shipbuilds with no purpose if flying solo like the tackler long range gravi beam that just slows you down for no particular reason?

ahahahaha. really? at least that guy is doing his job. rather that, than a flux phaser fighter standing around on top of a team killed by thargas, because no one took tackler.

its his job to annoy you.

10 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

         of trying to score that first win of the day in the first couple of hundred battles today and fail?

as i always rely on supporting whatever my team brings, things cant go wrong, can they?


10 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Join me in my Open Space stress free sessions every day

nah, i would rather play avorion, if i want to explore sectors with gates. but i dont seem to do that either, i guess, i just want action, and the only thing left after a few bad matches, is to play until you get a few really close ones where the team really fights for the game. but thx!


tumblr_lzoduvPCyR1qinjuvo1_500.gif sniper_backup_team.png

So it all boils down to “I cant get rich so im gonna avoid playing with you coz reasons” fine, the invitation is still open.

only 3 OS active: connecting, overload, cannot connect. Whitch one?

I’d totally play, orca, especially now when I literally stopped playing star conflict because of the developers that couldn’t even say a thing that 32bits won’t be playable for pvp and that I just lost all money invested. But as swifter said, os isn’t anything great either, always this escort two transports stupid mission… I used to play OS only and kill people there when I got bored of playing broken pvp, but now I cannot kill players either… If OS gets a remaster I would love to fly with ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

actually in OS right now, haven’t been in the game for some time. Anyone wants to join?

It’s just a “mmo barbecue” meet with shooting aliens lol nothing major ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

yeah… I mean killing npc is just not fun, you get my point? I could do that all day every day and it would be of no use…


but if you want to hang out a little bit in empire space, pm in game, will be there

Taikin is here, nothing changed, literally lol, you guys can join my space barbecue whenever you get fed up with other modes. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Boi as soon as I get my Tai’Kin with Jump crystals you can expect me to join you all the time. I can’t deal with high rank PvP any more. It’s all the exact same and you either lose by a landslide or win by one. No more balance.

I am no longer tired! Played 40h straight on new ship and passed out on chair for 4h… just blink of an eye and time advances 4 hours is amazing. On vacation for a month this Friday, must abuse new ship as much as possible XD.