An idea for a Weapon Model Contest

I’ve noticed for some time that right now Star Conflict is lacking weapon models. I understand that right now developers are busy with more important balancing issues to solve, so I think that they should organize a model contest for the following weapons, which don’t own a unique model:


-Scatter gun 

-Command phaser

-Gravi Beamer

-The ecm one (I don’t remember its name)

-Eclipse launcher

-Flux phaser 

-Phase suppressor

-Mass Driver

-Coil Gun

-Meson Cannon

-Halo launcher


(I’m not 100% sure about this list, tell me if something is wrong)


Of course, the devs should give us some general indication on how we should make the models (dimensions, file extension, the programs we need to use, etc…) and the models should look as closely as possible as the in-game icons. 


The model files should be sent to the devs that will decide the best ones, which will be put into the game. 


I think that 3k gs (for each winning model) could be a fair prize. 


Let me know what you think about this!

I doubt there are people that could program and model at the same time, it is possible to sketch it with some detailed info tho.

I doubt there are people that could program and model at the same time, it is possible to sketch it with some detailed info tho.

In fact I just thought about modeling them. The devs could do the programming

In fact I just thought about modeling them. The devs could do the programming

 Skech some what you have in mind, we’ll take a look :wink: Modeling is kind of a too much work, as long as we’ll have to redo it anyway.

Should we put our suggestions here then?

 Skech some what you have in mind, we’ll take a look :wink: Modeling is kind of a too much work, as long as we’ll have to redo it anyway.

You guys have sketches for the weapons (their icons) which totally look different than the weapon model. Maybe if you share a bigger picture of that icon, I would make some. MAYBE NOT SURE. Just to show you, I make futuristic tanks out of sketches. (I am not the best modeller out there)

This is not my idea but it still would do:

After 1 hour of “modeling” with a program I’ve never seen before, here’s a very ugly flux phaser:








Now it’s a little bit better. It’s actually fun doing this thing.



Now it’s a little bit better. It’s actually fun doing this thing.



It’s indeed fun. I’d do some if they share bigger pictures of the weapon icons.

I’ve nothing to do, so here’s some more ugly models:













It should be a scatter gun…

 Skech some what you have in mind, we’ll take a look :wink: Modeling is kind of a too much work, as long as we’ll have to redo it anyway.

Realy??? You dont saaaayyyy… :smiley: *ehm ehm*

I think it is not really needed.

These details are too minor to notice (I saw that guns and active modules actually change the ships appearance when I had played about 3-4 thousand battles – 4 month maybe)


What is more important to me is more freedom in choosing the overall appearance of your ships without paying a year’s income worth of real-money.

There is always one ship you find amazing by design and another you’d like to play. I prefer fighters to dreadnoughts, thus manufacturing does not really count as argument for me.