An option to not be the commander and to be able to vote the game mod you want to play.

Okay This would be a very very good option in Star conflict.

Okay, Say you have your contracts all set for your interceptor and you go into a game and your are the commander. Witch sucks. This get svery annoying, especially if your more of a attack player and not willing to step back can hide behind a astroid spamming tropedos and sniping.

This then brings me on to the next suggestion witch is to be able to choose what game mode you want to play, seen as some people do want to play combat recconinense  (I cant spell >:[) and some people like domination, allso a search and destroy game mode would be nice to be able to play, so say two beacons on one side of the teams map and one bomb on the enemy teams then the team with the beacons could defend and the other team would obviously try to plant it.


So if anyone has any other ideas they want to post feel free.


(I noticed the typo in the title "game MODE"

i do get your point, its also for me annoying if i want to play interceptor and become captain.


But i think if you let the players the choice of beeing captain or not, everybody will vote for not being captain. We have already people who disconnenct, because they become captain.


The choice between the different game mods is in principle a good idea, but its too early for this in my opinion. We are too few players yet and it would cause trouble in the matchmaking and waiting times.

i do get your point, its also for me annoying if i want to play interceptor and become captain.


But i think if you let the players the choice of beeing captain or not, everybody will vote for not being captain. We have already people who disconnenct, because they become captain.


The choice between the different game mods is in principle a good idea, but its too early for this in my opinion. We are too few players yet and it would cause trouble in the matchmaking and waiting times.

Ye I agree about being able to choose the game modes due to the lack of players, espacially at night were only 200 players are online and you have to wait like 5 min to get a game even for both of the game modes.

And with people D/Cing this option would help allot to be able to vote to not be capting and some players do actully want to be a capt, so being able to atleas tvoulenteer would hepl allot.

Or you could get more creds if you be the capting this would encorage people to like being the capt allot more

I think since the last patches I noticed that the captain gets some extra experience when he survives the battle.

Passive caps are the worst. Good caps take part of fight and help with bonus firepower they have. I don’t mean overconfident caps who scream “YOLO” and rush in.

Well personally i would always choose to be captain! More pionts for the same work, what can i ask more?


Now only thing we need is people to realise captain isn´t the one that should be camping even behind spawn but the one just behind the front, maximum midrange to the fight. So he can always retreat fast enough yet take part in the battle.

And don´t forget, the captain decides where the team has to be, not the other way around!

unfortunally it’s often the other way round

If they don´t obey my orders as commander and act stupid, i just suicide and make it a quick match. No reason to waste time with such teams :stuck_out_tongue:

The option to decline being captain is gr8,

since i fly my support frigs.




Passive caps are the worst. Good caps take part of fight and help with bonus firepower they have. I don’t mean overconfident caps who scream “YOLO” and rush in.

          ^Agreed                                     ^Agreed                                                                   ^Agreed, just Gate in and bomb the enemy captain, then die

                                                                                                                                             because the team does sniper-camp and not help ya:)

                                                                                                                                             + us “oldtimers” scream “Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!”

Passive caps are the worst. Good caps take part of fight and help with bonus firepower they have. I don’t mean overconfident caps who scream “YOLO” and rush in.

If seen many caps do YOLO And fly straight at the whole enemy team XD