Are there plans for a tackler secret ship?

My favorite type of ship is the tackler so I was wondering if there are plans to make a secret ship project involving a tackler.  

My favorite type of ship is the tackler so I was wondering if there are plans to make a secret ship project involving a tackler.  

The devs said that they plan to have one secret project of each class. But they are not being released at least in the next few months.

As far as we know~

i wish for jerry lrf…

I’m just waiting for the Cov Ops special to appear personally. In the meantime, i’m building an octopus

Great to hear!  I can’t wait to build a tackler, or as I like to call it, “The Ninja Ship”

I’m just waiting for the Cov Ops special to appear personally. In the meantime, i’m building an octopus


Same here. I built my Mjolnir, so now I am focusing on Mk5 stuffs until a cov ops comes out

Fed tackler with three hull slots and three shield slots… Mmmmhhh…  TASTY :smiley:

I want ELRF!

I want ELRF!

yes pls


the mjolnir looks pretty great, if they take that kinda design… maybe use the hunter for inspiration, cylindrical death machine

There’s an OC Secret Projects thread at [](< base_url >/index.php?showtopic=25904)

Would love to have your opinions on the Fed Tackler/the rest. :slight_smile:

I want ELRF!


No, they should do FLRF, cuz YOLO.



Oh I can just imagine the things I could do with that baby…



Oh I can just imagine the things I could do with that baby…

~400m/s LRF?


coz you can make 300m/s with Dragon and still have da tank

I’m talking about the maneuverability and firepower. I could get.

No, they should do FLRF, cuz YOLO.

The special is deploying a drone with 10km range.

An RC drone. X3

(You control it and shoot at stuff.)

An RC drone. X3

(You control it and shoot at stuff.)

We have that already: guided torp

No the special module will deploy two combat drones that surround your ship. Once you hit ‘F’ again, one will fire a guided torp, the other a disintegrator shot.

No even better. 1 drone does a disintegrator shot and a guided torpedo while the other drops the bass. This stuns all enemy ships within a certain radius and they wobble as though they had high ping even in frigates.