An open letter to the other corporations

It has come to my attention that over the course of the past weeks, we’ve taken in a number of new pilots who came directly from older, more established corporations.


Please let me make myself crystal clear to avoid any confusion or hard feelings: The WolfPack has never and will never approach random people in other corporations and offer them membership, or pressure them in any way, shape or form to join us. We don’t believe in ‘corporation-hopping’ and we feel that poaching players purely based on arbitrary ratings or performance is extremely poor sportsmanship.


These individuals applied through our normal application process and were accepted outside their history with other corporations. In the vast majority of cases we have flown with these people in squads for a while or they ended up hanging out on our teamspeak more than they did with their own corp. We have in fact gone out of our way at times to advise people to give their existing corporation a chance first - not because we didn’t want said person, but because it’s the right thing to do.


If any officers of other corporations have questions, concerns or want to discuss this further - please contact me directly.


Meanwhile it is my hope that other corporations will work on a similar basis of mutual respect & understanding.

hey evltactition,


did you got some hate mails from other corporations with the topic of headhunting, or is this an excuse in advance?  ;)wt


just curious.

did you got some hate mails from other corporations with the topic of headhunting, or is this an excuse in advance? 


If we did receive hate mail, I would have dealt with that privately rather than airing the dirty laundry on the forums. There’s no reason to creative a negative atmosphere, in my opinion. As far as excuses in advance go - that would be silly. If that was the case, I wouldn’t mention anything at all :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m merely trying to increase the level of diplomatic immersion between the corporations - we currently lack in-game mechanisms to create proper relationships, so we have to invent our own. This sort of interaction between different groups is what builds a strong community - rather than a bunch of clans that operate in pure isolation of one another. And this game sorely needs a proper, active community to provide a good & positive atmosphere for new folk once the game releases properly and is actively marketed to the general public.


Also, I really can’t be arsed with my working day in the office.

This is unnecessary. I’v never heard of any kind of complains previously of corps stealing other corp players. Players are in their corporation because they prefere it, and if they decide to join another one it’s their own decision. None can force someone to join other corporation.

i can understand your point of view covering the community. 

but even if this happens it should be (only) a dispute between the involved parties.


but diplomatic immersion is based on something to discuss about. your post is not based on sth that happened (knowingly) nor an excuse. so what do you think should be discussed in this thread!?


anything like player controlled sector conquest (players and corps) decide where to attack and defend, not the system) and war declarations increase the immersion but meta-gaming is not (yet) really supported besides the forums.

This is unnecessary. I’v never heard of any kind of complains previously of corps stealing other corp players. Players are in their corporation because they prefere it, and if they decide to join another one it’s their own decision. None can force someone to join other corporation.

we have

that’s Right NASA uses sweet rolls we USE cookies there are way to make people change to your way of thinking :yes_yes:  VAH HA HA HA

*deletes SM’s cookies*

*deletes SM’s cookies*

You realized it too late, It’s all over. Come to the dark side! *evil laugh*

that’s night NASA uses sweet rolls we USE cookies there are way to make people change to your way of thinking :yes_yes:  VAH HA HA HA


We find Beer pretty effective. As an added bonus, it makes you fly better the more you consume - we’ve thoroughly tested this throughout the weekends :stuck_out_tongue:

This is unnecessary.


Everything we do on these forums ultimately is, but some of us like going that extra step to create some atmosphere.

I dunno, I’ve already been accused of being “an imposter dash”, when I am obviously the original.

I would love to be witness to a debate between yourself and our Dasch on this.


We need to devise a method in which the true origin can be proven. I would volunteer him for a fight to the death involving a deep pit filled with king cobras, but I have a feeling he might have some small objections.

DYN has members from other corps, and NASA has a number of ex-DYN also. I personally have no problem with this. Haters gonna hate I guess.

Ok first off NASA isn’t stealing anybody from other corps. Maybe when evo was around but that’s because I was rescuing them from Uhmari


The fact of the matter is all of these pilots wanted to come to NASA because we are mainly focusing on T3 and T4. 

Ok first off NASA isn’t stealing anybody from other corps. Maybe when evo was around but that’s because I was rescuing them from Uhmari


The fact of the matter is all of these pilots wanted to come to NASA because we are mainly focusing on T3 and T4. 

If I implied that NASA steals members, I am sorry. I did not mean it that way. I know a number of people left DYN because they wanted to focus more on T3 and T4.

It’s all good MrTwiddlez


I wasn’t responding about what you said it was more in response to this comment.


We don’t believe in ‘corporation-hopping’ and we feel that poaching players purely based on arbitrary ratings or performance is extremely poor sportsmanship.


It’s always open season for new members no poaching going on here.



This is such a lovely discussion, I sign with every sweetie I can haz have, and find the proposition and the opposition equally adorable (and agreeable).


Since ratings don’t actually tell you how he got them (it’s pretty hard without at least a small squad to get good ratings), and does not tell you what strengths and weaknesses he would add to your team, I welcome elitist thoughts in my opponents; I would love to play against a full team of muzzle killer type triple A rated players, who have no tactician on board, no socializer in the channel, no organizer in the corp. It is the heroic game every rogue dreams of, isn’t it? To win by wits and team play against the big numbered odds? Even one kill seems like an eternal victory in such a case.


However, even if needless to say describes the whole topic, it’s still important to bring it up. But corps who steal members will not really get the most loyal guys anyway, rite?



We consume mostly herbs and cheese, topped on mouse-bacon, with fine grains of garlic and sardine-pastrami covered with herbs.

This is such a lovely discussion, I sign with every sweetie I can haz have, and find the proposition and the opposition equally adorable (and agreeable).


Since ratings don’t actually tell you how he got them (it’s pretty hard without at least a small squad to get good ratings), and does not tell you what strengths and weaknesses he would add to your team, I welcome elitist thoughts in my opponents; I would love to play against a full team of muzzle killer type triple A rated players, who have no tactician on board, no socializer in the channel, no organizer in the corp. It is the heroic game every rogue dreams of, isn’t it? To win by wits and team play against the big numbered odds? Even one kill seems like an eternal victory in such a case.


However, even if needless to say describes the whole topic, it’s still important to bring it up. But corps who steal members will not really get the most loyal guys anyway, rite?

Ah, but what happens when those “triple A rated” players also have a cunning tactician to back them up? I kid. I understand where you’re coming from.


On one hand, the public message is a nice way to formalize what corps (at least one’s that I commune with frequently) already do. On the other, I question the necessity of such a letter. Steal members at your own peril? These things always have a way of working themselves out.

Ever since I started kickin xxxx and takin names and royally pwning all


I have been asked to join all you guys above










but then I woke up  :facepalm: