Anyone like ECM?

Well I hate it , when my ship block by en ecm , when I die without do anything I just wanna punch my screen. There was a kid video on yt if you watch ,  who gets insane mad , breaks computer throw it out from window , I feel like that kid every time. I understand buff/debuff mechanics  , I did recommend and implement personally one of my old games too but they was negative effects by percent , blocking everything like 10 seconds is insane. I know it is not gonna change , part of the game or one of the core maybe , I know what you think:  get over it , put protons etc , no . I just wanna know who found this brilliant idea , I’ll buy plane ticket , go there tied him up , punch him on the face like 10 second then untie him and say getup lets continue fight , hey get up …

Welcome in the club :smiley:

ECM is love ECM is life

ECM? What is this?



ECM, the best class in the game, counters everything.


I think it was about two patches ago, they even added disabling guard Pulsar with ecm module. Those things were already strong and then they buffed them some more.




To answer the op question: i don’t like that class. If the enemy brings a swarm of ecm’s, it’s lights out :01515:. But i’m fine with their awesome E-War abilities, because ecm don’t have alot of damage and are the kings of debuff’s. They’re dependant on other guys for damage. an ecm alone isn’t that powerful.


At least I found someone like ecm now all kill terrorblade lol :stuck_out_tongue:

I can still kill ecms easily with my cov ops. white noise jammer hurts them so bad. 



This solves your ECM problem.




So does that.



This solves your ECM problem.




So does that.


Basically common knowledge. Yes. 


Ecms are powerful in groups, but 1 v 1 they suffer from lack of damage. 

3,774 dps? Damn that’s p high.

Just one single Proton wall will reduce all stuns to almost half. And most ECM lack the burst damage capabilities of a covert ops, or the utility of a recon (hello parasitic!)


Of course there are weird high damage builds or even rocket spam shenanigans, but at the end, 1v1 ECMs are not the best ship.


But as a support ship, they are great.

but 1 v 1 they suffer from lack of damage. 


Are you drunk?

I love how people judge dmg capabilities by a sole dmg number from weapon stat window. Makes me smile every time.

Are you drunk?


No, its too early to be drunk. 


What I meant was that if an ECM, CO, and RECON faced off, and taking out all modules, and implants. The ECM does the least amount of damage. Correct me if I am wrong on this, but thats the order. CO > RECON > ECM. This is just taking just raw numbers into consideration. 


I love how people judge dmg capabilities by a sole dmg number from weapon stat window. Makes me smile every time.


They need more input! 

Well I hate it , when my ship block by en ecm , when I die without do anything I just wanna punch my screen. There was a kid video on yt if you watch ,  who gets insane mad , breaks computer throw it out from window , I feel like that kid every time. I understand buff/debuff mechanics  , I did recommend and implement personally one of my old games too but they was negative effects by percent , blocking everything like 10 seconds is insane. I know it is not gonna change , part of the game or one of the core maybe , I know what you think:  get over it , put protons etc , no . I just wanna know who found this brilliant idea , I’ll buy plane ticket , go there tied him up , punch him on the face like 10 second then untie him and say getup lets continue fight , hey get up …


I like ECM.

ECM is a poorly designed ship due to total lack of counter-play options. It is a class designed to shut down and counter enemy actions, with no possible counter to the ECM itself being present in game.


Game balance 101 - if you make scissors cut paper, you have to make rock break scissors.

there are ways to counter ECM… you can even make your ship almost immune to ECM if you so chose to set up your ships and implants that way. Prob is… who is going to do that when its easier to just DPS out your ship and complain when an ECM locks you up and ruins your killing spree?

I love how people judge dmg capabilities by a sole dmg number from weapon stat window. Makes me smile every time.


it’s about damage projection, correct? if you can barely hit your opponent what good is it if you have large dps.


to OP. i like ecm

The problem with that is you have to build your ship beforehand assuming ECMs are coming. Even then it’s not countering them, it’s just minimising the damage they cause.


Or to put it another way, consider the following I’ve been seeing on Plants vs Zombies:


Chomper Plants have the ability to burrow and perform an insta-gib attack from below. If this hits you then you die with no hope of respawn.

Zombie Soldiers can counter this with a Rocket Boost ability - this lets them jump over the Chomper as it burrows toward them, or stick to high ground where the Chomper can’t reach.

Zombie ‘Engineers’ have a jackhammer that makes them immune to mines and Chomper attacks for a short period.

Zombie Scientists can perform short-distance teleports.

Zombie All Stars have a dash attack that allows them to quickly evade Chomper attacks.


This is an example of counter-play. Every class has a means to counter this ability with an ability of their own, and this is ignoring any obvious, universal stuff like “stay away from the pure-melee character” or “gang up on him”.


Care to name the abilities that counter ECM?


LRF - IR Pulsar, assuming you can activate it before the ECM gets you.

Guard - None.

Engineer - None.


Tackler - None.

Command - None.

Gunship - None.


Recon - None.

CovOps - White Noise Generator, assuming you hit the ECM before he gets you.


2/8 classes can counter an ECM. Ergo, badly designed class.