are the flight physics too arcadey/fast paced ?

boy, I must be getting old and slow because this game has more rapid crosshair moving than a game of Quake!



boy, I must be getting old and slow because this game has more rapid crosshair moving than a game of Quake!


Pfff. You want fast? Try a game of Tribes. They call that game a Twitch Shooter for a reason.

Pfff. You want fast? Try a game of Tribes. They call that game a Twitch Shooter for a reason.


Twitch shooter? Finally, a game worthy of my 8100 DPI mouse. 

Twitch shooter? Finally, a game worthy of my 8100 DPI mouse. 


I wanna see footage of your initiation into Tribes, pls?

If you want to discuss another game please move to the offtopic section.

But really. I didnt play in the old days, but this game now 90% coverjumping and 10% action. Most of the time you hide behind asteroids and shoot each other while try to stay close to the engi, and slowly leapfrog your way to the objective. Not beacon hunt, thanks for that, thats a faster paced stuff. That 10% action is when you get in your inty and go for frigate hunt. And its not fast even then. Havent had a good dogfight in some time…

Or when you’re hunting inties in a wolf :wink:

after putting more hours into the game, I think I’m fine with the speed of Fighters (and Frigates of course). It’s the Interceptors that drive me nuts. I guess I will just have to rely on missiles to kill them

Or any charge-up weapon

A part of me likes this game’s flight physics and the frenetic, fast-paced action that it produces. It’s uniquely Star Conflict.


Another part thinks it’s TOO hectic and crazy to engage in normal combat and that this may turn off some people. Chasing down interceptors is especially fast paced!


I guess one way to slow things down for people is to just have them pilot frigates


But even then they have to shoot lasers at hard-to-track interceptors and fighters



I just wonder if this game would do better or worse if the fighter physics was a little more like Gaijin’s War Thunder

Nothing personal, but because of people like you they screwed the game and made it so sluggish it is pain to play. And I hate that.

i feel like there must be a way to make the Interceptors fast and useful without having them fly all over my screen in a crazy, hectic fashion. 


It seems like they are not durable enough against missiles, but too effective against Interceptor and Fighter guns. If  you are afterburnering all over the place and just rapidly moving your mouse around, you can dodge enemy gunfire very easily. But if two people shoot 2-3 missiles at you and you don’t have any countermeasures, you just die right away (usually).


To me this is kind of weird because guns require more skill to use than missiles, but the missiles are so much more effective. Perhaps the Interceptor could be reduced in rotation rate but gain more defenses against missiles. 

It seems like they are not durable enough against missiles, but too effective against Interceptor and Fighter guns. If  you are afterburnering all over the place and just rapidly moving your mouse around, you can dodge enemy gunfire very easily. But if two people shoot 2-3 missiles at you and you don’t have any countermeasures, you just die right away (usually).


The solution might be to make the lead indicator larger and less specific and decrease the cooldown on flares.


As far as main guns go, if the lead indicator was changed from this little, tight circle to a broader prediction square, it wouldn’t bounce around quite as wildly. In other words, instead of aiming for a pinpoint in space, if the prediction indicator for interceptors were larger and less specific, it would actually be clearer where to aim in general to score a hit on a dodging interceptor.




If the prediction reticle is made larger for interceptor targets, simply tapping the AD[space][Alt] keys still reveals an area of greatest probability through which the interceptor is most likely to pass.


Missiles track the lead indicator to track their targets, yet even if the lead indicator were broader and less-specific, missiles tracking interceptors would still home in on the dead center of the reticle. Which means that while guns would be easier to aim, missiles would not be harder to shake.

i think your idea sounds good. Overall I think the game requires a lot of focus and quick reactions that is very fun for a while, but then it can be very fatiguing too

If the lead indicator was bigger and also had some, or more, element of auto aim to it, then that could beef up the power of guns


It’s as if in a single game of Star Conflict, I’ve had to focus on aiming more than an hour of Battlefield 3 gameplay

Gaijin’s other game, War Thunder, feels much less stressful when aiming at enemies. The planes in that game move much more “gracefully”. I don’t want Star Conflict to be just like War Thunder in space though, so I don’t want to go too far in War Thunder’s direction

@[SoldiersFortune](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240330-soldiersfortune/) - That ECM  :crazy: