Are there plans for a tackler secret ship?

well if we are going down that line, then I want a jericho guard that has an indoor swimming pool and jacuzzi, and a cocktail and tapas bar, as well as a nice big double bed


maybe a home cinema as well

And I want a long range that actually functions as a giant space GPU, rather than just look like it.


On that note, I also want a dreadnought that functions as a motherboard, an engi PSU, a recon CPU, a couple guard RAMs, and several periphery things like a command monitor, a covert ops wired mouse, a gunship keyboard, and an ecm speaker system.

A recon packed tight with Kiernan Shipka

So at the end you have FalconM as a squad highrisk DD tool, while Gray Falcon much more independent and survivable under tougher opposition


I never denied the fact that the Gray Falcon was better. I completely agree. But I was simply stating that the other two were better in some situations (the ones you pointed out. and waki-r still out-dps’s both).


If the craftable covert ops has a 25% rotation bonus, I would be very happy, but whether it has that or not won’t change my module numbers, it’ll only change one engine slot.


Without rotation bonus: 2 verniers, EB, 2 adaptives, passive, proton wall, 2 other cpu depending on ship bonuses/weapon used

With rotation bonus: 1 vernier 1 intertial, … (same as above for the rest)


With this type of setup, I’ll have enough maneuverability for my tastes, plenty of survivability from 2 adaptives, and lots of damage from 3 cpu.

Note: This will be primarily a squad-play ship. Gray Falcon will most likely still be my primary solo cov ops.

I`m finishing grind Eagle - M & decided quit on Federation Covert ops, cause I already have Golden Eagle. :007:

Golden Eagle is probably the worst Covop in T5 :smiley:

the ones you pointed out. and waki-r still out-dps’s both


Waki R has 10% more dmg on main gunz for 4 seconds(with standard Orion) than a Gray Falcon, after that it has less DPS

If the craftable covert ops has a 25% rotation bonus, I would be very happy, but whether it has that or not won’t change my module numbers, it’ll only change one engine slot.


Without rotation bonus: 2 verniers, EB, 2 adaptives, passive, proton wall, 2 other cpu depending on ship bonuses/weapon used

With rotation bonus: 1 vernier 1 intertial, … (same as above for the rest)

200 rotation (pitch) or go home! :smiley:

Golden Eagle is probably the worst Covop in T5 :smiley:


Definitely true. The G. Falcon, Falcon-M, and Waki-R are all better than the Golden Eagle. Sure the golden eagle can make some great dps builds for EM weapons, but it is literally the definition of a glass-cannon.


200 rotation (pitch) or go home! :smiley:


I find 160 pitch is fine for the way I play, and especially since I play on high-ping servers 90% of the time. Having any more than 180 makes it hard to control the ship with high ping.

Golden Eagle is probably the worst Covop in T5 :smiley:


how can you say that. the golden eagle is a beauty. ultra mobile glass cannon par excellence. it comes very close to the dream of every rfb freak.



I find 160 pitch is fine for the way I play, and especially since I play on high-ping servers 90% of the time. Having any more than 180 makes it hard to control the ship with high ping.


the high rotation makes less sense in t5 anyway; most ceptors in t5 are slower in full rotation fits than previous tiers, and all other ships are generally faster, so is the whole tier, and some fighters can turn quite well aswell. there are almost no full-fledged dogfights in the battles if they get bigger, since you have waki-ae’s on the field most of the time. going for 200 rot maybe interesting for a 1v1 dogfight, but imho i dont see the point generally. phasers are also easier to avoid by having good strafing and good turning. the rotation dominance is not as strong as in t3 imho.



If the craftable covert ops has a 25% rotation bonus, I would be very happy, but whether it has that or not won’t change my module numbers, it’ll only change one engine slot.


Actually I hope more for a fed co with 10% max speed bonus, since thats missing way more

Golden Eagle is probably the worst Covop in T5 :smiley:


As it should be, since it is premium.


Anyway it is still pretty competitive. And a great dogfighter thanks to the shared ammo speed of RFB supernova charges and kinetic rockets.


I still don’t understand the reason behind saying that the Grey falcon is better cov ops. It is not, it just has better rotation, so you can turn faster. But the Falcon M is better for the cov ops role, which is doing the most damage in the less time possible, and survive to fight again.


Also, MK 5 orion with 20 sec reload? hell yeah.

As it should be, since it is premium.


Anyway it is still pretty competitive. And a great dogfighter thanks to the shared ammo speed of RFB supernova charges and kinetic rockets.


I still don’t understand the reason behind saying that the Grey falcon is better cov ops. It is not, it just has better rotation, so you can turn faster. But the Falcon M is better for the cov ops role, which is doing the most damage in the less time possible, and survive to fight again.


Also, MK 5 orion with 20 sec reload? hell yeah.


I like Falcon M more because it has more crits and a reload bonus, and I like that a lot.


But I have to agree that Grey Falcon is better because the more rotation the better, and it has 2 adaptive shields which is terribly important on them though. 


Anyway I’d still fly Falcon M over Grey Falcon because of personal preferences.

The shrapnel on the falcon M is “pure love”. But a Grey Falcon have more survivability, it’s more “canonical” as cov’ops like the Kite or the Eagle M.

how can you say that. the golden eagle is a beauty. ultra mobile glass cannon par excellence. it comes very close to the dream of every rfb freak.

 almost, and yet so far


the high rotation makes less sense in t5 anyway; most ceptors in t5 are slower in full rotation fits than previous tiers, and all other ships are generally faster, so is the whole tier, and some fighters can turn quite well aswell. there are almost no full-fledged dogfights in the battles if they get bigger, since you have waki-ae’s on the field most of the time. going for 200 rot maybe interesting for a 1v1 dogfight, but imho i dont see the point generally. phasers are also easier to avoid by having good strafing and good turning. the rotation dominance is not as strong as in t3 imho.

Rotation makes sense in any Tier, Rotation backed up by lots of strafe is even more sense,Rotation backed up by strafe and backed up by increased acceleration is a godsend, because dodging most of EM missiles at will contributes to your overall survivability by a lot. Don’t forget that all weapons not only do more dmg but have improved properties - range and projectile speed in particular in comparison to t3, and as you mentioned more ships have more engines so more ships rotate better, that is even more reason to mass rotation to keep the advantage gap. On top of that it becomes a cake walk flying in a middle of drone swarms, where you can consistently dive on Enemy beacon that has 4 drones + Octopus with another 5, take out a gunship and get away in tact.



I still don’t understand the reason behind saying that the Grey falcon is better cov ops. It is not, it just has better rotation, so you can turn faster. But the Falcon M is better for the cov ops role, which is doing the most damage in the less time possible, and survive to fight again.

The base dmg difference of GM and FM (If no Pylons on FalconM) is around 13%-16% depends on how you handle your crit properties - it is only 1x CPU and E15 implant (remember base 10% bonus on GF which is = 10% crit chance dps wise, while being better than crit chance for other reason)

But then there is that 20 vs 30 second Orion, which is a big difference, but due to lower staying-power of FM you get bullied out of the fight to recover way more easily than GF, and unless you have a pocket healer with 2 heal eggs to bring you to full in seconds or you are farming some retardos and just feed from 13-1, you are not gonna abuse that lower cool-down to full potential.

There is a noticeable similarity in comparison of

Falcon M vs Gray Falcon


Eagle B vs Kite

Falcon M and Eagle B do more dmg but reach it is full potential only in a squad near friendly formation, while Gray Falcon and Kite, are like Honey Badgers - they don’t give a crap and independent.

But then there is that 20 vs 30 second Orion, which is a big difference, but due to lower staying-power of FM you get bullied out of the fight to recover way more easily than GF, and unless you have a pocket healer with 2 heal eggs to bring you to full in seconds or you are farming some retardos and just feed from 13-1, you are not gonna abuse that lower cool-down to full potential.


I don’t have a pocket healer. I have an awesome healer!


I only use the Falcon M in SQ and “serious biznezz” where I have a healer. For randoms I use the golden eagle.


That is the reason I said Falcon M is better at his role. You have to account synergies, not playing alone.

but… but Grey Falcon is perfect ship for distraction!

if there is no ecm around:

1 - Go after enemy engie

2 - Poke it

3 - Enemy will try to protect engie

4 - entertain them for some time(enough for teammates to get beacon or something)

Last step is a lottery… 

a) die tryin

b) kill and die

c) kill and survive

(w/e which one coz team had time to regroup)

I only use the Falcon M in SQ and “serious biznezz” where I have a healer. For randoms I use the golden eagle.


That is the reason I said Falcon M is better at his role. You have to account synergies, not playing alone.

And what is a CovOp’s role may I ask? Because what you do is a direct replacement of what Federation Gunship supposed to do, but can’t “because balanced interceptors”.

And what is a CovOp’s role may I ask? Because what you do is a direct replacement of what Federation Gunship supposed to do, but can’t “because balanced interceptors”.

Covert ops are meant for surgical strikes against single oponents, and then retreat and survive to do the same again.


Gunships are more of a raw DPS dealer, with staying power.


Their roles are a bit diffused, because fed gunships are more or less bigger covert ops. But that is because of the Fed metagame, not the class one.


The two reasons the piranha is not competitive are his bonuses (rails in a brawl ship?) and model size.


If you switch the tiger line and the lion line in the tech tree, you would see much more fed gunships and tacklers in game.


In fact, as it is now, the tiger M is much better gunship than the piranha.


Do you know what would be the best counter to the current interceptor spam? the rework of the Fed 8 implant. That thing is what makes the interceptors almost invulnerable.

Covert ops are meant for surgical strikes against single oponents, and then retreat and survive to do the same again.

Exactly, and Falcon M is bound to operate in proximity of own squad, it is more of a diver than a “surgical” striker, because it gets killed easily in the “open” or while roaming the map or trying to flank, and that is what Gray Falcon does in multitudes better than Falcon M, while still closing on Falcon M as a diver (or even better due to extensive brawling capabilities)

Gunships are more of a raw DPS dealer, with staying power.

That is an Empire Gunship

Fed gunship purpose is practically what Flacon M does right now, dive in dive out with the squad without much downtime.

Just because it has rail bonus, does not mean you have to use rails, since beginning of time Piranha were used with Bubbles (or with curved Ions by some), problem is close range gunship builds do not have as much DPS as CovOps (unless Spark/Mjolnir, but mid range spark is more efficient than a close range spark) or extremely specialized, like SuperNova bubbles to the point that you can effectively fight only 1 type of enemies, and everything else tears you a new one.

Do you know what would be the best counter to the current interceptor spam? the rework of the Fed 8 implant. That thing is what makes the interceptors almost invulnerable.

Not really, Interceptor spam is not CovOps spam, and Covops are the ones that actually “abuse” the 8-2 with 2x/3x multi-purpose module builds.

ECMs - use only 1 (or sometimes even none, in a squad) MP module and 2 out of 3 builds for ECMs do not use adaptive as well

Recons - mostly 1 MP module, isn’t necessary vulnerable to slows due to invis and m-warp. Builds on Empire Raccoons are hardly affected by slows overall.

Then you have all bunch of different roles/builds that rely on Adaptives to live and bring 1 MP modules at most (Plus Fed Guard with 2 MPs)

Interceptors are not the only ships that relay on 8-2

Just nerfing 8-2 you are not going to fix anything, unless you wanna take a complete rework of slows-counters to slow interactions, which is most likely not happening because it doesn’t make much sense to do.

Actually I hope more for a fed co with 10% max speed bonus, since thats missing way more


That would be really nice. I could make a souped-up version of the Eagle-B in T5. Fast, survivable, lots of damage, but this one won’t have the energy problem.

+25% Damage

35pts resist to kinetic

Effects of LRF modules increased 20% ;p