An idea to make IR Flares more useful

The IR Flares active module rarely sees any use because of it being too singular in function and inferior to various radar-jamming modules. The only reason you’d ever build up one is for more Prestige. So, to make it more functional, I suggest that the IR Flares module be made into a charge-centric one.


To illustrate, the module would be given, say, 3 charges, each with a 2-second delay between uses. Each charge takes _ X _ seconds to replenish, and you can store up to 3 at a time.


This would allow you to deflect multiple missile attacks over a short period of time, rather than just deflecting a single attack by using a radar-jamming or cloaking effect. The IR Flares need something to give them an edge over other modules, and this could be just the thing. Even if the recharge time on IR Flares is good, it just doesn’t compete with those other options due to its lack of versatility.


Of course, this is just theoretical, so don’t flip out over it.

1 hour ago, darkdill said:

The IR Flares need something to give them an edge over other modules

Low cooldown for anti crowd-control crew implant trigger besides the missile evasion. Imo when it comes to changes, the flares should deflect other cc effects as well since we’re at it and all is good.

The charge function would be great, but only if the recharge time is the same or greater than it is now, to prevent engine blocker implant spam.


On second thought, there are so many slowing effects and control inhibitors that this might actually help balance those out a little. And you’re sacrificing an active to use it as well.



I just wish the flares burnt enemies that touched them.

16 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I just wish the flares burnt enemies that touched them.

Or dropping lock - like in the case of the flares that bots are using ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)