America cuts funding

Farewell NASA! *Wonders if ingame NASA also disappears*


America/USA(Whatever you want you call it) has come to the point where they decided to basicly put every government agency with minimal crew, and the NASA website is officially down.‎



Sad to hear they cut funding to a lot of important things yet kept all their militaries and spying agencies online  :facepalm:


For any of you hit by this: Good luck and hope the future will become better for you.


Aaand there it goes our survival against space threads (They excist and a real problem to oir survival) Moon colonies and space exploration.

I won’t make this political, no matter how easy it is to do that.(Against forum rules IIRC)


I will just say I am sad that they cut NASA and a lot of very important things that in my eyes should never have been affected, but that is not my decision nor do I have any influence over it so I won’t debate over it.

Kind of shows just how stupid, corrupt and self-serving the US Government is. “Why think about the future of Humanity when I can think about how much money I’ll steal from taxpayers next week?”

Apparently it takes humanity more than a meteorite hitting the planet to wake up…” - Astraal


You know… Russia? Over the Urals a few months ago?

It’s no secret that money is the main concern above everything else in the world right now… People praise money more than God, be that religious or not.

It is hard to believe the media sadly. Since I assume it is completely and utterly biased for obama where I live.


So I don’t know what is exactly going on, but from what I understood(Assuming my news site is actually non-biased) the republicans and democrats are unable to agree on the money.

Well, clearly one sided wanted to give them zero money, because otherwise they could have paid the lesser of the two and then argued to up it from there.


Knowing the Republicans, they probably decided that space travel is against the will of their false god and so have done all they can to scrap the project.

I’m going to thoroughly enjoy my time off playing SC… Until I come across the idiot who cries n*** and then try to correct him. Maybe write my forum article about how useless calling players ‘n***s’ is.


(I don’t live paycheck-to-paycheck, don’t feel bad for me)

:frowning: they cancel space program NOW? where it actually might become the income of the future? sad to hear.


At least they save all my mails as a European. :slight_smile:

See ya later, space carreer.

:frowning: they cancel space program NOW? where it actually might become the income of the future? sad to hear.


At least they save all my mails as a European. :slight_smile:

They kept the astronauts and minimum crew at NASA for now, but if they don’t fix their situations it might go even further with the firing of people I’m guessing.

noooooo‎  :facepalm: 


Gogo Taikonauts. Atleast chinese are taking it serious.

Is this what you were searching for? :stuck_out_tongue:


Is this what you were searching for? :stuck_out_tongue:



Metalocalypse rlz!

All R&D’s basically paused, with mothballing which just increase the cost.  Shutdowns cost a lot of money because they still have to restart.  Also, a lot of people who work for the government just lost their paychecks.  It’s all about trying to repeal something supported by the public.

Sad to hear they cut funding to a lot of important things yet kept all their militaries and spying agencies online  :facepalm:

Back at this, you do realize they allocate about 100 times more budget on military than medicine right? Saw a report a while back with numbers and stuff, the US seems to invest 50-100 times more into military than anything else. Yearly over 100 bil USD (and growing). Any clues if accurate? Like, seriously, the military will really save us from a random asteroid lol.






Kind of shows just how stupid, corrupt and self-serving the US Government is. “Why think about the future of Humanity when I can think about how much money I’ll steal from taxpayers next week?”

That, and the fact people are surprised that the officials they vote for end up not listening and following what their constituants are saying, But of course, they will be voted right back into their positions again…


It is hard to believe the media sadly. Since I assume it is completely and utterly biased for obama where I live.


So I don’t know what is exactly going on, but from what I understood(Assuming my news site is actually non-biased) the republicans and democrats are unable to agree on the money.

Media putting Obama in a positive light? In my opinion, yes. Blame the Republicans! And yes, the 2 main political parties cannot come to any agreement for funds. Makes me think back 18 years…

That, and the fact people are surprised that the officials they vote for end up not listening and following what their constituants are saying, But of course, they will be voted right back into their positions again…

That’s why when it comes time to vote I make the effort to go to my local polling station and write “None of the Above” or words to that effect on my voting slip. I have never, in twenty eight years, had a government or parliamentary representative that I have voted for. Given that the Tories deliberately sabotaged efforts to bring in a fairer voting system, I do not see the UK government as a legitimate government.

Many democracies have laws that attempt to disallow the popular will of the people.  In America, the Senate originally was selected by the states and they were not voted on by the people.  The District of Columbia has no voting representation in Congress.  America’s justification for succeeding from Britain was taxation without representation, yet D.C. is taxed without representation and Congress can control their laws more than their mayor.