Am I missing something?

What’s the point of the Lion series being so big?

A fast Fed fighter but with the size of half a frigate.


Just look at this delicious fit Wolf.


And compare it to this fat monster.


Is it to compensate how “OP” the ship is? Or is it just an unfortunate ship design? Maybe the Wolf series are just too small and that’s what makes them so good.

Who would want this ship series to be rescaled? The Tiger series are in a mid spot between Wolf and Lion. 


Feel free to discuss anything related to Fed Fighters.

How does it compare sizewise to the Apollo or the Jericho Fighter? The ships do generally get bulkier as you go up the ship tree after all.

How does it compare sizewise to the Apollo or the Jericho Fighter? The ships do generally get bulkier as you go up the ship tree after all.



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The shield hitbox should be the same size anyhow though, no?

If that were the case I think Piranha would be hit directly in the hull, like happens with some Tormentor ships.

If that were the case I think Piranha would be hit directly in the hull, like happens with some Tormentor ships.

Hmm I thought there was some kind of standard size for shields: one for inties, one for fighters, one for frigs.


Might be worth asking the devs on that thread

Combined images of all Empire, Fed and Jeri fighters:






Empire fighters are a bit smaller than Jeri actually.

it needs to go on a diet :frowning:

Both Jeri and Fed fighters should go on diet.

it needs to go on a diet :frowning:

Too much bacon.

I agree that something definitely needs to be done. the size of the fed T5 fighters is why I dont play them.


preferrably, they should be replaced with a new model of a better size, or have their current models shrunk by 15-20%.

If you do the same for frigates, you will laugh.

Huh. Well, I’ve always assumed that the Federation were Space America, so I think I understand what happened…



Begins as an aerospace fighter. Prow elongates, then splits and bulks out. Engines and generators get larger and larger with each iteration while wings shrink. Primary weapon pods move further and further toward the front of the ship, signifying an increase in aggressive design.



Wings begin small and toward the back of a very narrow hull, and progressively move toward the front of the ship. Engine size increases noticeably from the Axe to Machete, resulting in vulnerabilities of core systems. This is countered in later models by building vertically, adding extra armour and shunting vulnerable systems further to the rear of the craft. Fins on the tail elongate and become increasingly prominent, as to the forward fins. Weapon placement remains largely consistent across all models; two on the inner wing, two on the outer wing.



The Federation begins with a ship shaped like a wang. They then notice that everyone else’s wang is bigger than theirs, and so they build a bigger ship. After a few dates that ended prematurely (or at least, the after-date events did), the engineers decided to add even more wang to their ship, shaping the cockpit like a wang to remind everyone how big the pilot’s wang was. But even that wasn’t enough and so, after the mail-order Swedish machine failed to solve their problems they compensated with size again. Yet the large, and still somewhat phallic Tiger was not enough to reassure their manhood, and so when they saw how big the T5 Fighters of other factions were they had to make one EVEN BIGGER to prove to the world that theirs was the largest, wangiest wangs in all of wangdom. And then they saw the Mjolnir and went to cry in the bathroom.

Hmm I thought there was some kind of standard size for shields: one for inties, one for fighters, one for frigs.


Might be worth asking the devs on that thread

It should be, since the devs said they standardized it.  It was their grand counter to the community collectively stating that hull tanking is OP compared to shield tanking.  Before it was a giant mix that depended on the ship model.  I can’t recall any other shield vs hull tanking tweaks.

i think shield tanking is good on jerry ships. only bad thing about shield tanking is the size compared to hull. just dont get your shields down and you should be fine. shield can regen but hull can’t.

Then why do I often fit regenerative hulls on recons?

I have long thought that all ships are a bit large compared to the humans standing beside them.  The Lion series is definitely too large for “fighter” class.  I would vote for a re-scale of most ships (preferably when dreadnoughts are released) for a consolidated scale of the SC universe. 


Also, since we are on the topic of scale, does anyone feel like the starbase hangars in AS are too massive?  EX. the stations are thousands of times larger than frigates.  Maybe it’s the lack of dreadnoughts so far, but it seems a bit unrealistic.

And then they saw the Mjolnir and went to cry in the bathroom.

Even if it is somewhat inverse in Design compared, but well after all it’s Thors the Emperors Hammer

I would also say, they could be a bit smaller (and still look impressive); they are really easy to hit. However I whish Feds would also think about the wangyness of their T5 ceptors.

Then why do I often fit regenerative hulls on recons?

Hull regeneration is so tiny compared to shield regeneration and takes up a hull slot that could be used on resists. Hull regeneration is only good for when there is no engineer, want to free up an active module slot by removing a repair kit, and have plenty of time to burn while waiting for your hull to regenerate.

Shield regeneration needs no modifier. You can fit the resists you see fit. The Shield Booster, Guard Emergency Shield Booster*, and Shield resist active modules have shorter cooldown times than their hull counterparts enabling you to use them more often.

*I am not sure. Also the ESB is more important than the ERK when it comes to guards. Usually a guard without shields is a dead guard.

Also the ESB is more important than the ERK when it comes to…


you got my attention there; albeit the emancipated river kangaroos are far down in the leaderboards anyway