
  1. The Anaconda-M :



The Anaconda-M is a rank 9 Federation Guard Frigate unlocked throught the Anaconda (Rank 8 Engineer).

Corresponding to all the federal ships, it have balanced hull and shield values, making it able to use various builds and differents gameplays. With a better mobility than its cousin, the “Crusader S”, the Anaconda-M can be use in the Front Line, for Flanking actions or Hunting Playstyle.


The Anaconda-M use 7 ship modifiers and 4 Active modules :


_ 1 Engine

_ 1 Capacitor

_ 3 Shields

_ 1 Hull

_ 1 CPU


The following bonus are unlocked by synergising the ship :


_Maximum Capacitor Volume increase by 20%

_Shield resistance to all dammage increased by 10 pts

_Weapon Cooling rate increase by 50%



The Anaconda-M is a guard with a Faster Gameplay than the Jericho Guards, allowing players to have a ship a little less tankier (or not) but more interesting in terms of speed, strategy and repositionning.

Of course, it can be play with standard fitting but you will not be able to exploit the main particularity of this ship.



Disclaimer :

The following builds are based on this adaptation capacity and require a certain comprehension of the guard’s mechanics and game’s mechanics.


  1. Implants :

The Following Implant List is open to modification according to player’s preference, most of the implants listed here are really well synergised with “my” gameplay/flying style and the modules/Ship modifiers I use to equip on my Anaconda-M listed later in this post.


Rank 1 : Neurocontroller “HR1-SE” : +25 pts to all hull resistances

(Basic implant → Combo with the Hull modifier / Implant)


Rank 2 : Neurocontroller “Occulus” : Locking time -43% / Critical Chance + 10%


Rank 2 : Neurocontroller “FCM-M1” : CC time reduce by 23% / Spread -20%

(Depending of your weapon choice / CPU choice)


Rank 3 : Neurocontroller “SR-Mark 2” : +20pts to all shield resistances

(Basic Implant → Combo with Active Modules / Prevent Negative resistance)


Rank 4 : “No specified Implant here” Adapt it to your preference/Missile type


Rank 5 : Alpha-Ihnibitor “Velox” : Rotation speed increase by 30%

(Must Have in a frigate / Combo with the Hull Modifier)


Rank 6 : Alpha-Inhibitor “Ox” : +50% to critical dammage


Rank 6 : Alpha-Inhibitor “WPN-F52” : +30% Plasma/Railgun Projectile speed / +10% maximum laser temperature

(Depending of your weapon)


Rank 7 : Beta-Accelerator “Predator” : Afterburner energy use reduced by 17%

(My choice due to the fact I’m a lot of time out of position)


Rank 8 : Beta-Accelerator “Rapidus” : Reduce Multipurpose modules cooldown by 17%

(Combo with an Active module) / (Can be changed according to players preferences)


Rank 9 : Beta-Accelerator “Gigas II” : Increase Hull resistance to all dammage by 12pts by ennemy locked on you

(Must have / Combo with an active module and a ship modifier)


Most of the Implants are related to modules and Ship modifiers, Boosting the survavibility and allowing to do some survive in risky situation:

_Diving a protected beacon/location (and survive)

_Survive against Ion Emitter / Singularity Cannon enough time to reach cover / give time to your team

_Optimise your resistance while healing (Engineer/SelfHeal)

_Become the Master of the Galaxy (… Wait, what?)




  1. Prerequisites :

a) Mechanics :

Two Important things to understand : “Phase shield” and “Analysing the Battlefield”.


First the “Phase Shield” because it’s your most important tool in the game :

It’s the guard’ Special Module, Increasing your shield resistance to One type of dammage by 150 pts and buffing your dammages by 25% if you take dammge from the selected type for 5 secondes.


The Cycle for the Phase shield is :

“Thermal Resistance” → “EM Resistance” → “Kinetic Resistance” → “Thermal Resistance” →…


You can switch the type of increased resistance by pressing “F” (standard button).

You always start a game with the “Phase Shield” on “Thermal Resistance”.


Mastering the “Phase Shield” is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY !

Do not expect miracles without knowing your ship.


Secondly, analysing the battlefield is also an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY !


I use a small list (Convenient and Fast) : the rule of OR-CA.

_ OR-CA _ means: _ O _bjective _ R _econ / _ C _ombat _ A _nalysis


_ OR _:

1.What are my objectives? (Basic)

2.Where are they? (Basic)

3.What are / will be the ships (Allies and Enemies) on the objective? (Strategy)

4.Which way will I take? (Strategy and Security)


_ CA _:

1.Do I have enough firepower or effects to influence the battle? (Strategy)

2.Could I put myself under cover? (Asteroids, Buildings …) (Security)

3.Are my Modules / missiles ready to be use? (Combat)

4.When will I use them? (Strategy)


Normally, 1 and 2 should soon become automatic.

And there will only be 3 and 4 to apply.


Finally the last question: WHAT WILL I DO?

It will be up to you to adapt according to the responses to the questions posed above.


The advantage of this “little methodology” is that it also works after a death / a battle.

What to understand what was wrong, what it would have rather been done.

And thus progress in mastering your ship.

And it’s adaptive to all ships and all players. You can add all the question you need and find your own answer to adapt your Gameplay !


b) Modules and Ship Modifiers

(Small Reminder: These fitting are made ​​and tested with “at least” the MK3 modules.

The viability of these builds has therefore not been tested with Mk1 and Mk2).


Let’s start with the weapons:


_Heavy Blaster (Thermal Dammages)

_Coil Mortar (Kinetic Dammages)

_Positron Cannon (EM Dammages)


Weapons depend on the desire of the players, they can all be used.

The choice of munitions and missiles as well.


Secondly, Active Modules:



_Emergency Shield booster

_Multiphase Shield Adapter

_Liquid Metal Injector

_Signature Masking

_Mass Propulsion Inhibitor

_Nanocomposite Coating


Finally Ship Modifiers : ( Sort by Category )


_ Vernier Engine ( rotation speed)

_ Catalyst Injector ( High speed)




_ Iridium Heatsink ( Increase Rate of Fire or RoF )

_ Voltage Regulator ( Increase Energy Regeneration)

_ Pulse Discharger ( Dammages Increase / Reduce Energy Regeneration)

_ Acceleration Coil ( Increase shot speed)



_ Adaptive Shield ( Increase shield and Hull Resistance When flying at max speed)

_ Projection shield Splitter ( x2) ( Increase shield Values for reduce Acceleration)

_ EM Diffuser ( Increase Shield EM Resistance)

_ Thermal Modulator ( Increase Shield Thermal Resistance)

_ Auxilliary Projector Shield ( Increase Shield Values)


_ Armor -Plated Hull ( Increase Hull Values but reduce Max speed)

_ Galvanized Amor ( Increase Hull resistances to all types of dammages but reduce rotation speed)

_ Reinforced Beams ( Increase Hull values)


_ Electronic Guidance (If you still have one ) (Reduce Spread)

_ Horizon Module ( Increase Maximum and Optimal range)

_ Proton Wall ( Reduce CC duration )

_ Target Tracking Coprocessor ( Increase Critical Dammage )

_ Infrared Scanner ( Increase Critical chance)



  1. Fitting:

Standard n°1 : 



With this build, You will have a poor acceleration rate due to the 2 Shield Projector Splitter, but nice shield quantity.

The 2 Others Hull modifications are based on your Gameplay, some players will prefer to have Huge hull and less resistance (Armor Plated / Reinforced Beams) and others will prefers resistances (Galvanised). (An also what you already have as modules)

The main fact with this build is your Capacitor.

According to your weapons/missiles and the capacitor you will choose, it can modify your positionning. Most of the time, your job will be to stay with your team and make them a way to the objective.

The CPU choice is yours (Player preference and Weapon)


Keep a Command Fighter and an Engineer in range.

The multiphase Shield Adapter is a must have with this build.


(I’m using this build when I don’t want to play to much aggressive and a little bit more passive).




OKAY, this is my lazy build ! (Or the build I consider as the laziest build ever made)



Standard n°2





With this build, it will be possible to tank a little better thermal damage. This build is I think the most fluently used on Guards.

It contains a bit of everything you need: Resistances shields, a little a reduced acceleration, and maximum speed more than correct.


This build is slightly more versatile (Especially if a Capacitor Power Relay is selected)

With higher resistances on shields, and a small improvement in their regeneration, build allows some bold moves.


The advantage of this build is that it reduces the dammages:

_ From Ion Emitter

_ From the torpedo of Jericho LRF

_ From Imperial disintegrator

_ From proximity mines

_ From Minelayers

_ From Standard Missiles

_ From Web Plasma / Plasma Arc

_ From Anomaly Generator / Nuke



In short, a balanced Build that has already proved its effectiveness ! (Already use in old game version)

You will be limited by your Capacitor once again, remember to always stay in the range of your allies !

Or you will have troubles…


Special Anaconda-M




This special build is a bit unusual.

Unlike previous builds, in which the capacitor and your allies dictated your positioning, it is governed by one rule:




The aim is to maximize the combo “Phase Shield” + “Adaptive Shield (s)” + “High Mobility”.

In case of loss of shields: The combo “Adaptive Shield (s)” + “Galvanized Armor” + “High Mobility” should save you more times than you might think.


This build is for players who blame the Guards to be too static and slow.

Mobility, Firepower and Tanking Combined combined at it finest for giving birth to a new type of gameplay underexploited.


For this “Fitting”, the only limit we could find would be the choice of weapons.

Because mobility is necessary to use the full durability of this fitting, weapons with the “Slow Barrel” have a slight tendency to be slightly more difficult.


Little bonus: The “Battering Ram” becomes super Funny.


Actual Viable Actives Modules Combo for the Anaconda-M :


  1. Why no Anti-Missile Shield : Most of the Time, your positionning will not be enough useful to optimize the AMS and the Nerf of the AMS, it change it to something not really interresting.


  1. Emergency shield booster Everywhere? Yes, The phase shield do not only buff resistance, it also buff Dammages by 25% and it’s safer to have something to heal your main tanking hability.


  1. What should I take if I use …? What you want/have ! The best thing to do is to try them all and find which one is better for you !


  1. Why no explanation about the Fitting/Positionning? Understanding the basic Game’s Mechanics is needed to be able to use this fitting. A minimum Knowledge about the modules and the maps is also important. Each game in StarConflict are differents (Fleet Composition / Ennemy team / Allied Team / Personnal skill), that makes impossible to explain all the particularities on differents fitting.



Terminology and Tips:


The positionning is considering the “Range between you and your Ennemy” ,the “Range Between you and your Allies” and the “Cover”

It’s allowing to create a Suppresion zone with your guard and can be done by differents way :

_ Debuffing the Ennemy Dammage (Signature Masking)

_ Slowing the Ennemy - Make them easier to shoot (Mass Propulsion Inhibitor)

_ Kill them all (Pulsar)

A good Positionning is the location where the majority of your allied are protected by your debuffs (or Ennemies debuffed) and where you’re still able to kept a good amount of Energy to fall back when needed.

Ex :

Afterburning in straigh line directly to a beacon without any allies with you and no cover available is a bad positionning (and a bad idea)

Flying with your team, to a beacon and using the asteroids/building to reduce the amount of Locking / Sniping, missiles, random shots and use the cover to do a “Pick-a-boo” is a good Positionning.


Cover : It’s everything that can stop Projectiles, missiles and some debuffs (By blocking the side of View). Using it at your advantage will grant you a tactical survavibility bonus. It’s also a good Baiting zone.


Don’t try to be an Hero :  



Questioning is the basis for improving : Always ask yourself about what you did if you died.


Modules Timing :  Use your modules wisely, most is of the Guard modules have pretty big cooldown (even for experimental). This mastery often requires a little time.


DO NOT FRIGBALLZ ! And Fly safely !


Word of the day : Baguette !


Thanks for Reading !

Adaptive shield kicks in at your full base speed +50% of your maximum AB speed

so you have to manage yourself in that region, allows you to manage your capacitor reservoir

  • if you are going for Adaptive shield tanking it is suggested to have a R8 federation Implant to counter slows

  • Energy regen + Verniers + Heavy Armor (by keeping your maximum speed a little bit lower while having same acceleration allows you to reach full tanking faster with less energy spent) is pretty much a must for adaptive shield tanking

P.S. 3x Adaptive Shields FTW

Heavy blaster + Curved reflector + Pulse Discharger + Phase shield absorb damage buff (+Valkyrie buff) is a lot of fun to troll frigate pilots with, even guards melt in seconds


of course you are quite useless otherwise but it can be a lot of fun :slight_smile:

I wonder with some of the builds presented, if one could turn an anaconda-m into the best bomb carrier ever made. Surelly would be fun to test it on a 12vs12 battle to see what’s what.


Great guide btw! Gratz!

If we go by Blood Bowl logic, guards can be excellent bomb carriers. (During the 0.8 days I scored a fair number of bomb plants while flying Jeri guards.)




Heavy blaster + Curved reflector + Pulse Discharger + Phase shield absorb damage buff (+Valkyrie buff) is a lot of fun to troll frigate pilots with, even guards melt in seconds


of course you are quite useless otherwise but it can be a lot of fun :slight_smile:


This looks like a vicious PvE setup. 

If we go by Blood Bowl logic, guards can be excellent bomb carriers. (During the 0.8 days I scored a fair number of bomb plants while flying Jeri guards.)


Sure, but that was the time where guards really could tank something, now it is at least 10 times harder to survive in guards.




This looks like a vicious PvE setup. 


And the kind of setup that gets you killed on phase 2 of blackwood shipyard. Hehehehehe

And the kind of setup that gets you killed on phase 2 of blackwood shipyard. Hehehehehe

Hwy blaster is the best weapon for phase 2 and in phase 3, while quite useless in phase 1

Hwy blaster is the best weapon for phase 2 and in phase 3, while quite useless in phase 1

We have the “Pulsar” for the phase 1 :smiley:

Hey, not fair, i meant for pugs… Try to make phase 2 with 2 low IQ individuals. They still dont know that if you dont have HUGE dps, you have to stop, and kill some adds. Really, that second phase spawning those impossible-to-kill frigates that usually only spawned on boss fight is ridiculous, you need at least 2 mins of focus fire to destroy 1 of them. (those that look like T5 empire engeneers). It was already 50% chance of fail by pugging on that mission (boss fight, ppl still died to pulsar, wanted to tank the boss all along with an int etc…) and now, we have 85-95% of failure chance on phase 2.


But back to anaconda. Rakza, do you have any anaconda bomb carrier build in mind?

The special one is enough to Drop EMP bomb, especially with the "Pulsar/LMI (liquid metal injector) / MSA (Multiphase shield adapter) /ESB (emergency shield booster).


In fact you can plant a bomb with what you want.


I already saw a LRF frigate plant a bomb just because we coverred it.

I think the main problem with that bomb thing is that everyone wants to take the bomb to get score. Even if they dont have de capabilities or equipment to take them and plant them. And that anoys me a LOT. Because in order for a guard to take the bomb, an interceptor must drop it and no other tardeds should take it. So, its kinda hard with so many no-brainers around there.


I think one of the best ships to plant is the Gunship (at least in lower tiers) cause with engine over and that main skill it reaches bizzare speeds, and with combat reboot 2.1 sec invincibility, i mean, it makes inties eat dust at T2 for example and can survive a little bit once glued to the station.

Combat reboot drops the bomb.

thats why you use it after planting to survive, same as that thing from ecm.

Sure, but that was the time where guards really could tank something, now it is at least 10 times harder to survive in guards.


That is true… but at least Fed guards are faster than they used to be.

That is true… but at least Fed guards are faster than they used to be.


Slightly quicker, but still as maneuverable as a blue whale and softer than butter. Still, a fed guard is a very big and very easy to hit target but not even half as durable as it was before.

Slightly quicker, but still as maneuverable as a blue whale and softer than butter. Still, a fed guard is a very big and very easy to hit target but not even half as durable as it was before.




The Fed guards became better and better with all the rebalancing patch EMP/JERI VS FED.

Since Hull tanking is overpowered, it means since a long time. Every single patch that upped the hull mechanics upped all the federation Guards.

They are more durable than they used to be in fact.


Secondly, if you get hit while Flying an Anaconda-M it’s mean that your positionning / Fitting / Implants is(are) wrong.

The Anaconda-M is Maneuverable cause it is not too large  and much faster compare to the Crusader S.


Third Point : this “Slightly Quicker” is ALL the difference : 

Turns, rotation, tilt during movement are faster and distance traveled smaller. Even if you have a worst Pitch/Roll speed than a Crusader S.

Nicely done guide, I like it.



The Fed guards became better and better with all the rebalancing patch EMP/JERI VS FED.

Since Hull tanking is overpowered, it means since a long time. Every single patch that upped the hull mechanics upped all the federation Guards.

They are more durable than they used to be in fact.


Secondly, if you get hit while Flying an Anaconda-M it’s mean that your positionning / Fitting / Implants is(are) wrong.

The Anaconda-M is Maneuverable cause it is not too large  and much faster compare to the Crusader S.


Third Point : this “Slightly Quicker” is ALL the difference : 

Turns, rotation, tilt during movement are faster and distance traveled smaller. Even if you have a worst Pitch/Roll speed than a Crusader S.


Well, ill have to fly one to test it, right now i only tested the T2 fed guard, and it was BAD. Of course i did manage to score a lot sometimes, kill and assist kill a bunch of dudes, but there were battles where simply it wouldnt be worth to fly.

Well, ill have to fly one to test it, right now i only tested the T2 fed guard, and it was BAD. Of course i did manage to score a lot sometimes, kill and assist kill a bunch of dudes, but there were battles where simply it wouldnt be worth to fly.

ALL T2 ships are bad.

ALL T2 ships are bad.

Unless you are flying the Crusader Q