are the flight physics too arcadey/fast paced ?

A part of me likes this game’s flight physics and the frenetic, fast-paced action that it produces. It’s uniquely Star Conflict.


Another part thinks it’s TOO hectic and crazy to engage in normal combat and that this may turn off some people. Chasing down interceptors is especially fast paced!


I guess one way to slow things down for people is to just have them pilot frigates


But even then they have to shoot lasers at hard-to-track interceptors and fighters



I just wonder if this game would do better or worse if the fighter physics was a little more like Gaijin’s War Thunder






“Fast-Paced Space Combat” says it all, most of us choose/like this game due to this.

A part of me likes this game’s flight physics and the frenetic, fast-paced action that it produces. It’s uniquely Star Conflict.


Unique? I guess you never played Freelancer for example. Much harder boost, engine switch, faster missiles, better turn rate etc. No, this game was extremely slow for my taste, even int vs int. But i got used to it now.

Unique? I guess you never played Freelancer for example. Much harder boost, engine switch, faster missiles, better turn rate etc. No, this game was extremely slow for my taste, even int vs int. But i got used to it now.

Freelancer was such an amazing and complex game, too bad it never got a sequel or something, it would rock with modern graphics.

Chasing down interceptors is especially fast paced!


I guess one way to slow things down for people is to just have them pilot frigates


If intys are too fast, fly a tackler :stuck_out_tongue:

I did play Freelancer, but I barely remember it. :frowning:


My fav space games are X-wing Alliance and I-War 2. :slight_smile: Space combat was pretty slow there, compared to Star Conflict’s

If intys are too fast, fly a tackler :stuck_out_tongue:


hmm not a bad idea

Just remembered how slow paced Freespace 2 was… wow

But it’s still the better game than anything coming out today, along with some other old titles.

i did not like Freespace 2’s fighter combat much. There was so much afterburner usage and dodging… it could go on forever. 


X-wing’s space combat was the most satisfying, but mostly in PvE. In PvP it got old quick.

i did not like Freespace 2’s fighter combat much. There was so much afterburner usage and dodging… it could go on forever. 

Don’t know how you expect to stay alive if you don’t dodge incoming attacks…

Dont xxxx make this game even slower, it’s already stupidly slow, holy Jesus

Interceptor pilot veterans like me are so used to the speed that 700 M/s Is actually VERY slow for me. 

Don’t know how you expect to stay alive if you don’t dodge incoming attacks…


It was very easy to dodge though. That’s the problem. The AI would just hit their afterburners constantly and then randomly jerk their “joystick” around, making it tiresome to shoot them. I would be fatigued trying to shoot down every AI in a single mission.


That game sorely needed a physics system where the more you move around, the slower you become, thus making it easier for the pursuer to close distance and gain accuracy.

Fast paced???

That game is atm. slow as hell. 

I mean I have a speed-build King Nibelung that only does 495m/s. 

I remember times where the same ship did about 600 m/s.

Yeah, no. This game is actually much slower than it used to be.


If anything we need a major boost to all ships’ base speeds to make it more exciting.


The reason Interceptors feel slightly hard to control is because the camera can’t zoom out as far as it used to. Back then, one could zoom out far enough for the game to appear like an RTS. It was a bit too much battlefield awareness, but it also helped faster ships see rocks before they got Thud! medals.

Yeah, no. This game is actually much slower than it used to be.


If anything we need a major boost to all ships’ base speeds to make it more exciting.


The reason Interceptors feel slightly hard to control is because the camera can’t zoom out as far as it used to. Back then, one could zoom out far enough for the game to appear like an RTS. It was a bit too much battlefield awareness, but it also helped faster ships see rocks before they got Thud! medals.

rip old (good) cammera and fast paced skillgames. i really miss them :confused:

i’m new to the game. How did the old version of the game require more skill?

i’m new to the game. How did the old version of the game require more skill?


There were a lot of things: i.e.:

  1. Limited Missiles but 2 slots. 

  2. Up to 3 Weapon modifiers at the same time. 

  3. Faster ships.

  4. Ship-Layouts had more variety. 

  5. Better survival mods (read: was harder to kill good players)

  6. Locked Tiers with lots of squads. 

the list goes on…

If anything this game is too sluggish. Every interceptor I’ve flown recently feels somewhat lacklustre, with the exception of the swift eagle.

Too fast? If anything, they’re too slow! It’s Frigate Conflict out there and we all know why. Ceptors can’t do their job nor survive, because they mostly rely on speed, something even Federation Ceptors lack.