America cuts funding

Many democracies have laws that attempt to disallow the popular will of the people.  In America, the Senate originally was selected by the states and they were not voted on by the people.  The District of Columbia has no voting representation in Congress.  America’s justification for succeeding from Britain was taxation without representation, yet D.C. is taxed without representation and Congress can control their laws more than their mayor.

That’s because the American Revolution wasn’t about “freedom” or “liberty” or whatever; it was for local rich, slave-owning landed gentlemen to make themselves even richer. In the short term at least, the American people were probably worse off under their own leaders than they were under the crown.

Wait, isn’t the tea party actually responsible for the government shutdown? At least it seems, as if it was not planned to cut funding, it was only closed down because of your government shutting down, initiated by the Opposition, to protest the healthcare thingy.


Is that really part of the way Obamacare is funded, or just collateral damage of the shutdown?


Then this could be just temporary, right?

Wait, isn’t the tea party actually responsible for the government shutdown? At least it seems, as if it was not planned to cut funding, it was only closed down because of your government shutting down, initiated by the Opposition, to protest the healthcare thingy.


Is that really part of the way Obamacare is funded, or just collateral damage of the shutdown?


Then this could be just temporary, right?

Without going into politics who is to blame or not.

The democrats and republicans didn’t compromise their plans and did not have a budget ready for the year(s), and since they have reached the debt roof they now cut funding to A LOT of government systems to save on costs.

So until they get their budget decided everything will stay closed or with minimum crew.


Who is the bad guy? I don’t know, I doubt we will ever hear the truth. Media is very biased always letting hear 1 side of the story only while both are at fault probably.

Without going into politics who is to blame or not.

The democrats and republicans didn’t compromise their plans and did not have a budget ready for the year(s), and since they have reached the debt roof they now cut funding to A LOT of government systems to save on costs.

So until they get their budget decided everything will stay closed or with minimum crew.


Who is the bad guy? I don’t know, I doubt we will ever hear the truth. Media is very biased always letting hear 1 side of the story only while both are at fault probably.

FINALLY! Someone with a brain.

FINALLY! Someone with a brain.

Damn, can’t have people thinking I have a brain…

I blame YOU for causing it! It was all your evil plan! Why did they not see it through! 

In the short term at least, the American people were probably worse off under their own leaders than they were under the crown.

That’s normally true after every revolution.

Damn, can’t have people thinking I have a brain…

I blame YOU for causing it! It was all your evil plan! Why did they not see it through! 

I blame JP for manipulating the sweet roll prices

FINALLY! Someone with a brain.

I know the feeling.  I hear a lot of finger pointing at either one side or the other, when, in fact, it’s everyone on capitol hill that is to blame for having rectal-cranial inversion so bad that they need plexiglass in their bellies to see where they are going.


As for voting…  I always vote for my brother.

Hmmm the Govt shutdown did me no favor’s… still had to work since someone high above made a decison that some of us Computer type geeks were more essential than the “other” computer geeks that were told to go home.  


The ones’s that went home got vacation from watching while those deemed “essential” had to watch the computer room. ( make sure the computers that are watching were still watching and did not stop watching) 

Media is very biased always letting hear 1 side of the story only while both are at fault probably.


You’ve not seen my local media :stuck_out_tongue:

Who is the bad guy? I don’t know, I doubt we will ever hear the truth. Media is very biased always letting hear 1 side of the story only while both are at fault probably.

I work in a media station. I can vouch for this statement.

Dunno guys, NASA webpage is fully functional now. didn’t you get two weeks without government because of debt?


Maybe it was because of that.

Dunno guys, NASA webpage is fully functional now. didn’t you get two weeks without government because of debt?


Maybe it was because of that.

It wasn’t because of debt. It’s because the murican way of handling the debt limit and funding is just so… stupid… so… I don’t even have words to describe it…


I’ll just let this video describe it: