Anyone like ECM?

Gunship - None.

Combat Reboot


  1. You’re really ignoring Proton walls. Easiest ecm counter there is… you dont even have to press a button in combat it works by itself

  2. Its good that not every single role has counter to it. Promotes teamplay not 1v1 glory

No, its too early to be drunk. 


What I meant was that if an ECM, CO, and RECON faced off, and taking out all modules, and implants. The ECM does the least amount of damage. Correct me if I am wrong on this, but thats the order. CO > RECON > ECM. This is just taking just raw numbers into consideration. 



They need more input! 


You’re comparing ceptor with ceptor with ceptor. Thing is a solo ECM takes your solo fighter or frigate, you’re not in the same spot as you would be if you were in another interceptor.

The problem with that is you have to build your ship beforehand assuming ECMs are coming. Even then it’s not countering them, it’s just minimising the damage they cause.


Or to put it another way, consider the following I’ve been seeing on Plants vs Zombies:


Chomper Plants have the ability to burrow and perform an insta-gib attack from below. If this hits you then you die with no hope of respawn.

Zombie Soldiers can counter this with a Rocket Boost ability - this lets them jump over the Chomper as it burrows toward them, or stick to high ground where the Chomper can’t reach.

Zombie ‘Engineers’ have a jackhammer that makes them immune to mines and Chomper attacks for a short period.

Zombie Scientists can perform short-distance teleports.

Zombie All Stars have a dash attack that allows them to quickly evade Chomper attacks.


This is an example of counter-play. Every class has a means to counter this ability with an ability of their own, and this is ignoring any obvious, universal stuff like “stay away from the pure-melee character” or “gang up on him”.


Care to name the abilities that counter ECM?


LRF - IR Pulsar, assuming you can activate it before the ECM gets you.

Guard - None.

Engineer - None.


Tackler - None.

Command - None.

Gunship - None.


Recon - None.

CovOps - White Noise Generator, assuming you hit the ECM before he gets you.


2/8 classes can counter an ECM. Ergo, badly designed class.


Tackler - cloak (activate early); ridiculously big range on gravi-beams - outranges the ECM modules

Gunship - combat reboot


The rest I agree.


IMO guards should be immune to ECM, or at least have a module rendering them so for a certain amount of time (I think Efefay suggested this).  That way ECM have a definite counter, just like the rock counters the scissors.  Since we are using the analogy of rock paper scissors, I agree that there need to be more counters, however not all ships should have a counter.

Here it is: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24513-guard-module-proton-safeguard/?hl=guard+module)

Too bad the community sh!tted on it without even testing the thing. We tested the Invasion modules and they were deemed to strong or shouldnt belong ingame by most of the SC populace. It’s also too bad that his game didn’t have a beta to test it.

Too bad the community sh!tted on it without even testing the thing.


There is not testing by the community, and devs wont implement it, with luck they will read the topic.

There is not testing by the community, and devs wont implement it, with luck they will read the topic.

What I ment was that the community gave their opinions, regardless of good or bad, without testing in the game. They haven’t seen how this would affect gameplay for sure. Yet they still give negative or positive opinions.

I just say let the module speak for itself ingame. Then you can sh!t on it all you want.

I don’t understand the second part of your post.

I just say let the module speak for itself ingame. Then you can sh!t on it all you want.


No one in the right mind would implement every suggestion just to see how it works.


I don’t understand the second part of your post.


It means what you read. You’re lucky if they even look at the thread, they’re busy and English forum is not top priority.

The problem with that is you have to build your ship beforehand assuming ECMs are coming. Even then it’s not countering them, it’s just minimising the damage they cause.


Or to put it another way, consider the following I’ve been seeing on Plants vs Zombies:


Chomper Plants have the ability to burrow and perform an insta-gib attack from below. If this hits you then you die with no hope of respawn.

Zombie Soldiers can counter this with a Rocket Boost ability - this lets them jump over the Chomper as it burrows toward them, or stick to high ground where the Chomper can’t reach.

Zombie ‘Engineers’ have a jackhammer that makes them immune to mines and Chomper attacks for a short period.

Zombie Scientists can perform short-distance teleports.

Zombie All Stars have a dash attack that allows them to quickly evade Chomper attacks.


This is an example of counter-play. Every class has a means to counter this ability with an ability of their own, and this is ignoring any obvious, universal stuff like “stay away from the pure-melee character” or “gang up on him”.


Care to name the abilities that counter ECM?


LRF - IR Pulsar, assuming you can activate it before the ECM gets you.

Guard - None.

Engineer - None.


Tackler - None.

Command - None.

Gunship - None.


Recon - None.

CovOps - White Noise Generator, assuming you hit the ECM before he gets you.


2/8 classes can counter an ECM. Ergo, badly designed class.

A guard can tank an ecm without ever losing its shield.

A healer can tank an ecm long enough to try and kill it.

A tackler has trouble, but it can do it. It’s best to have one good pilot at your side, though.

A gunship can kill an ecm in two shots, depending on the ecm’s def and the gunship’s gun/damage type/crit. There is also the combat reboot.

A recon can sap an ecm’s shield (after it’s gone on a Jericho ecm, the ecm is basically dead, unless it has a lot of regen and defense together.

the command is more of a team ship. it really isn’t meant to 1 vs 1.

A covert ops can kill an ecm just like that.

an lrf, yes the ir pulsar is good for it, but it’s a ship that can kill an ecm with not much effort when it gets the chance.


Oh, and I love ECM. It makes fights more interesting.

It’s also one of the only counters for my guard, aside from a command’s ion missile. (if it plays well with its team, else-wise I’ll be tanking 100-200k damage from them per shield charge.)

A Dagger can kill an Inquisitor with help. Doesn’t mean it’s balanced.

I suspect you utterly missed the point, seeing as your idea of ‘counter-play’ is to assume it’s a 1v1 and nobody is using modules.

Either most or all ships should have a direct counter to ECM that doesn’t involve shooting them before the stunning happens.

It’s good to think in 1 vs 1’s because you are looking at 1 vs 1 counters.

It’s a team game, you’re team will always be very diverse, or similar, but a team it will be.

Your enemies will also have a team of their own. Fight as well as you can, and you will find that ecms are really not all that

hard to kill, nor defend against. It’s a game in of its own, and it adds a great way to think about fights. An ecm is apparently the only counter for a covert ops trying to kill your healer. (aside from 3+ players from your team trying to kill it before it kills the engi.) Even then, you need more than an ecm to kill that covert ops before it turns lethal for the Current Town Doctor.

A Dagger can kill an Inquisitor with help. Doesn’t mean it’s balanced.

I suspect you utterly missed the point, seeing as your idea of ‘counter-play’ is to assume it’s a 1v1 and nobody is using modules.

Either most or all ships should have a direct counter to ECM that doesn’t involve shooting them before the stunning happens.

I would like to know how a Dagger can kill an inquisitor with help. Except if the help is a bubble lightbringer. But that is 2v1. And anyway, a dagger just have the ion diffuser, not the stasis.


If you are so worried about ecms, fit proton walls. I have one in all my rank 15 ships, and it is great being in stasis for just 1 sec and then rape the ecm.

Can we not argue about ECM? It’s too controversial and we have been over this topic before with no change. Electronic warfare is part of any modern or futuristic military force. Just leave it as it is and have a ship in one of your slots designed specifically to F up an ECM. You will always have 2 slots left.

Can we not argue about ECM? It’s too controversial and we have been over this topic before with no change. Electronic warfare is part of any modern or futuristic military force. Just leave it as it is and have a ship in one of your slots designed specifically to F up an ECM. You will always have 2 slots left.

There is no Rule regarding the fact players want to talk about a designed ship or role.


If they want to argue about the ECM, they are free to do it until they respect the forum’s rules.

they are free to do it until they respect the forum’s rules.

RU forums are this way ------------>


Since when there are rules to follow on EN forums?

Even GMs dont always do that here.

The way I see it, fighters, and interceptors have ways to combat ECM moderately.  Frigates are SOL in most cases.  Only in t3 are some frigs able of tanking a single ECM, but as you go up, that is not the case (Especially in t5).  Storm viking and wakizashi can both dish out mid 3k range base dps, and add missile spam with a different damage type and it can melt a frigate pretty easily.  Before the guard nerf to ECM the guard had a few ways to help combat them and other interceptors for short periods of time, but now they can be completely and utterly shut off and made useless.  Same goes for engineer.  ECM shuts off their heals as well and then can energy drain them to nothing so they can’t even activate the energy aurora.  LRF has the best chance because of it’s cloak, but without it it’s definitely screwed because of how squishy they are now.  


They are great for team play, in stunning and freezing ships, but when there is more than one, it becomes nearly impossible to fight if they coordinate.  People also forget about the energy drain that they have.  That will prevent combat reboot, cloak, CO modules, AB, and pretty much your survival within a couple of seconds if he has a full salvo of missiles, or his friends are around.  A dagger can drain t5 frigate’s energy reserves pretty damn fast making them unable to do anything.  


The roll is definitely needed, but limiting the duration of the stuns and freezes won’t do much.  Especially on guard ships.  1 micro second of stun still = no pulsar, mass propulsion, shield rep, missile shield, ect.  And those modules take forever to recharge.

The key to using a guard’s healing modules against an ecm is to use the small ones first, then after the ion hits, use the emergency setups.

That small one only takes around 36 or so seconds to regenerate itself, and it will accompany the larger one/'s after it’s ready.

The small healing modules, like the shield booster, are not able to be ecm-ed while in use. An ecm alone will not get through a well built guard’s shield unless that guard doesn’t have a good build.

When you are fighting in groups though, it won’t be 1v1, the guard will have some gunships or cov ops on him, only to get shut off by ecm and royally screw him over.  He has no other means to survive, while other classes can still evade and escape.  Bots are perfect with their ecm timing when it comes to this too :/.  But that is a whole different story (remove bots pls). 


A storm viking and waki-AE with rapid fire missiles can solo kill a good guard btw.  12 missiles dealing at least 3k piercing damage a shot in 12 seconds on top of 3.5k dps rf/lasers = 78000 damage in 12 seconds, not including crit.  That is plenty to destroy most guards, and if not, it will die shortly after.  This is, of course just solo 1v1, which is never the case.  ion shuts him off, and energy drain keeps him from doing anything. 

IMO guards should be immune to ECM, or at least have a module rendering them so for a certain amount of time (I think Efefay suggested this).  That way ECM have a definite counter, just like the rock counters the scissors.  Since we are using the analogy of rock paper scissors, I agree that there need to be more counters, however not all ships should have a counter.


Guards are crippled more than most by ECM; it cancel their pulsars. 

Guards are crippled more than most by ECM; it cancel their pulsars. 

You don’t know the Fake Pulsar Strategy, do you? :smiley: